Thursday, February 27, 2025

GURU RAVI DASS –A- PREEMINENT MYSTIC SAINT (Guru Ji’s 648th birth Anniversary falls on 12nd Feubary,2025 ) Compiler: Er. H. R. Phonsa, Jammu “So purifying is Guru Ravi Dass, that the dust of his holy feet is worshiped by all.” Said (Guru Nabha Dass) Since in the majority cases not much was written down about the lives and teaching of the mystic saints, by saints themselves or their educated devotees except Brahmin saints. True Saints never wanted anything in their glorification and there was wide spread illiteracy among their devotees, particularly in respect of the Dalit saints. Many things about their life events were carried orally through ages. So, confusions, variation and contradictions mixed up later about their parenthoods, places of birth, family details, religion or castes, dates associated with their life facts including births and deaths. Later writers collected different clues from different sources so forming their own views, but at times varying with one another. In case of Dalit saints this version had more relevancies. After long discussions and comparison of different research works by different scholars, some facts were churned out to be most acceptable. The largely accepted facts about the life of revered Jagat Guru Ravi Das are given here. Whereas differences in the opinions of different writers still persists. Guru Ravi Dass was born on Magh Purnima (Sunday-Ravi) in Samvat 1471 (1414 AD) to Sh. Santosh Dass & Shrimati Mata Kalsi Devi of Chamar caste at Mandiva Thein now called Goverdhan Pura near Banaras. Some scholars give the names of his parents as Shri Raghu & Shrimati Mata Karma Devi. Guru Ravi Dass lived an exalted `life span of 126 years & left his mortal frame in 1540 AD to join back into the supreme ocean of Bliss or the Creator of Universe. Some scholars quote his life span of 151 years. But for want of authentic information such things are bound to happen. In one of his verse (tohī mohī mohī tohī antar kaisā kanik kaTik jal tarañg jaisā) Guru ji said that there is no difference between Him and Universe Creator, as there is no difference between Gold bracelet and between water and water current. Guru Ravi Dass was born at a time when the orthodox and superstitious Hindu & Muslim priests had adopted rituals, exterior body decorations, scarifying animals, visiting different places, bathing in different rivers, recitations from their Holy religious books etc. as sole means of salvation from the circle of births & deaths. The Hindus had closed all their places of worships (temples), schools, entry into Government services or honorable services in private sectors for Shudras.Instead the Shudras were assigned to perform dirtiest duties for the Brahmans, Khatriyas & Vaishayas as per Hindu religion rules framed by Manu, the writer of Manusmiriti. All decent living were ruled out for shudras. Guru Ravi Dass, a revolutionary saint, denounced caste system which is based on un-natural laws & upheld life of “Virtue” saying ; “If a Brahmin is virtue less, Offer him no worship ‘O ‘Ravi Dass, Worship instead the feet of a Chandal, If he is Found full of virtue.” Deciples:Guru Ravidas had initiated in to Bhagati Marg Pt. Ganga Ram,Raja Peepa,Maharaja Chander Pratap, Bibi Bhanmati,Maharani Jalibai, Maharani Meerabai and many others during his life time. Guru Ji a Great Democrat:- Guru Ravidass set in motion great revolutionary democratic thinking so advised the rulers to provide equal and decent means of livelihood to all their subjects and he said, I want kingdoms where every one is well-fed, And all should live in harmony, only then Ravidass shall feel happy. Guru Ravidass gave a call to religiously enslaved un-touchable to cut the chains of their slavery and advised them to struggle to have freedom from Tyrant rullers. Pradeen Ka Dheen Kaya, Pra Dheen Bin Dheen, Ravidass Dass Pradheen Ko Sab Hee Samjey Heen Meaning:The enslaves have no religion and he is religion less person. Every body treats him as weak and low caste person. On the same subject Shri Guru Ravidass advised untouchable to shed away feeling of being weak and helpless. Decrying Enslavement chains :- He said:- Pradheen Pap Hai, Jan Liyo Hey Meet Ravidass Dass Pradheen Ko Koun Kare Hai Preet Meaning: Enslavement is curse and no body respects or loves to him sayth Ravidasss. Guru ji advocated for complete independent domain saying Ravidas Manush Kar Vasan Kuo, Sukh Kar Hain Doyu Thanv, Ek Sukh Savraj Main,Dusra Margat Ganv. Meaning : A person can blissfully live in two places only. One is in self government and the other in cremation ground after death. Guru Ravi Dass preached the rule of Almighty: Almighty has created everybody equal and there cannot be any difference between persons of different castes. He said, If the world has arisen, From the same SPIRIT (Flame) How can any body bring about any distinction? Between high & low, Brahman or cobbler (Chamar). He further elaborated by saying, Ask not caste “o” Ravi Dass, What is there in clan or caste? Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaish, or Shudra, All belong to the same caste. He also said “If thou are born to Brahmin (Manu proclaimed Superior by birth) mother, why you have not born through a different body aperture.” The true saints like Ravi Dass come to this world to preach true message of God realization, Love & devotion to Lord, they don’t denounce other religions but dogmas & rituals. Guru Ravi Dass said, Those who are not dyed internally in love, But merely make an outer display, They will go to the world of death, Truly doth Ravi Dass state. Guru Ravi Das Ji Ki Vani:-Keeping in view spiritual richness of Guru Ravi Dass’s hymns, 40 of them were incorporated into the Holy Granth Sahib by Shri Guru Arjun Dev ji, the 5th Sikh Guru the compiler of it.These Hymns fall under the following Ragas – Siri (1), Gauri (5), Asa(6), Gujari(1), Sorath(7), Dhanasari(3), Jaitsari(1), Suhi(3), Bilaval(2), Gaund(2), Ramkali(1), Maru(2), Kedara(1), Bhairau(1), Basant(1), and Malhar(3) in the holy Granth Sahib Amritbani Guru Ravidass Ji” :- It was formed by the Sant Samaj of Ravidassia qaum after thorough research of Guru Ravidass Bani by universities and announced by the Sant Samaj (Dera Sach Khand Ballan near Jalander City Punjab) to the followers of Guru Ravidass Ji Maharaj on the 633rd anniversary of the birth of Guru Ravidass Ji at Shri Guru Ravidass Janam AsthanMandir, Seer Govardhanpur, Varanasi on 30 January 2011. Amritvani Guru Ravidass Ji contains 140 Hymns, 40 pade, painti akhri, bani haftawar, bani pandran tithi, baran maas updesh, dohra, saand bani,anmol vachan (milni de samen), laawaan,suhag ustat,manglachar, besides 231 saloks along with 40 Hymns contained in Guru Granth Sahib. Need of a living Master (Guru);- Since God is formless, so it is not possible for humans to see or catch Him, without which man cannot become perfect. God becomes accessible only when He takes human form & come to the level of human in this world. This human form of pure spirit is called Guru by the saints. So Guru is God’s incarnation. Sain Bulleh Shah Said “God (Moulla ) hath taken the form of man (Guru)” Guru Arjun Dev Ji Said, Guru Nanak Says, This is the rule of Ram (God), Nobody shall get salvation, With out Guru (Master) Guru Ravi Dass Said: God, Guru & Saint, Are the same in super consciousness? This is the metaphysical essential truth of all scriptures, Make no difference between them, Even, if, you have to bear the pain of being cut with a saw. Guru Ravi Dass preached the rule of Almighty, that He has created everybody equal and there cannot be any Guru Ravi Dass preached to the world true message of God realization, Love & devotion to Lord, through loving His creations he didn’t denounce other religions but dogmas & rituals. Guru Ravi Dass said, “Those who are not dyed internally in love, But merely make an outer display, They will go to the world of death, truly doth Ravi Dass state”. Sri Guru Ravidas, preached that God realization can only be through devotion to a true Naam dyed or realized saint and, not through Persons who preach dogmas, animal scarifying, roaming in jungles, observing austerities, etc. He said those who are not dyed internally in love, but merely make an outer display shall not find peace after death. God becomes accessible only when He takes human form & come to the level of human in this world, as idols are lifeless, the animals & birds cannot communicate with us, the past respectable Saints and Noble persons/ Souls are as far away as God, so a living Saint or Master can only guide us. This human form of pure spirit is called Guru by the saints. So, Guru is God incarnation. Sat Guru Kabir Said “Worship thou the true worshiper of the Lord .” Among guru Ravidas’s disciples were Meerabai, Raja Peepa ,Rana sanga many more. Guru ravidas is said to have Three meetings with Guru Nanak. Guru Ravidas had many meetings with Kabir sahib, Ramanand and many other saints and he travelled far and wide including South India. Guru Ravidas advised his disciples to lead a clean life, refrain from animal killing for eating or scarifying before gods & Goddesses, never take wine or any other intoxicants. Guru Ravi Dass said: “Those who eat meat, they in fact cut their own throat, For whosoever is meat eater, he will have to go to hell “sayeth Ravi Dass.” He further said, “Even, if wine is made with Holy water of Ganga ,Saints drink it not.” While expressing contribution of Guru Ravidas Ji and Kabir Maharaj in the society upliftment on spiritual spheres Sain Peepa Ji a deciple of Guru Ravidas sayth Had there been not born Kabir and Ravidas in Kalyuga, the spiritual books (Vedas) upper caste people domination and non spiritual dealings( Kalyug thoughts) would have buried deep the preaching of saints? (Sant Peepa Ji said so) Guru Ravi Dass spread the message of love for all, devotion to Lord, universal brotherhood, honest earning for livelihood & to discard all that does not help in God realization. By doing so he became one with Lord. Said, Ravidas. Guru Ravi Dass’s 648th birthday is falling on12nd Feb. 2025 and the same shall be celebrated throughout India besides in many foreign countries with reverence. The best way to remember Guru Ji is to follow his ideals.
SADGURU KABIR JI (Paying Respectful Tributes on His 507th Parnirvan Divas falling on 23rd February , 2025 ) Compiler : Er. H. R. Phonsa, Jammu Revered Sadguru Kabir Sahib, a Dalit - Revolutionary saint was one of the founding fathers of Bhagati Movement (1375-1700) in Northern India. Bhagti movement was akin in many ways to Protestant Reforms of Christianity that began in Europe in the 1500s. Bhagati Movement saints were all revolutionary and practical in their approach to God realization. They Challenged the fruitfulness of the old-time worshiping techniques like outer body decorations, celibacy, dogmas, rituals, bathing in designated rivers including superstitious methods formulated by priestly classes. Dalit saint Guru Namdev (1270-1350) is said to be the first saint in the Bhagati Movement or Sant mat the devotional transformation of medieval Hinduism in the North. Nirguna Bhagti as preached by Bhagti Movement saints is Bhagti or worship approach to achieve the ultimate God realization objective It is based on the non atributary means ( nirguna) of the supreme Brham ( Universal Creator) of non personnel, all pervading ineffable, unutterable or indescribable Reality, which cannot be spoken with human tongue. It cannot be written in any worldly language alphabets. Sant Mat is based on the reality of merging the re-absorbable jiva or atma of the finite soul into the infinite ineffable sacred Reality. This supreme Reality can only be realized within human body under guidance of a God realized soul called Guru, Master or Guide. Kabir Ji said “Guru Manas Kar Jantey,Te Nar Kahiye Andh. Maha Dukhi Sansar Main ,Age Jam Ke Bandh.( Kabir Granthawali- Page 3) Meaning if anybody underestimates the authority of a realized Guru, they are blind or ignorant . Such persons suffer heavily in this world and even after death and so face curse of Yamraj ( Death god or Kal) Kabir was a supreme Mystic master so his authority is indescribable. The true Bhagati is sharing with God,get yoked to God and devotion to God. The Bhagti movement is devotional religious movement. Majority of Bhagati Movement saints or religious guides, preachers, poets Gurus, and Bhagats came from all walks of life and religions. But majority of them were from Dalit castes or Hindu exploited low caste persons including Shudras and Ati Shudras. They rejected the theory of polarity of gods as well as the Vaishnava doctrine of Avatars of supreme Lord. The saints or seers believed in and preached God as an Absolute and ultimate Reality. Kabir said “Sahib Ka Ghar Santan Mihi, Sahib Sant Kush Anter Nahi”. ( Kabir Shabdavali Part -2/37) God is present in Saints body frames. There is no difference between God and Saints i.e. they are one and the same. Kabir ,( from Arabic al-Kabīr ) which means "The Great ,the Supreme, one of the 99 names of Allah. Many Muslim Ullmans have described Kabir Ji as MUHAVIZ meaning a mystic personally, which cannot be easily understood. Whatever a Muhaviz does it is only for seeking divine grace. As per legend Kabir is said to have born in 1398 and passed away in 1518. He became disciple of Ramanand (1366-1467) in 1455.So Kabir was younger to Saint Namdev by 128 years,. Kabir was 16 years elder to Guru Ravidass and 71 years to Baba Nanak. These three legends of Bhagati movement had common life span of about five decades. Kabir himself has said about his caste Hindu Kahun To Main Nahin, Musalman bhi Nahin Panch Tatav Ka Putla,Gabhi Kheley Mahin (Kabir Sakhi Page 75) Meaning:- I am neither Hindu nor Muslim. My body is made of five perishable material ( Earth, water, air, fire and ether) , where in my invisible Soul with Almighty as it source resides. Kabir was a weaver by caste as mentioned in many slokas Kabir himself besides many other saints “Oshi Mat Meri Jat Julaha,Har Ka Nam Liyo Main Laha”.( AG524) My caste is lowest Jolaha ( Weaver). But I have got benefitted by worshiping Hari (God Almighty). Kabir’s disciple and spiritual heir Dharamdas said, “Mai Turkani,Bapp Julaha, Beta Bhagat Bhaiy “. Meaning:- Kabir’s mother was Muslim his father was weaver( Julaha), but their son became worshiper of universal Creator. Guru Amardas, 3rd Sikh Guru said “ Nama Shinbaa Kabir Julaha, Pure Gur Te Mat Pai”.( AG Panna 830). Maharashtra Sain Tukaram said, “ The Momin Kabir”. Or Kabir was Muslim. Kabir is said to be married with Mai Loi and the couple had one son Kamala and a daughter named Kamali. Kabir earned his livelihood from profession of weaving. Although Kabir was a highly realized Nam dyed personality, even then his opponents called him Nirgura meaning not having a religious, spiritual Master. So, he approached Ramanand (1366-1467) for seeking his blessing. But Ramanand belonged to Sri Sampardai, who observe strict Caste system. Ramanand Ji would never accept a Shudra or Muslim as his disciple. Kabir Ji is said have lied on the steps leading to Ganga Ghat, where Ramanand used to go for bathing daily before sun rise. While coming down on steps he struck Kabir and Said “Ram Ke Parare Kaho Ram Ram”. O, Ram’s creation say Ram -Ram. So, Kabir Ji became disciple of Ramanand as confirmed by Ramanand later. Earlier Kabir and Ramanand had worshiping norms, poles apart; even then Kabir respected Ramanand as his Master. Later Ramanand also adopted Sant Marg or Nirgun-Bhagti Marg and one of his poems is contained in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ( Adi Granth Panna 1195) ( Kat Jayeyo Re ghar Lago Rang, Mera Chit Na Chaley Man Bhayo Pang---)Meaning: why to go elsewhere and adopt external means of God realization, when He resides in one’s body. With this worship technique his (Ramanand’s) mind had been lamed and tamed, so had come under his control. Although there is no record of Kabir getting formal education but he was brilliant and laborious from childhood. Kabir himself confesses in one of his Padha (Couplet) Mas-Kagaj Shuyo Nahi, Kalam Gahi Nahi Hath. Meaning:- I have not touched ever ink and paper, the medium of writing. But Kabir have vividly described the true state of our society (Samaj). Whatever he preached, he testified its validity by giving practical worldly examples. Kabir said “Tou Kahta Kagaj Ki Lekhi, Main Kahta Ankhan Dekhi”. Meaning worldly philosophers say what they have read from books but Kabir says out of his practical knowledge. Renowned authors Karine and W.H. McLeod in their book” The Saints” has give following details of Kabir’s works in a easy by Linda Hess. 1. Guru Granth Sahib 226 ( Padas) distributed in 16 Ragas. With 237 or 239 Salokas. But V.K.Sethi of RSSB in his Kabir the weaver of God’s name, mentions them as 228 peoms and 243 salokas) 2. Panchvani -810 Sakhis in 59 sections or angas with 384 pads. 3. Kabir Bijak has 84 Ramainis,115 Sabadas,353 sakhies, 34 miscellaneous 4.Kabir Granthavali has 403 poems,810 couplets and 7 Ramanies( Edited by Sham Sunder Das). Sadguru Kabir has the distinction among all saints that his teachings and Bhajans (Songs in the praise of God) crossed all religions and geographical barriers. His teaching are every household lore and his name every household word. His teachings are held in high esteems among all religious persons. Kabir was a devoted revolutionary saint with democratic bent of mind. He discarded all that was human created methods but unnecessary for God realization. Saint Peepa Sahib (1408-1448) said in praise of Kabir Sahib: “Jo Kal Mainj Kabir Manj Na Hote, To Ley Ved aur Kalyug Milkar,Bhagat Rasatal Dete”. ( SGGS Panna 695) Meaning:- If in the Kalyuga there had not been Kabir, both religious scriptures and Kalyug ( Iron age) would have thrown souls in to hell. Dadu Sahib a prominent Kabir disciple said “Dadu naam Kabir ki, jae koi leve ott , unko kabahu laage nahin, Kaal vajr ki chot” . Meaning:- who so ever recited Kabir’s name( Kabir Manter),shall not be punished by Kal( Negative power) The 5th Sikh Master Guru Arjundev Ji, who authored Adi Guru Granth in 1604 , was made to sit live on a hot iron plate and hot sand was poured on his head. He declared in Adi Granth Sahib, (AG-622). “Sant Ka Marg Dharam Ki Porri”. Meaning the worshipping path shown by the saints was the true religious way to achieve salvation. Kabir Ji was also teased badly by his religious opponents. Prior to the Bhagti Movement the God realization was based on external methods and decorations, allowing only few High Caste persons to have right of Bhagati, worship for God realization or salvation from the unending birth and death prison of Karmic circle called “Action and reaction”. These methods were not only biased and costlier but time consuming too, so beyond the reach of poor strata of Hindus and Muslims, untouchables or untouchable converts. Dalits were debarred by high caste scriptures from reading and worshiping God. Bhagati Movement saints preached the NIRGUNA Bhagti or un-attributable God realization worship. It had no place for external rituals or dogmas. Kabir ( Sakhi Sangrah-127) “ Bambi Kutey Bamrey, Sanp Na Mara Jaye; Murakh Bambi Na Dasey sarap Sabhan Ko Kaye”. Meaning: O foolish why beat snake barrow and not snake. It is snake not barrow which is poisonous. By saying so Kabir explains that it is your mind power, creator of all sinful ideas, which needs to be brought under control not the body under control of the mind by external means. Similarly a person engaged in worldly ills behaves as if a great worshiper of god but does not lose ego and continues to be hardhearted. Kabir decried external worship means by saying------ Ajamedh, Gomedh Yag,Ashawmedh,Narmedh Kahey Kabir Adharam Ko Dharam Bataven Ved ( Meaning:-Slaughtering animals like goats, cows, horses and men as oblation in religious sacrifices along with religious books including Vedas preach against true religious norms , so said Kabir). ( Kabir Shabdawali page 353) Kabir disapproved the Brahminical methods of living on alms. “I shall prefer to die than living on begging”. Kabir sahib decried the external false methods of worshiping Lord, human division on the basis of castes, religions and sex. Caste System:- All Bhagati movement saints have decried caste system. Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji (1666-1708) Ji said “Eh Pitta Eks Ke Hum Balik”. Jat Nahi Jagdish Ki, Hari-Jan Ki Kaha Hoi. Jat Pat Ke Kich Main Dub Maro Mat Koi”. ( Kabir Granthawali-359) Meaning; If the Creator “Jagdish” has no caste, how a person can have it. Let no one get drown in the caste mud and dirt differences. So, give no importance to castes. “Alla Ek Masit Basat Hai,Avar Mulak Kis Kera, Hindu Murat Ram Nivasi, Duh Mahi Tat Na Hera”.( AG Panna 1349) Muslim say their Alla Khuda (God) resides in Mosque and Hindu Says his God resides in an idol, then Kabir questions, who reside elsewhere. Murti Puja (idol Worship):- Kabir has shown that the worship of dead stone idols was a futile exercise for salvation . He said “Pakhan Ghar Ke Murti Kini De Ke Shati Paun, Je Eh Murti Sachi Hai To Gharan Harey Khau”. ( AG-Panna 479) Meaning: A sculptor from a stone piece sculptures an idol with cutting and beating while sitting on its chest wearing shoes. If the idol has life and feels pains of hammering it should first kill and eat up the sculptor. So idol is life less stone and to worship it nothing but useless. Kabir ji saith “ Joo Maritik Ko Chandan Charave,Us Se Kahu Kavan Phal Pave.” Meaning by making offering sandalwood paste to a lifeless body or stone (idol), what one is going to get, as idol being dead cannot grant any boon. False Sadhus (Hermits) :- All those who wear different colored and styled clothes but void of real worshiping techniques are not saints or Sadhus. Kabir declared “Vey Nar Jogi Kar Janey, Khoje App Sarira. Tinko Mukti Ka Sansa Nahi Kahit Julah Kabira ( KGV Page 246)Meaning:- The Jogi ( A person absorbed in Surat-Shabad Yoga) is one who searches Lord with in his body. They should not worry for salvation as salvation is assured to such persons proclaims Kabir, the weaver. Kabir further explains that a real Sadhu is found of love and not of money. A sadhu found of money or worldly pleasures is not a real Sadhu but a Thug (Cheat) Pitirpuja (Deification of ancestors) :- The innocent peoples were made to shed offering to Brahmins on the death of a person, then at monthly and yearly intervals for salvation of the departed soul. This has remained since ages a great source of income of the pundits, that is why Brahmins do not let this system die. Bhagati movement saints one and all decried it with full force. Guru Ghasidas said “I see pitarpuja as act of foolishness”. Kabir Ji saiyth “Jivat Pittar Na Manney Kou,Muye Siradh Karahi, Pittar Bhi Bapurey Kahu Kaya Pavhi,Kouya,Kookar Khahi” Alms or begging:- The majority of Brahmins live on alms in one way or the other proclaiming that the Jajmans (gift giver to Brahmin for performing religious ceremonies) shall be granted heaver after death if they gave offering to Brahmins in cash and kind. Kabir said “Marr Jayon,Mangoon Nahi, Apne Tan Ke Kaj, Parmarath Ke Karney, Mujey Na Away Lajj” Meaning:- I shall prefer death than resorting to begging for my livelihood. But begging for community cause, I do not feel hesitant. Kabir again explains the qualities of a Sadhu or actual realized soul as “ Sadu Bhuka Bhav Ka, Dhann Ka Bhukha Nahi, Dhan Ka Bhukha Jo Phirey,So to Sadhu Nahi”. Meaning a sadh or God realized soul has passion for love and not money( worldly temporary gains) Tirath Asnan (Bathing in manmade holi waters) :- Saints decried Tirathasnan as well. It was not only wastage of time and money, but it enhances ego. KabirJi said’ “ Kayya Manjis Koun Gunna, Jyon Ghat Bhitar Malna. Layoki Athsath Tirath Nayi Kayorapan Tyon na Jayi”. (Adi Granth Panna 656). Meaning that bathing has no spiritual use .It is like cleaning an empty earthen pot. If a bitter guard is made to wash in sixty eight holi water of designated rivers/ tanks (Tiraths for Hindus),it does not lose its bitterness. The Maan or mind cannot be controlled by external means Celibacy, naked wondering in forests:- Kabir Sahib refutes such acts as fruitless, leading no where in spiritual progress. He said in (Sant Sad Guru Kabir-324) “ Nagan Firt je Payiaye Yog, Van Ka Mirig Mukat Sab Hog. Moond Mudaye Je Sidhi Pai,Mukat Bherr Na Gaya Kai. Bindu Rakh Jo Tariye Bhai,Khusere Kyon Na Param Gat Pai”. Bookish knowledge:- Even ritualistic reading is of no use declares Kabir “Qazi Kathey Kateb Qurana, Pandit Ved Purana,Veh Akhshir Jo Laka Na Jayi,Matra Lage Na Kanna”. Meaning:- Muslim Law Officer reads from holy book Quran and Hindu Pandit reads from Hindu holy books Vedas and Puranas. But the divine word is beyond writing or reading as it cannot be written in any worldly language. He again sayth “Vidya Kot Sabhey Gunn Kahey, Parbrahm Ko Par Na Lahey” (KGV-152) Consecration & desecration of a place :- It was said that anybody dying at Kanshi gets heaven against getting hell to those who die at Maghar. To prove this notion as false falseness in his last days ,Kabir Ji shifted from Kanshi(auspicious ) to Maghar (inauspicious) . Kabir Ji said “ Manhon Kathor Marey Banaras narak Na Vanshiya Jayi,Har Ka Sant Marey Haranbey Tian Sagli Sain Tarayi”. Meaning:- A hardhearted person devoid of love for humanity, even if dies at Banaras cannot escape punished in hell, but a saint who worship Hari ( Lord) even if he dies at Haramba i.e. Maghar, shall get eternal peace to his chain of relations. Kabir Ji Shed his mortal body frame at Maghar on Magh Shukla Ekadashi in January 1518. Kabir Sahib’s ways were revolutionary and democratic, teaching of love, arguments scientific, courage of an iron man and he carried will of a perfect Sidh Purash. He was Darvesh .He pulled religion out of cage of superstitions, dogmas, rituals, religious hate and preached for universal brotherhood by devotion or Bhagati, to Lord of all lords. He preached family life and earning for one’s living by fair means. The best devotion to Kabir will be by faithfully following his preaching. Er. H.R.Phonsa The author can be reached and Mobile :- 9419134060 .

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Let The National Harmony Grow. Also Published in the Greater Jammu3/2/2025 By: Er. H. R. Phonsa, Jammu. Many senior intellectuals, religious and political generally keep advising to live in the society, in a harmony. The RSS chief is one among many who expresses his mind to have harmony in society. He said on 4, November,2025 “It is the responsibility of RSS persons to remove disparities to establish harmony”. Again, on 26th Jan, 2025 “Differences should be respected and cohesion is the key to live in harmony” (PTI). Many other wise persons are heard to repeat such preachings very loudly “सामाजिक समरसता व सद्भाव के लिए काम करना आवश्यक है (Working for the social harmony in society in foremost important). Their saying need be taken seriously and followed. An ideal hormonic society, creates peaceful atmosphere for all, in society, so living there shall be a boon. Difference (disproportion, विषमतायें) can be Natural and human generated. The Natural differences are body deformities, colours, sexes, health, wealth and intellect, may generate sympathies. Human to human given differences are Low and high castes, untouchability, human hate, means of education, employments, economic generation, National income sharing, different interpretation of same law for different persons, unequal treatments for same crime, unequal awards for similar wise and heroism acts. Such acts grow disharmony besides generating ill will, revelry, blood sheds, etc. Sadly, many men of authority at times overlook such sane advices, so generate, disparities in social, economic, educational needs for all, which is rejected by those who actually suffer from such tactical propositions and forced to play proven controversial cards. Such un-wanted acts work counterproductive to foster brotherliness among our societies and prove a strong barrier to generate a fully homogeneous society. Let us ponder over a bit on such prevailing conditions which at times prove mis-matcher to establish harmonious समरसता society. Indian society, belong to the eight major religions (धर्म) e.g. Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Animism/Adivasi) with numerous cultures (संस्कृतियाँ, customs (रीति-रिवाज). Many religions have expanded by migration of people from other religions as a matter of individual and/ or collective suitability. For migration both peaceful and violent means played part. So, their parting time bitterness continue simmering and multiplying day by day. Some religious exploiters, when publicly air such hate generating tales instead of burying them down, result in uncontrollable gales of blood. This way past happening’s spoils peace of present generations as “someone else pays for deeds of others (करें कोई भरें कोई)”. Many suffer still, but unfortunately inter -religious contradictions are not countered unanimously, even by those who understand value of harmony in the society. Hindu Religion has basic law of division of its followers into four Varnas, now castes (Brahmin, Khatriya, Vaishya, Shudras) later added Ati Sudras (Out castes). They all has same worshiping deities, worshiping ways but differed in their castes, duties and services performance. Harder the duty assigned to a caste person in Hindu caste hierarchy, lesser the remunerations, privileges and recognition in the society. The Hindus laws support prevailing untouchability enmass, so the devil continues troubling 76.5% of Indian population (Mandal Commission) in way or the other. The Caste division of Hindus, itself is the greatest hurdle in fostering equal human relations between all Hindus, so establishing harmony in the society suffer. There are in-numerable contradictions within inter-religious thoughts, procedures, meals, rituals, places of pilgrimages, dates etc. Therefore, harmony in Indian society lacs mental support. Since long past, the prevailing circumstances have shown that a multi-religious system due to narrow mildness on religious matters, generate hate, as every religion, when in majority forces supremacy over the other, leaving perfect harmony to suffer. Wide gaps in religious preachings and practices hurt harmony. This fact was well known to the British Government, who exploited this to their advantage. The British Crown had realised that it was difficult to keep India slave for long, after the first war of Independence1857, as Indians had started unitedly resisting government policies. As U. K has multi- political party based parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy Government system, so they wanted some similar governing system for India too, when they shall free India. So, they started planning adult franchise democratic governance system for united and free India as was culminated in GOI Act.1935. As a first attempt, Lord Canning nominated three Indians to the Council in 1862 namely, the Raja of Benares, the Maharaja of Patiala and Sir Dinkar Rao. The GOI Act 1909 i.e. Morley-Minto Reforms, gave Indians limited participation in legislative council. To continue the process, three committees namely “The Franchise Committee; the Committee on Home Administration and the Feetham Function Committee”, which sat in India between 1918-19. Simon Commission with three round table Conferences were also British Government efforts to reach at an agreed solution to settle franchise question with allied problems between Congress party, Hindu Maha Sabha, Kings, Knights Muslim league and other religious minorities. But failed. Congress agreed to grant reservation in franchise to Sikhs, Christians, Anglo- Indian, but not to Depressed classes. Dr. Ambedkar and his associates were demanding in all British formed committees, forums, equal rights to Depressed Classes with reservation as per their populations under the free Indian Constitution. Dr. Ambedkar was agitating for getting considered his people as a separate minority with in Hindus, but not as Hindus. Dr. Ambedkar’s proposals were being opposed by Hindu leaders, as they were pleading that caste related issues were their internal matters, which they can solve even after Britishers quit India. Dr. Ambedkar was opposing to such proposals, and wanted Depressed Classes peoples tangle be solved by Britishers, before freeing India. The MacDonald Award of 1932 sanctioned the separate electorate to the Depressed Classes (now known as the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes). It was opposed by Mahatma Gandhi so a negotiated agreement “Poona Pact “was signed between Dr. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi. Reservation in Services and political seats was agreed for SC and other Minorities as per their population. After the WW-II the Britishers were in a hurry to quit India, so Cabinet Mission 1946, was sent to finalise Independence to India Tangle. Pakistan was created, Country was divided, lacs died during migration others suffered losses of home and hearths besides losing properties worth $ billions. Even creation of India-Pakistan as two sovereign countries, on the basis two nation theory failed to bring peace in this sub -continent. Instead of bringing solace it resulted in more human tragedies. Even after 78 years, partition scars are visible and its wounds simmering. Main reasons was ego of both Hindu-Muslim political leaders. Indian Constitution came into being on 26 January,1949 and many pledges were made to progress in unison. Indian Constitution promised to establish India as a "Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic" and also to secure to all its citizens: Justice, social, economic and political; Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; Equality of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all Fraternity (भाईचारा, बिरादरी) assuring the dignity (शान, गरिमा, मर्यादा) of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation. In these 75 years Indian can boost of numerous materialist gains for the country, but the inter, religious, social and political humanist treatment was found lacking in many ways, so harmony in the society. Still students are beaten to death on touching a water pitcher in schools by SC students, a SC bride groom is beaten on riding a mare back, a SC worshiper is beaten on entry into a temple etc. For identity of a Hindu individual, caste disclosing is a must. Sadly, the free Indian government managers have miserably failed to achieve for all Indians promised ideals, which can boost harmonic fraternity in Indian society. Various inequalities are being reported daily in the press in the social, education, employment, administration, judiciary, media means and their results, with lacking in the timely needed remedies. Education, the only asset for Dalits in being made costlier, so slipping out of their reach. Some of the glaring examples of our failures are discussed here under. a) As per (NCRB), rapes, worst insult on humanity, goes on uncontrolled with 86 cases daily. As many as331519 Indian women of all ages (10% minor) were involved in rape between (2014-2023). But sadly, conviction rates for rape ranged between 27%-28% from 2018-2022. b) The NCRB also reported 1,12,000 farmers committed suicides in the last 10 years (15 May,2024). Reports show $Billions loan of elite Indians written off. c) About 81.35 crore people in India receive free food grains under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) in operation since April,2020(Promised till 2028), is a clear indication of lack of employment to all able bodies. d) India has a highly unequal distribution of wealth, with the top 10% of the population holding 77% of the country's total wealth, where as bottom 50% share 6.5% of it. When an average adult holds 4,30,000 in wealth with almost of them holding nothing. e) The SCs who are 20,13,78,086(16.6%) in India continue to be vulnerable to caste-based atrocities. The NCRB records show 50,900 (2021) and 57,582(2022) registered atrocities against SCs. The atrocities against STs and Tribal people (Women included) is also on increase. This is despite the enactment of “The SCs & STs (Prevention of Atrocities) Amendment Act-2015” enacted with tall claims to tide over past follies before BJP rule in Centre. The atrocities on weaker sections of society in the BJP ruled states do not show any betterment . In Rajasthan alone 20839 atrocities were recorded between1st Jan, 2019 and 30th Nov,2021( f) According to the 2011 census, 65.5 million people lived in slums in India, which was 17.4% of the urban population and 5.4% of the total population. These unfortunates are surly in majority from weaker sections of Indians. g) According to data presented in Parliament on 29th March,2023, (15.92%) of OBCs, (7.65%) of SCs and (3.80%) of STs totalling (27.37%) are given representation, respectively, while their collective proportion of these communities in the total population is well over half. h) Over 42,000 posts reserved for SC, ST & OBC were lying vacant in union ministries, out of 78,923, govt told Lok Sabha on 1st January 2020. Why these posts remain unfulfilled remains mystery. i) Between (2018 &2023) 650 High Courts judges were appointed 492(75.69%) from General category with SCs (3.5%) and STs (1.5%), OBC (11.7%), a short fall of26.19%. But unfortunately, not single general category intellectual has raised a finger, so how there can be harmony in society. Many more mendable lapses can be quoted. j) The ever-increasing wide gaps in share in the existing Industry and Commerce, Media, employment spheres etc. between the elite and weaker sections is depict no urgency of Indian ruling political minds, so promoting fraternity is big hurdle. k) The Dalits have education as their major bread earning source, but in central universities have, SCs and STs are less than 11% and5%) in teaching posts. This produces silent heart burns, so social disharmony. With high hopes that elite India decides to peacefully share resources and give partnership between elite and deprived sections, to allow harmony to take deep roots so giving a chance to 1949 promised fraternity and dignity to grow among all Indians. Let us understand the rule “Empty belly produces turbulent mind” and it needs corrections.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Appeal to Readers of this blog. Dear brothers/Sisters The Blog was created to share general information’s, particularly about Dalit Icons, Dalit problems with suggested measures to solve those problems . The respond from you all is very encouraging for which I remain indebted to my readers. The collective views of all the three blogs readers viz Deprived classes (81 essays), Dalit vision (122 essay) and Dalit Society (81essays) has reached over 2,66,600. Also, I find some short coming in the material posted, particularly related to Icon’s Castes, Dates of their birth/death, as pointed out by my esteemed readers. Some readers while pointing out some short comings also project as it was due to my deliberate effort to high light or down grade any particular Caste. To those readers, my humble submission is, I pursue no financial/business interests through this Blog, it was created to only share knowledge, based on already written material available on different site, books, I could lay hand to read, forming source of material shared here. New research is going on in the world in different institutions and new facts are being churned out daily. It is not humanly possible to read/takr note such material, particularly by an advanced aged individual like me, and update material here daily. Knowledge sharing need be a joint effort, if any one of my readers finds short coming in respect of the material shared here, he/she can simply share it with me giving his/her source, I shall be glade to share the same here, giving the source of new material. I have no interest in the Blog write up other than sharing knowledge/information, so no personal ego, no rigidity in adopting changes, if a valid source is shared. The only lapse can be a bit delay, due to reduced working time because of my advanced age. All readers are therefore requested to help to make it really a reliable source of information/knowledge. Er. Hem Raj Phonsa

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Was Dr. Ambedkar a Liberator of Dalits only ? By: Er. H. R. Phonsa One can only feel sorry to note that Indian Parliament (18th LS) session, called for marking the 75th anniversary of the adoption of its Constitution with other business utilised its scheduled time to the extent of only 52% (LS) and 39%(RS), knowing well every minute of our Parliament costs tax payers Rs 2,50,000/- per minute. It was still more unfortunate that the major controversy involved and chairman of Indian Constitution Drafting Committee Baba Saheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, who laboured with, his reduced team, for 2 years,11 months and 18 days to write World’s best Constitution. The controversy originated from the reply to the debate by Hon’ble Home Minister in Rajya Sabha on 17th Deccember,2024, where he said: “There is a fashion these days — Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar… Had you chanted the name of God these many times, you would have been blessed with heaven in seven births.” Shah’s tone and tenor was one of aggression was stated by “the Wire”. The opposition MPs in Parliament and Indian Public on roads objected to the statement of the Indian Home Minister .Let us examine, why so many people world over , in all life spheres, remember daily and on many special occasions Bharat Ratna Baba Saheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. Many of Dr. Ambedkar’s followers who take him as their Guide, perhaps has no concept of heaven comforts after death. It is also a common knowledge that humans remember their elders (Living or dead) for their help, good deeds and sane advises, which they rendered during their life time. Dr. Ambedkar created many worlds records during his life time. He also worked for the welfare of his people, who lived life even worse than animals. He fought to raise them as human, who could now rightfully enjoy all constitutional laws of the land. Such peoples are over 75% of Indian population. Symbol of world knowledge” Baba Saheb had earned in whole world super academic education degrees. He knew ten languages (Sanskrit included). He had written and deliberated on all world subjects, particularly on the problems and remedies of deprived people. So, anyone who wants to speak or write on important subjects like economics, law, anthropology, politics, religion, education, women empowerment etc. consults the writing of Baba Saheb for guidance even after seven decades of his demise. So, there should not have been any controversy on Dr. Ambedkar’s name reciting, as he has already been declared in survey of 10,000 years for 100 persons by Oxford University as one among 4 at the top (Budha, Mahaveera, Ashoka, Dr. Ambedkar) who worked for world But irruption of a controversy to remember Dr. Ambedkar from Indian Parliament, to which people look for justice and healthy, well-balanced wise thoughts and guidance’s, is unfortunate. Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar like many others world leaders challenged powerful rulers and religious authorities, for the denied rights of his people, so, cannot be defaulted. Many such Contenders were executed to silence their voice, but he was lucky to get escaped from 10 deadly attacks on him, as Baba Saheb objected to toe their line of thinking. Our freedom struggle carries numerous stories of such rebels, to whom we now respect as Shaheeds (Martyrs). Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar’s contest was for freedom of India from British Raj in addition to his people’s freedom from religious subjugation and for their denied equality before law of the land. He was born as a low caste Hindu (Mahar) so he bore worst life treatment from non-else but his own high caste religious persons, who openly claimed/claim Hinduism incomplete without low caste shudras (now OBC, SCs and STs). Despite the facts Shudra practised works and crafts for everybody’s comforts, still all worldly progress doors of education, decent means of employment and dignified life were closed for them till, Baba Saheb and other Dalit freedom icons shake them vigorously and lawfully opened for all Indians. Manu, the Aryan Law giver made inequality as key to award privileges and punishments for Hindus on the basis of caste gradation. Manu declared, the punishments need reflect the caste order, with the leniency being reserved for the Brahmin and graded severity for the three lower varnas. Hardest punishment for Shudras as per Manu's Law (unit 6). Baba Saheb declared it as root cause discriminations on the basis of caste among Hindus, so burnt on 25Th December,1925. Against the Hindu text laws based on inequality Baba Saheb Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, whom many called as modern Manu in the Indian Constitution, he drafted ,guaranteed equality before the law for all persons within the country, regardless of rank or condition of an individual(Art 14) ; Art.15 Prohibits discrimination based on religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth ;Art.16 Guarantees equality of opportunity in public employment ; Art.17 Abolished untouchability and any discrimination or disability that arises from it and Article 21 guarantees right to life and liberty for everybody. Article 19 guaranteed Freedom of Speech and Expression, peaceful assembly, forming associations or unions or co-operative societies, right to move freely and settle anywhere within territory of India. Article 21 guarantees Protection of life and Personal Liberty according to procedure established by law. Similarly, Article 13(1) States that any law in force before the Constitution that is inconsistent with the fundamental rights is void and 13(2) States that the state cannot make any law that takes away or limits the rights guaranteed in Part III of the Constitution. While outlaying his commitment for the upliftment of all Shudra castes he said in Bombay Legislative Council in 1927 “Whenever there is a conflict between my personnel interests and the interests of country as a whole, I have always placed the claims of the country above my personnel claims --- when there is a conflict in interests between country and the Untouchables, the untouchable’s interests will take precedence over the interests of the country”. The population of those to whom Baba Saheb declared as servile (Shudra) classes, was as much as 18.93% of the British India population as per censes of 1901, 1911,1921against 5.52% Brahmins population. Even a stone hearted person shall melt on hearing that a Mahar caste woman was taken to the police court, citing her crime of selling watermelons in open and in Bomey Presidency having then population of 22,081,317(1911) and there was one BA and 6-7 Matriculates in 1918-19 (Dr. Ambedkar memorandum to South -borough Committee). Severely hurt by Hindu’s treatment towards his people with no indications for any change in their behaviour, Baba Saheb in his meeting with the South -borough Committee (27 Jan.1919) demanded equal rights in future Constitution of India for Depressed Classes, as a Separate Minority within Hindu religion, and not as Hindus. Dr. Ambedkar was convinced that most of Hindus leaders (Political and religious) including Gandhi ji were opposed to give Constitutional Rights to Shudras or restructure Hinduism on equality for all. For Such bold speaking, he was taken as a defiant of Hindu religion. But Hindu leaders had already agreed to give such rights to Muslims, Sikhs, Indian Christians, Europeans Anglo Indians communities. Dr. Ambedkar even challenged the Britishers in RTCs to leave India forth with, as they had failed to bring any change for betterment the Indian subservient classes, in their 170 years rule. Dr. Ambedkar betted for freedom to India, with freedom to “Slaves to the British Slaves”. Even in feudal governments, Brahmins were comfortable and Shudras sufferer. Baba Saheb hard labour brought Honour to India and welfare of all Indians. To cut slavery chains of Hindu women Dr. Ambedkar drafted and moved in Parliament, Hindu Code Bill. It was withdrawn by Nehru, due to its opposition by majority Hindu Political& Religious (Misguided women included), leaders. Still later governments could not negate it for long and passed in parts, so Indian women got equality with men in all spheres. For this, Indian women feel indebted to the first Law Minister. He pleaded for freedom to India, as united India in his1946 London press conference as per 1935 Act, proving wrong to those who claimed that Baba Saheb was supporter of division of India on caste lines. (Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar By Dhanjay Keer pages 139, 384). When Churchill in 1942 directed to put all Indian leaders in Andemans and Seyshells jails for their support to “Quit India Movement”. Dr. Ambedkar (Member of Viceroy’s Council) alone had courage to object the PM’s proposals in Council Meeting saying “Gandhi, Nehru, Rajinder Babu etc.” were national heroes and were fighting for independence to India, which was not a crime. Records show Dr. Ambedkar refused all temptations like British Knighthood title with support for his proposals to empowering his SCs/ST people, crores cash offer of Nizam Hyderabad, Premiership offer of Patiala King, if, he enmass their religions, so proving his opponents wrong who termed him as enemy of Hindus. Dr. Ambedkar founded the Peoples Education Society in 1945 depicts his vision for education to all is now benefitting over 50,000 students from all Castes and religions. Indian labour came from all castes, regions, religions and as Labour member in Viceroy’s Council (1942-46), Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar got enactment for the labour welfare Laws as: Reduction of working hours from12-14 to 8; Health Insurance Scheme; Labour Welfare Funds; Provident Fund Act; Minimum wage; Equal wages for equal work for all; Leave benefits for even piece workers; Dearness Allowance benefits; Maternity leave with pay benefit; Minimum wages Act; Periodic Revision of Scale of Pay; Tripartite resolution of Industrial disputes; Ban on Employment of Women on Underground Work in Coal Mines; Making Indian Factory Act; National Employment Agency (Establishing Employment Exchanges), States and Union Public Commissions etc. The RBI was established in 1935 following Baba Saheb ‘s research experiences publications for his PhD, DSc Degrees. He also proposed many other financial institutions including Finance Commission, planning commission etc. A few of Baba Saheb’s visionary planned projects included the many Multipurpose Hydrolectric Projects on rivers for benefits of whole of India. He also planned: India’s Water Policy; Electric Power Planning; Post War Economic Planning and Indian Statistical Law. Commenting on the Indian Constitution and Baba Saheb Ambedkar: Justice M.C. Chagla, Cabinet Minister, CJ of HC Bombay and long-time colleague of Dr. Ambedkar, said “Every Bhartiya citizen would remember gratefully the name of Dr. Ambedkar, when they enjoyed his, her rights”. These all facts undoubtedly show that Baba Saheb Ambedkar worked for all Indian and they all owe indebted to him. Words :1756 Dated 30-12-2024
Evaluation of Indian’s working to upheld Constitutional Spirit for 75 years. By: Er. H. R. Phonsa Need of a Constitution: In Autocracy the whole government revolved around single “PILLAR” the, King. The ruler is personification Rule. Though mostly tyrannical,still his word was sole Judiciary and the Executive decisions, approachable by only a few i.e. his relatives, advisors, and sycophants. Therefore, common people daily needs remained unattended. Governance of rulers suited but to only a few so generated clashes of interest, which resulting into many revolutions, wars, fights and blood sheds. The suffering masses struggled to change rulers. Our ancestors sacrificed lives faced atrocities to get India freed, from the foreign ruling yoke of 200 years. India got hard earned freedom on 15August, 1947 from the Britisher’s. Indian public had suffered under Monarchic democracy of the British democracy governance and had witnessed USA democracy working under elected President with their shortcomings, so wanted still better system of governing. Therefore, an Indian visionary team of 389 (reduced to 299 after partition ) with elected and nominated composition was formed to frame Indian Constitution, when India was still under the British rule 1946. The constitution was drafted under the World Symbol of Knowledge Dr. B. R. Ambedkar by 299 delegates from different castes, regions, religions, gender etc. World constitutional law experts declare the Indian constitution as best among all countries Constitutions, which declared in its Preamble, India a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic promising to secure to all its citizens Justice (social, economic and political), Liberty (of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship), Equality (of status and of opportunity) and to promote among them all Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation. Our Constitution was adoption on the 26th January,1949. Since the adoption of our Constitution India has excellently well in many fields, creating several world records. But at the same time many of our constitutional promises for welfare of millions of deprived Indians remain unfulfilled. Some unbiased media reporters point out problems and worries of deprived Indians. Disparities on living conditions and privileges enjoyed of Indian, point out slipping India into two Bharat’s, Privileged and Underprivileged. The Indian living in these two Bharat’s have hardly anything as equality of status or opportunity in social, economic, employment and delivery of justice. Hardening of caste line’s hate against one another is hitting hard to our fraternity pledge. Elite Indians have created a world of their own within India with fencing so high and strong that hardly any person from the poverty ridden deprived Bhartiya’s can think to penetrate in their domain. If anybody from deprived Indians, tries to question ways and means of Elites of raising their wealth and rights disproportionately. Such alarm raiser is frightened and humiliated. Time has shown that Elite’s concern for poor’s is to get their votes during elections by fair or foul means to harvest for them rich dividends of democracy. It looks as, if, India is being run as a business house of Elite Bhartiya and not a welfare state as per the canons of our Constitution for all Indians. Time has shown that all pleasures are for the Elite Bhartiya’s at the cost of all distresses to the deprived Bhartiya’s. Even after 77 years of independence 163 million Indian lac access to clean drinking water another 210 million lack access to improved sanitation so 21% of them suffer from communicable diseases. Against this elite’s enjoy filtered water from bottles and live in houses having latest sanitary systems. Powerful constitutional remedy of such disparities lies with four pillars (Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and the Media). The political control rests with politicians. Their seriousness of working effects control over quality of governance. Over the years the seriousness working of our elected representatives raises many fingers. On an average, Lok Sabha worked 81% of its scheduled time in the past 20 years. Travesty of facts id that Parliament was in session for 64 to 67 days a year on average in last 10 years, against 128 to 132 days allotted between 1952-1972 · During Budget Session of 17th Lok Sabha (January – April 2023) it worked (34.36%) and R.S (24.85%). The 1st Lok Sabhas averaged sitting was 133 (135) of its allotted time, recorded 55 sittings (Averaged) in 17th Parliament. (Ref: The Hindu Feb12,2024). Still their monthly salaries have alarmingly increased from Rs 500/ with daily allowance of Rs51/-(1951)- to Rs1,00,000/-salary with additional daily allowance Rs 2000/- excluding other host of additional facilities incl. Rs 5,00,00,000 as annual constituency Development fund (2023). Also running of the Parliament costed per minute Rs 100/- (1951) & Rs 2.5 Lacs minute (2023). A Parliament functioning below its optimal capacity and not fulfilling its full remit has other trickle-down effects, notably a decline in debates and questions taken by government members of Parliament (MPs). The present trend of ruling party that, when it soes not want to answer a question from opposition, the Parliament is adjourned, a most unfortunate. Falling in moral values is another worry as in Sixties two union Ministers resigned TT. Krishnamacharya Finance, and L. B. Shastri for railway resigned for alleged involvement in a Scan and occurrence of an accident. But in 2011 political party president when asked to comment on corruption charges on his party CM of Karnataka, he said whatever the CM has done was Immoral but not illegal. (The Punjab Kesri 13 Dec.2024). Dynastic politics in India is worrisome. Character, the basic need of our elected representatives has been narrated in available reports e.g. the Punjab Kesari (March 4, 2024) writes on ever increasing rates of them, involved in crimes like rape, murder, attempt to murder, kidnapping, and various crimes against women as mush as24% (2004); 30% (2009) and 34% of MP’s in (2016) How much careful they are about problems of 129 million Indians living in extreme poverty in 2024. Another agency reported that in 18th,17th parliament 46% and ~43% the MP’s are/were involved, some even convicted in such case. ( Politics has become big and safe earning profession for elite and worry for disadvantaged. Some instances of how avoidable lapses in our working, effect the life of common Indian. A) Slums:In 2022, over 41% of India's urban population lived in slums. In Mumbai’s Dharavi has population density of 418,410/km2, where as in same Mumbai an Indian Billionaire lives in a house having 27 stories, 173 metres tall with constructed area of over 65,340 sq. ft, in land plot of 48,780 ft2 (09 Kanals). How can 2 million (20 lakhs) people living in Delhi slums (TOI 21/5/19 report) feel proud of their past political leaders whose Samadhi Grounds (Cremation grounds) has occupied 245 hectors prime land in Delhi, has no answer? B) Reservation in services as per their population is a Constitutional Right of disadvantaged Low Caste people. But government records show Ministries fail to honour it. In 2021, nine Ministries of central government had 82,022 reserved vacancies, but only 42% were filled. Lacs of post have gone unfilled or deserved on flimsy grounds over the years. c) Vested interest generated bills like reservation for EWS & Reorganisation of J&K State were passed with 5 days each, leaving unattended 35 Pending Bills(2001-2022) (NDTV January 30, 2023). D) National Crime Records Bureau, records of 86 rapes daily and (31,677) cases in 2021and (28,046) during 2020 It also records that the committing of crime against Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs)as (50,900 & 8,802cases in 2021; 57,582 & 10,064 in2022; respectively is nothing but unfortunate commentary to provide safety to weak. E) Equality of justice: As stated by former Union Minister of State, HRD, Upendra Kushwaha only 250-300 Gharanas (families) are sending Indian judiciary judges, so justice to poor by courts remains under shadow (Indian Express, January 19, 2019). Corruption is the first-hand enemy of underprivileged and a study by a Berlin-based NGO pegs India as ‘Most Corrupt Country in Asia-Pacific Region, where 54% people reported having paid bribe in 2009. ( Undisposed cases in Courts, in November 2024, were 410,71,411 in India . In 77 years of freedom only total 4-5 Judges from Scheduled castes comprising of a cluster of 1,109 castes with combined population 16.6% (2011) have reached SC of India when in the present (2024) bench of 33 Judges 36.4 % belong to single High caste castes having its population in India is only 4%. Who can be proud for such Judicial System under Indian Constitution is a big question. F) National wealth: Its distribution is highly questionable as 77% of National wealth is held by only 10% of rich population, whereas 50% of the bottom-line population holds just 6.4% of the country's wealth. At least 112,000 people working in the agricultural sector have committed suicide in the past 10 years including according to data by the NCRB. India ranked third globally in billionaire count of 185 in 2024, with their income tripled (263%) over the last 10 years as these185 hold 42.1% of National wealth. Records show in the last 10 years Rs 7,40,968 crore Bank loans were written off, meaning unlikely to recover, when India ranked 111th out of 125 countries in the 2023 GHI and about 81.35 crore people in India receive free food grains (PMGKAY) in operation since April,2020 with promised to continue another five years. Still more lapses can be counted. Common man’s such observations clearly points out, if necessary checks are not applied towards welfare of disadvantaged Indian masses then that it may reversed the definition of Indian Constitution as recorded by Granville Austinan , "Indian Constitution expresses the will of the many rather than the needs of the few." Indian National Interest lies in upholding Constitutional Spirit High.