Thursday, February 27, 2025
(Paying Respectful Tributes on His 507th Parnirvan Divas falling on 23rd February , 2025 )
Compiler : Er. H. R. Phonsa, Jammu
Revered Sadguru Kabir Sahib, a Dalit - Revolutionary saint was one of the founding fathers of Bhagati Movement (1375-1700) in Northern India. Bhagti movement was akin in many ways to Protestant Reforms of Christianity that began in Europe in the 1500s. Bhagati Movement saints were all revolutionary and practical in their approach to God realization. They Challenged the fruitfulness of the old-time worshiping techniques like outer body decorations, celibacy, dogmas, rituals, bathing in designated rivers including superstitious methods formulated by priestly classes. Dalit saint Guru Namdev (1270-1350) is said to be the first saint in the Bhagati Movement or Sant mat the devotional transformation of medieval Hinduism in the North. Nirguna Bhagti as preached by Bhagti Movement saints is Bhagti or worship approach to achieve the ultimate God realization objective It is based on the non atributary means ( nirguna) of the supreme Brham ( Universal Creator) of non personnel, all pervading ineffable, unutterable or indescribable Reality, which cannot be spoken with human tongue. It cannot be written in any worldly language alphabets. Sant Mat is based on the reality of merging the re-absorbable jiva or atma of the finite soul into the infinite ineffable sacred Reality. This supreme Reality can only be realized within human body under guidance of a God realized soul called Guru, Master or Guide. Kabir Ji said “Guru Manas Kar Jantey,Te Nar Kahiye Andh. Maha Dukhi Sansar Main ,Age Jam Ke Bandh.( Kabir Granthawali- Page 3) Meaning if anybody underestimates the authority of a realized Guru, they are blind or ignorant . Such persons suffer heavily in this world and even after death and so face curse of Yamraj ( Death god or Kal)
Kabir was a supreme Mystic master so his authority is indescribable. The true Bhagati is sharing with God,get yoked to God and devotion to God. The Bhagti movement is devotional religious movement. Majority of Bhagati Movement saints or religious guides, preachers, poets Gurus, and Bhagats came from all walks of life and religions. But majority of them were from Dalit castes or Hindu exploited low caste persons including Shudras and Ati Shudras. They rejected the theory of polarity of gods as well as the Vaishnava doctrine of Avatars of supreme Lord. The saints or seers believed in and preached God as an Absolute and ultimate Reality. Kabir said “Sahib Ka Ghar Santan Mihi, Sahib Sant Kush Anter Nahi”. ( Kabir Shabdavali Part -2/37) God is present in Saints body frames. There is no difference between God and Saints i.e. they are one and the same.
Kabir ,( from Arabic al-Kabīr ) which means "The Great ,the Supreme, one of the 99 names of Allah. Many Muslim Ullmans have described Kabir Ji as MUHAVIZ meaning a mystic personally, which cannot be easily understood. Whatever a Muhaviz does it is only for seeking divine grace.
As per legend Kabir is said to have born in 1398 and passed away in 1518. He became disciple of Ramanand (1366-1467) in 1455.So Kabir was younger to Saint Namdev by 128 years,. Kabir was 16 years elder to Guru Ravidass and 71 years to Baba Nanak. These three legends of Bhagati movement had common life span of about five decades.
Kabir himself has said about his caste
Hindu Kahun To Main Nahin, Musalman bhi Nahin
Panch Tatav Ka Putla,Gabhi Kheley Mahin
(Kabir Sakhi Page 75) Meaning:- I am neither Hindu nor Muslim. My body is made of five perishable material ( Earth, water, air, fire and ether) , where in my invisible Soul with Almighty as it source resides.
Kabir was a weaver by caste as mentioned in many slokas Kabir himself besides many other saints
“Oshi Mat Meri Jat Julaha,Har Ka Nam Liyo Main Laha”.( AG524) My caste is lowest Jolaha ( Weaver). But I have got benefitted by worshiping Hari (God Almighty).
Kabir’s disciple and spiritual heir Dharamdas said, “Mai Turkani,Bapp Julaha, Beta Bhagat Bhaiy “.
Meaning:- Kabir’s mother was Muslim his father was weaver( Julaha), but their son became worshiper of universal Creator.
Guru Amardas, 3rd Sikh Guru said “ Nama Shinbaa Kabir Julaha, Pure Gur Te Mat Pai”.( AG Panna 830).
Maharashtra Sain Tukaram said, “ The Momin Kabir”. Or Kabir was Muslim.
Kabir is said to be married with Mai Loi and the couple had one son Kamala and a daughter named Kamali. Kabir earned his livelihood from profession of weaving. Although Kabir was a highly realized Nam dyed personality, even then his opponents called him Nirgura meaning not having a religious, spiritual Master. So, he approached Ramanand (1366-1467) for seeking his blessing. But Ramanand belonged to Sri Sampardai, who observe strict Caste system. Ramanand Ji would never accept a Shudra or Muslim as his disciple. Kabir Ji is said have lied on the steps leading to Ganga Ghat, where Ramanand used to go for bathing daily before sun rise. While coming down on steps he struck Kabir and Said “Ram Ke Parare Kaho Ram Ram”. O, Ram’s creation say Ram -Ram. So, Kabir Ji became disciple of Ramanand as confirmed by Ramanand later. Earlier Kabir and Ramanand had worshiping norms, poles apart; even then Kabir respected Ramanand as his Master. Later Ramanand also adopted Sant Marg or Nirgun-Bhagti Marg and one of his poems is contained in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ( Adi Granth Panna 1195)
( Kat Jayeyo Re ghar Lago Rang, Mera Chit Na Chaley Man Bhayo Pang---)Meaning: why to go elsewhere and adopt external means of God realization, when He resides in one’s body. With this worship technique his (Ramanand’s) mind had been lamed and tamed, so had come under his control.
Although there is no record of Kabir getting formal education but he was brilliant and laborious from childhood. Kabir himself confesses in one of his Padha (Couplet)
Mas-Kagaj Shuyo Nahi, Kalam Gahi Nahi Hath. Meaning:- I have not touched ever ink and paper, the medium of writing. But Kabir have vividly described the true state of our society (Samaj). Whatever he preached, he testified its validity by giving practical worldly examples.
Kabir said “Tou Kahta Kagaj Ki Lekhi, Main Kahta Ankhan Dekhi”. Meaning worldly philosophers say what they have read from books but Kabir says out of his practical knowledge.
Renowned authors Karine and W.H. McLeod in their book” The Saints” has give following details of Kabir’s works in a easy by Linda Hess.
1. Guru Granth Sahib 226 ( Padas) distributed in 16 Ragas. With 237 or 239 Salokas. But V.K.Sethi of RSSB in his Kabir the weaver of God’s name, mentions them as 228 peoms and 243 salokas)
2. Panchvani -810 Sakhis in 59 sections or angas with 384 pads.
3. Kabir Bijak has 84 Ramainis,115 Sabadas,353 sakhies, 34 miscellaneous
4.Kabir Granthavali has 403 poems,810 couplets and 7 Ramanies( Edited by Sham Sunder Das).
Sadguru Kabir has the distinction among all saints that his teachings and Bhajans (Songs in the praise of God) crossed all religions and geographical barriers. His teaching are every household lore and his name every household word. His teachings are held in high esteems among all religious persons. Kabir was a devoted revolutionary saint with democratic bent of mind. He discarded all that was human created methods but unnecessary for God realization. Saint Peepa Sahib (1408-1448) said in praise of Kabir Sahib: “Jo Kal Mainj Kabir Manj Na Hote, To Ley Ved aur Kalyug Milkar,Bhagat Rasatal Dete”. ( SGGS Panna 695) Meaning:- If in the Kalyuga there had not been Kabir, both religious scriptures and Kalyug ( Iron age) would have thrown souls in to hell.
Dadu Sahib a prominent Kabir disciple said “Dadu naam Kabir ki, jae koi leve ott , unko kabahu laage nahin, Kaal vajr ki chot” . Meaning:- who so ever recited Kabir’s name( Kabir Manter),shall not be punished by Kal( Negative power)
The 5th Sikh Master Guru Arjundev Ji, who authored Adi Guru Granth in 1604 , was made to sit live on a hot iron plate and hot sand was poured on his head. He declared in Adi Granth Sahib, (AG-622). “Sant Ka Marg Dharam Ki Porri”. Meaning the worshipping path shown by the saints was the true religious way to achieve salvation. Kabir Ji was also teased badly by his religious opponents.
Prior to the Bhagti Movement the God realization was based on external methods and decorations, allowing only few High Caste persons to have right of Bhagati, worship for God realization or salvation from the unending birth and death prison of Karmic circle called “Action and reaction”. These methods were not only biased and costlier but time consuming too, so beyond the reach of poor strata of Hindus and Muslims, untouchables or untouchable converts. Dalits were debarred by high caste scriptures from reading and worshiping God. Bhagati Movement saints preached the NIRGUNA Bhagti or un-attributable God realization worship. It had no place for external rituals or dogmas. Kabir ( Sakhi Sangrah-127) “ Bambi Kutey Bamrey, Sanp Na Mara Jaye; Murakh Bambi Na Dasey sarap Sabhan Ko Kaye”. Meaning: O foolish why beat snake barrow and not snake. It is snake not barrow which is poisonous. By saying so Kabir explains that it is your mind power, creator of all sinful ideas, which needs to be brought under control not the body under control of the mind by external means. Similarly a person engaged in worldly ills behaves as if a great worshiper of god but does not lose ego and continues to be hardhearted.
Kabir decried external worship means by saying------ Ajamedh, Gomedh Yag,Ashawmedh,Narmedh
Kahey Kabir Adharam Ko Dharam Bataven Ved
( Meaning:-Slaughtering animals like goats, cows, horses and men as oblation in religious sacrifices along with religious books including Vedas preach against true religious norms , so said Kabir). ( Kabir Shabdawali page 353)
Kabir disapproved the Brahminical methods of living on alms. “I shall prefer to die than living on begging”.
Kabir sahib decried the external false methods of worshiping Lord, human division on the basis of castes, religions and sex.
Caste System:-
All Bhagati movement saints have decried caste system.
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji (1666-1708) Ji said “Eh Pitta Eks Ke Hum Balik”.
Jat Nahi Jagdish Ki, Hari-Jan Ki Kaha Hoi. Jat Pat Ke Kich Main Dub Maro Mat Koi”. ( Kabir Granthawali-359) Meaning; If the Creator “Jagdish” has no caste, how a person can have it. Let no one get drown in the caste mud and dirt differences. So, give no importance to castes.
“Alla Ek Masit Basat Hai,Avar Mulak Kis Kera, Hindu Murat Ram Nivasi, Duh Mahi Tat Na Hera”.( AG Panna 1349)
Muslim say their Alla Khuda (God) resides in Mosque and Hindu Says his God resides in an idol, then Kabir questions, who reside elsewhere.
Murti Puja (idol Worship):-
Kabir has shown that the worship of dead stone idols was a futile exercise for salvation .
He said “Pakhan Ghar Ke Murti Kini De Ke Shati Paun, Je Eh Murti Sachi Hai To Gharan Harey Khau”. ( AG-Panna 479)
Meaning: A sculptor from a stone piece sculptures an idol with cutting and beating while sitting on its chest wearing shoes. If the idol has life and feels pains of hammering it should first kill and eat up the sculptor. So idol is life less stone and to worship it nothing but useless.
Kabir ji saith “ Joo Maritik Ko Chandan Charave,Us Se Kahu Kavan Phal Pave.” Meaning by making offering sandalwood paste to a lifeless body or stone (idol), what one is going to get, as idol being dead cannot grant any boon.
False Sadhus (Hermits) :-
All those who wear different colored and styled clothes but void of real worshiping techniques are not saints or Sadhus. Kabir declared “Vey Nar Jogi Kar Janey, Khoje App Sarira. Tinko Mukti Ka Sansa Nahi Kahit Julah Kabira ( KGV Page 246)Meaning:- The Jogi ( A person absorbed in Surat-Shabad Yoga) is one who searches Lord with in his body. They should not worry for salvation as salvation is assured to such persons proclaims Kabir, the weaver. Kabir further explains that a real Sadhu is found of love and not of money. A sadhu found of money or worldly pleasures is not a real Sadhu but a Thug (Cheat)
Pitirpuja (Deification of ancestors) :- The innocent peoples were made to shed offering to Brahmins on the death of a person, then at monthly and yearly intervals for salvation of the departed soul. This has remained since ages a great source of income of the pundits, that is why Brahmins do not let this system die. Bhagati movement saints one and all decried it with full force. Guru Ghasidas said “I see pitarpuja as act of foolishness”.
Kabir Ji saiyth “Jivat Pittar Na Manney Kou,Muye Siradh Karahi,
Pittar Bhi Bapurey Kahu Kaya Pavhi,Kouya,Kookar Khahi”
Alms or begging:- The majority of Brahmins live on alms in one way or the other proclaiming that the Jajmans (gift giver to Brahmin for performing religious ceremonies) shall be granted heaver after death if they gave offering to Brahmins in cash and kind.
Kabir said “Marr Jayon,Mangoon Nahi, Apne Tan Ke Kaj, Parmarath Ke Karney, Mujey Na Away Lajj”
Meaning:- I shall prefer death than resorting to begging for my livelihood. But begging for community cause, I do not feel hesitant.
Kabir again explains the qualities of a Sadhu or actual realized soul as
“ Sadu Bhuka Bhav Ka, Dhann Ka Bhukha Nahi, Dhan Ka Bhukha Jo Phirey,So to Sadhu Nahi”. Meaning a sadh or God realized soul has passion for love and not money( worldly temporary gains)
Tirath Asnan (Bathing in manmade holi waters) :-
Saints decried Tirathasnan as well. It was not only wastage of time and money, but it enhances ego. KabirJi said’
“ Kayya Manjis Koun Gunna, Jyon Ghat Bhitar Malna. Layoki Athsath Tirath Nayi Kayorapan Tyon na Jayi”.
(Adi Granth Panna 656). Meaning that bathing has no spiritual use .It is like cleaning an empty earthen pot. If a bitter guard is made to wash in sixty eight holi water of designated rivers/ tanks (Tiraths for Hindus),it does not lose its bitterness. The Maan or mind cannot be controlled by external means
Celibacy, naked wondering in forests:-
Kabir Sahib refutes such acts as fruitless, leading no where in spiritual progress. He said in (Sant Sad Guru Kabir-324)
“ Nagan Firt je Payiaye Yog, Van Ka Mirig Mukat Sab Hog.
Moond Mudaye Je Sidhi Pai,Mukat Bherr Na Gaya Kai.
Bindu Rakh Jo Tariye Bhai,Khusere Kyon Na Param Gat Pai”.
Bookish knowledge:- Even ritualistic reading is of no use declares Kabir
“Qazi Kathey Kateb Qurana, Pandit Ved Purana,Veh Akhshir Jo Laka Na Jayi,Matra Lage Na Kanna”.
Meaning:- Muslim Law Officer reads from holy book Quran and Hindu Pandit reads from Hindu holy books Vedas and Puranas. But the divine word is beyond writing or reading as it cannot be written in any worldly language.
He again sayth “Vidya Kot Sabhey Gunn Kahey, Parbrahm Ko Par Na Lahey” (KGV-152)
Consecration & desecration of a place :- It was said that anybody dying at Kanshi gets heaven against getting hell to those who die at Maghar. To prove this notion as false falseness in his last days ,Kabir Ji shifted from Kanshi(auspicious ) to Maghar (inauspicious) . Kabir Ji said
“ Manhon Kathor Marey Banaras narak Na Vanshiya Jayi,Har Ka Sant Marey Haranbey Tian Sagli Sain Tarayi”.
Meaning:- A hardhearted person devoid of love for humanity, even if dies at Banaras cannot escape punished in hell, but a saint who worship Hari ( Lord) even if he dies at Haramba i.e. Maghar, shall get eternal peace to his chain of relations. Kabir Ji Shed his mortal body frame at Maghar on Magh Shukla Ekadashi in January 1518.
Kabir Sahib’s ways were revolutionary and democratic, teaching of love, arguments scientific, courage of an iron man and he carried will of a perfect Sidh Purash. He was Darvesh .He pulled religion out of cage of superstitions, dogmas, rituals, religious hate and preached for universal brotherhood by devotion or Bhagati, to Lord of all lords. He preached family life and earning for one’s living by fair means. The best devotion to Kabir will be by faithfully following his preaching.
Er. H.R.Phonsa
The author can be reached and
Mobile :- 9419134060
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