Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Appeal to Readers of this blog. Dear brothers/Sisters The Blog was created to share general information’s, particularly about Dalit Icons, Dalit problems with suggested measures to solve those problems . The respond from you all is very encouraging for which I remain indebted to my readers. The collective views of all the three blogs readers viz Deprived classes (81 essays), Dalit vision (122 essay) and Dalit Society (81essays) has reached over 2,66,600. Also, I find some short coming in the material posted, particularly related to Icon’s Castes, Dates of their birth/death, as pointed out by my esteemed readers. Some readers while pointing out some short comings also project as it was due to my deliberate effort to high light or down grade any particular Caste. To those readers, my humble submission is, I pursue no financial/business interests through this Blog, it was created to only share knowledge, based on already written material available on different site, books, I could lay hand to read, forming source of material shared here. New research is going on in the world in different institutions and new facts are being churned out daily. It is not humanly possible to read/takr note such material, particularly by an advanced aged individual like me, and update material here daily. Knowledge sharing need be a joint effort, if any one of my readers finds short coming in respect of the material shared here, he/she can simply share it with me giving his/her source, I shall be glade to share the same here, giving the source of new material. I have no interest in the Blog write up other than sharing knowledge/information, so no personal ego, no rigidity in adopting changes, if a valid source is shared. The only lapse can be a bit delay, due to reduced working time because of my advanced age. All readers are therefore requested to help to make it really a reliable source of information/knowledge. Er. Hem Raj Phonsa

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