Sunday, February 2, 2025

Let The National Harmony Grow. Also Published in the Greater Jammu3/2/2025 By: Er. H. R. Phonsa, Jammu. Many senior intellectuals, religious and political generally keep advising to live in the society, in a harmony. The RSS chief is one among many who expresses his mind to have harmony in society. He said on 4, November,2025 “It is the responsibility of RSS persons to remove disparities to establish harmony”. Again, on 26th Jan, 2025 “Differences should be respected and cohesion is the key to live in harmony” (PTI). Many other wise persons are heard to repeat such preachings very loudly “सामाजिक समरसता व सद्भाव के लिए काम करना आवश्यक है (Working for the social harmony in society in foremost important). Their saying need be taken seriously and followed. An ideal hormonic society, creates peaceful atmosphere for all, in society, so living there shall be a boon. Difference (disproportion, विषमतायें) can be Natural and human generated. The Natural differences are body deformities, colours, sexes, health, wealth and intellect, may generate sympathies. Human to human given differences are Low and high castes, untouchability, human hate, means of education, employments, economic generation, National income sharing, different interpretation of same law for different persons, unequal treatments for same crime, unequal awards for similar wise and heroism acts. Such acts grow disharmony besides generating ill will, revelry, blood sheds, etc. Sadly, many men of authority at times overlook such sane advices, so generate, disparities in social, economic, educational needs for all, which is rejected by those who actually suffer from such tactical propositions and forced to play proven controversial cards. Such un-wanted acts work counterproductive to foster brotherliness among our societies and prove a strong barrier to generate a fully homogeneous society. Let us ponder over a bit on such prevailing conditions which at times prove mis-matcher to establish harmonious समरसता society. Indian society, belong to the eight major religions (धर्म) e.g. Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Animism/Adivasi) with numerous cultures (संस्कृतियाँ, customs (रीति-रिवाज). Many religions have expanded by migration of people from other religions as a matter of individual and/ or collective suitability. For migration both peaceful and violent means played part. So, their parting time bitterness continue simmering and multiplying day by day. Some religious exploiters, when publicly air such hate generating tales instead of burying them down, result in uncontrollable gales of blood. This way past happening’s spoils peace of present generations as “someone else pays for deeds of others (करें कोई भरें कोई)”. Many suffer still, but unfortunately inter -religious contradictions are not countered unanimously, even by those who understand value of harmony in the society. Hindu Religion has basic law of division of its followers into four Varnas, now castes (Brahmin, Khatriya, Vaishya, Shudras) later added Ati Sudras (Out castes). They all has same worshiping deities, worshiping ways but differed in their castes, duties and services performance. Harder the duty assigned to a caste person in Hindu caste hierarchy, lesser the remunerations, privileges and recognition in the society. The Hindus laws support prevailing untouchability enmass, so the devil continues troubling 76.5% of Indian population (Mandal Commission) in way or the other. The Caste division of Hindus, itself is the greatest hurdle in fostering equal human relations between all Hindus, so establishing harmony in the society suffer. There are in-numerable contradictions within inter-religious thoughts, procedures, meals, rituals, places of pilgrimages, dates etc. Therefore, harmony in Indian society lacs mental support. Since long past, the prevailing circumstances have shown that a multi-religious system due to narrow mildness on religious matters, generate hate, as every religion, when in majority forces supremacy over the other, leaving perfect harmony to suffer. Wide gaps in religious preachings and practices hurt harmony. This fact was well known to the British Government, who exploited this to their advantage. The British Crown had realised that it was difficult to keep India slave for long, after the first war of Independence1857, as Indians had started unitedly resisting government policies. As U. K has multi- political party based parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy Government system, so they wanted some similar governing system for India too, when they shall free India. So, they started planning adult franchise democratic governance system for united and free India as was culminated in GOI Act.1935. As a first attempt, Lord Canning nominated three Indians to the Council in 1862 namely, the Raja of Benares, the Maharaja of Patiala and Sir Dinkar Rao. The GOI Act 1909 i.e. Morley-Minto Reforms, gave Indians limited participation in legislative council. To continue the process, three committees namely “The Franchise Committee; the Committee on Home Administration and the Feetham Function Committee”, which sat in India between 1918-19. Simon Commission with three round table Conferences were also British Government efforts to reach at an agreed solution to settle franchise question with allied problems between Congress party, Hindu Maha Sabha, Kings, Knights Muslim league and other religious minorities. But failed. Congress agreed to grant reservation in franchise to Sikhs, Christians, Anglo- Indian, but not to Depressed classes. Dr. Ambedkar and his associates were demanding in all British formed committees, forums, equal rights to Depressed Classes with reservation as per their populations under the free Indian Constitution. Dr. Ambedkar was agitating for getting considered his people as a separate minority with in Hindus, but not as Hindus. Dr. Ambedkar’s proposals were being opposed by Hindu leaders, as they were pleading that caste related issues were their internal matters, which they can solve even after Britishers quit India. Dr. Ambedkar was opposing to such proposals, and wanted Depressed Classes peoples tangle be solved by Britishers, before freeing India. The MacDonald Award of 1932 sanctioned the separate electorate to the Depressed Classes (now known as the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes). It was opposed by Mahatma Gandhi so a negotiated agreement “Poona Pact “was signed between Dr. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi. Reservation in Services and political seats was agreed for SC and other Minorities as per their population. After the WW-II the Britishers were in a hurry to quit India, so Cabinet Mission 1946, was sent to finalise Independence to India Tangle. Pakistan was created, Country was divided, lacs died during migration others suffered losses of home and hearths besides losing properties worth $ billions. Even creation of India-Pakistan as two sovereign countries, on the basis two nation theory failed to bring peace in this sub -continent. Instead of bringing solace it resulted in more human tragedies. Even after 78 years, partition scars are visible and its wounds simmering. Main reasons was ego of both Hindu-Muslim political leaders. Indian Constitution came into being on 26 January,1949 and many pledges were made to progress in unison. Indian Constitution promised to establish India as a "Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic" and also to secure to all its citizens: Justice, social, economic and political; Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; Equality of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all Fraternity (भाईचारा, बिरादरी) assuring the dignity (शान, गरिमा, मर्यादा) of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation. In these 75 years Indian can boost of numerous materialist gains for the country, but the inter, religious, social and political humanist treatment was found lacking in many ways, so harmony in the society. Still students are beaten to death on touching a water pitcher in schools by SC students, a SC bride groom is beaten on riding a mare back, a SC worshiper is beaten on entry into a temple etc. For identity of a Hindu individual, caste disclosing is a must. Sadly, the free Indian government managers have miserably failed to achieve for all Indians promised ideals, which can boost harmonic fraternity in Indian society. Various inequalities are being reported daily in the press in the social, education, employment, administration, judiciary, media means and their results, with lacking in the timely needed remedies. Education, the only asset for Dalits in being made costlier, so slipping out of their reach. Some of the glaring examples of our failures are discussed here under. a) As per (NCRB), rapes, worst insult on humanity, goes on uncontrolled with 86 cases daily. As many as331519 Indian women of all ages (10% minor) were involved in rape between (2014-2023). But sadly, conviction rates for rape ranged between 27%-28% from 2018-2022. b) The NCRB also reported 1,12,000 farmers committed suicides in the last 10 years (15 May,2024). Reports show $Billions loan of elite Indians written off. c) About 81.35 crore people in India receive free food grains under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) in operation since April,2020(Promised till 2028), is a clear indication of lack of employment to all able bodies. d) India has a highly unequal distribution of wealth, with the top 10% of the population holding 77% of the country's total wealth, where as bottom 50% share 6.5% of it. When an average adult holds 4,30,000 in wealth with almost of them holding nothing. e) The SCs who are 20,13,78,086(16.6%) in India continue to be vulnerable to caste-based atrocities. The NCRB records show 50,900 (2021) and 57,582(2022) registered atrocities against SCs. The atrocities against STs and Tribal people (Women included) is also on increase. This is despite the enactment of “The SCs & STs (Prevention of Atrocities) Amendment Act-2015” enacted with tall claims to tide over past follies before BJP rule in Centre. The atrocities on weaker sections of society in the BJP ruled states do not show any betterment . In Rajasthan alone 20839 atrocities were recorded between1st Jan, 2019 and 30th Nov,2021( f) According to the 2011 census, 65.5 million people lived in slums in India, which was 17.4% of the urban population and 5.4% of the total population. These unfortunates are surly in majority from weaker sections of Indians. g) According to data presented in Parliament on 29th March,2023, (15.92%) of OBCs, (7.65%) of SCs and (3.80%) of STs totalling (27.37%) are given representation, respectively, while their collective proportion of these communities in the total population is well over half. h) Over 42,000 posts reserved for SC, ST & OBC were lying vacant in union ministries, out of 78,923, govt told Lok Sabha on 1st January 2020. Why these posts remain unfulfilled remains mystery. i) Between (2018 &2023) 650 High Courts judges were appointed 492(75.69%) from General category with SCs (3.5%) and STs (1.5%), OBC (11.7%), a short fall of26.19%. But unfortunately, not single general category intellectual has raised a finger, so how there can be harmony in society. Many more mendable lapses can be quoted. j) The ever-increasing wide gaps in share in the existing Industry and Commerce, Media, employment spheres etc. between the elite and weaker sections is depict no urgency of Indian ruling political minds, so promoting fraternity is big hurdle. k) The Dalits have education as their major bread earning source, but in central universities have, SCs and STs are less than 11% and5%) in teaching posts. This produces silent heart burns, so social disharmony. With high hopes that elite India decides to peacefully share resources and give partnership between elite and deprived sections, to allow harmony to take deep roots so giving a chance to 1949 promised fraternity and dignity to grow among all Indians. Let us understand the rule “Empty belly produces turbulent mind” and it needs corrections.

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