Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Appeal to Readers of this blog. Dear brothers/Sisters The Blog was created to share general information’s, particularly about Dalit Icons, Dalit problems with suggested measures to solve those problems . The respond from you all is very encouraging for which I remain indebted to my readers. The collective views of all the three blogs readers viz Deprived classes (81 essays), Dalit vision (122 essay) and Dalit Society (81essays) has reached over 2,66,600. Also, I find some short coming in the material posted, particularly related to Icon’s Castes, Dates of their birth/death, as pointed out by my esteemed readers. Some readers while pointing out some short comings also project as it was due to my deliberate effort to high light or down grade any particular Caste. To those readers, my humble submission is, I pursue no financial/business interests through this Blog, it was created to only share knowledge, based on already written material available on different site, books, I could lay hand to read, forming source of material shared here. New research is going on in the world in different institutions and new facts are being churned out daily. It is not humanly possible to read/takr note such material, particularly by an advanced aged individual like me, and update material here daily. Knowledge sharing need be a joint effort, if any one of my readers finds short coming in respect of the material shared here, he/she can simply share it with me giving his/her source, I shall be glade to share the same here, giving the source of new material. I have no interest in the Blog write up other than sharing knowledge/information, so no personal ego, no rigidity in adopting changes, if a valid source is shared. The only lapse can be a bit delay, due to reduced working time because of my advanced age. All readers are therefore requested to help to make it really a reliable source of information/knowledge. Er. Hem Raj Phonsa

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Was Dr. Ambedkar a Liberator of Dalits only ? By: Er. H. R. Phonsa One can only feel sorry to note that Indian Parliament (18th LS) session, called for marking the 75th anniversary of the adoption of its Constitution with other business utilised its scheduled time to the extent of only 52% (LS) and 39%(RS), knowing well every minute of our Parliament costs tax payers Rs 2,50,000/- per minute. It was still more unfortunate that the major controversy involved and chairman of Indian Constitution Drafting Committee Baba Saheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, who laboured with, his reduced team, for 2 years,11 months and 18 days to write World’s best Constitution. The controversy originated from the reply to the debate by Hon’ble Home Minister in Rajya Sabha on 17th Deccember,2024, where he said: “There is a fashion these days — Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar… Had you chanted the name of God these many times, you would have been blessed with heaven in seven births.” Shah’s tone and tenor was one of aggression was stated by “the Wire”. The opposition MPs in Parliament and Indian Public on roads objected to the statement of the Indian Home Minister .Let us examine, why so many people world over , in all life spheres, remember daily and on many special occasions Bharat Ratna Baba Saheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. Many of Dr. Ambedkar’s followers who take him as their Guide, perhaps has no concept of heaven comforts after death. It is also a common knowledge that humans remember their elders (Living or dead) for their help, good deeds and sane advises, which they rendered during their life time. Dr. Ambedkar created many worlds records during his life time. He also worked for the welfare of his people, who lived life even worse than animals. He fought to raise them as human, who could now rightfully enjoy all constitutional laws of the land. Such peoples are over 75% of Indian population. Symbol of world knowledge” Baba Saheb had earned in whole world super academic education degrees. He knew ten languages (Sanskrit included). He had written and deliberated on all world subjects, particularly on the problems and remedies of deprived people. So, anyone who wants to speak or write on important subjects like economics, law, anthropology, politics, religion, education, women empowerment etc. consults the writing of Baba Saheb for guidance even after seven decades of his demise. So, there should not have been any controversy on Dr. Ambedkar’s name reciting, as he has already been declared in survey of 10,000 years for 100 persons by Oxford University as one among 4 at the top (Budha, Mahaveera, Ashoka, Dr. Ambedkar) who worked for world But irruption of a controversy to remember Dr. Ambedkar from Indian Parliament, to which people look for justice and healthy, well-balanced wise thoughts and guidance’s, is unfortunate. Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar like many others world leaders challenged powerful rulers and religious authorities, for the denied rights of his people, so, cannot be defaulted. Many such Contenders were executed to silence their voice, but he was lucky to get escaped from 10 deadly attacks on him, as Baba Saheb objected to toe their line of thinking. Our freedom struggle carries numerous stories of such rebels, to whom we now respect as Shaheeds (Martyrs). Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar’s contest was for freedom of India from British Raj in addition to his people’s freedom from religious subjugation and for their denied equality before law of the land. He was born as a low caste Hindu (Mahar) so he bore worst life treatment from non-else but his own high caste religious persons, who openly claimed/claim Hinduism incomplete without low caste shudras (now OBC, SCs and STs). Despite the facts Shudra practised works and crafts for everybody’s comforts, still all worldly progress doors of education, decent means of employment and dignified life were closed for them till, Baba Saheb and other Dalit freedom icons shake them vigorously and lawfully opened for all Indians. Manu, the Aryan Law giver made inequality as key to award privileges and punishments for Hindus on the basis of caste gradation. Manu declared, the punishments need reflect the caste order, with the leniency being reserved for the Brahmin and graded severity for the three lower varnas. Hardest punishment for Shudras as per Manu's Law (unit 6). Baba Saheb declared it as root cause discriminations on the basis of caste among Hindus, so burnt on 25Th December,1925. Against the Hindu text laws based on inequality Baba Saheb Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, whom many called as modern Manu in the Indian Constitution, he drafted ,guaranteed equality before the law for all persons within the country, regardless of rank or condition of an individual(Art 14) ; Art.15 Prohibits discrimination based on religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth ;Art.16 Guarantees equality of opportunity in public employment ; Art.17 Abolished untouchability and any discrimination or disability that arises from it and Article 21 guarantees right to life and liberty for everybody. Article 19 guaranteed Freedom of Speech and Expression, peaceful assembly, forming associations or unions or co-operative societies, right to move freely and settle anywhere within territory of India. Article 21 guarantees Protection of life and Personal Liberty according to procedure established by law. Similarly, Article 13(1) States that any law in force before the Constitution that is inconsistent with the fundamental rights is void and 13(2) States that the state cannot make any law that takes away or limits the rights guaranteed in Part III of the Constitution. While outlaying his commitment for the upliftment of all Shudra castes he said in Bombay Legislative Council in 1927 “Whenever there is a conflict between my personnel interests and the interests of country as a whole, I have always placed the claims of the country above my personnel claims --- when there is a conflict in interests between country and the Untouchables, the untouchable’s interests will take precedence over the interests of the country”. The population of those to whom Baba Saheb declared as servile (Shudra) classes, was as much as 18.93% of the British India population as per censes of 1901, 1911,1921against 5.52% Brahmins population. Even a stone hearted person shall melt on hearing that a Mahar caste woman was taken to the police court, citing her crime of selling watermelons in open and in Bomey Presidency having then population of 22,081,317(1911) and there was one BA and 6-7 Matriculates in 1918-19 (Dr. Ambedkar memorandum to South -borough Committee). Severely hurt by Hindu’s treatment towards his people with no indications for any change in their behaviour, Baba Saheb in his meeting with the South -borough Committee (27 Jan.1919) demanded equal rights in future Constitution of India for Depressed Classes, as a Separate Minority within Hindu religion, and not as Hindus. Dr. Ambedkar was convinced that most of Hindus leaders (Political and religious) including Gandhi ji were opposed to give Constitutional Rights to Shudras or restructure Hinduism on equality for all. For Such bold speaking, he was taken as a defiant of Hindu religion. But Hindu leaders had already agreed to give such rights to Muslims, Sikhs, Indian Christians, Europeans Anglo Indians communities. Dr. Ambedkar even challenged the Britishers in RTCs to leave India forth with, as they had failed to bring any change for betterment the Indian subservient classes, in their 170 years rule. Dr. Ambedkar betted for freedom to India, with freedom to “Slaves to the British Slaves”. Even in feudal governments, Brahmins were comfortable and Shudras sufferer. Baba Saheb hard labour brought Honour to India and welfare of all Indians. To cut slavery chains of Hindu women Dr. Ambedkar drafted and moved in Parliament, Hindu Code Bill. It was withdrawn by Nehru, due to its opposition by majority Hindu Political& Religious (Misguided women included), leaders. Still later governments could not negate it for long and passed in parts, so Indian women got equality with men in all spheres. For this, Indian women feel indebted to the first Law Minister. He pleaded for freedom to India, as united India in his1946 London press conference as per 1935 Act, proving wrong to those who claimed that Baba Saheb was supporter of division of India on caste lines. (Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar By Dhanjay Keer pages 139, 384). When Churchill in 1942 directed to put all Indian leaders in Andemans and Seyshells jails for their support to “Quit India Movement”. Dr. Ambedkar (Member of Viceroy’s Council) alone had courage to object the PM’s proposals in Council Meeting saying “Gandhi, Nehru, Rajinder Babu etc.” were national heroes and were fighting for independence to India, which was not a crime. Records show Dr. Ambedkar refused all temptations like British Knighthood title with support for his proposals to empowering his SCs/ST people, crores cash offer of Nizam Hyderabad, Premiership offer of Patiala King, if, he enmass their religions, so proving his opponents wrong who termed him as enemy of Hindus. Dr. Ambedkar founded the Peoples Education Society in 1945 depicts his vision for education to all is now benefitting over 50,000 students from all Castes and religions. Indian labour came from all castes, regions, religions and as Labour member in Viceroy’s Council (1942-46), Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar got enactment for the labour welfare Laws as: Reduction of working hours from12-14 to 8; Health Insurance Scheme; Labour Welfare Funds; Provident Fund Act; Minimum wage; Equal wages for equal work for all; Leave benefits for even piece workers; Dearness Allowance benefits; Maternity leave with pay benefit; Minimum wages Act; Periodic Revision of Scale of Pay; Tripartite resolution of Industrial disputes; Ban on Employment of Women on Underground Work in Coal Mines; Making Indian Factory Act; National Employment Agency (Establishing Employment Exchanges), States and Union Public Commissions etc. The RBI was established in 1935 following Baba Saheb ‘s research experiences publications for his PhD, DSc Degrees. He also proposed many other financial institutions including Finance Commission, planning commission etc. A few of Baba Saheb’s visionary planned projects included the many Multipurpose Hydrolectric Projects on rivers for benefits of whole of India. He also planned: India’s Water Policy; Electric Power Planning; Post War Economic Planning and Indian Statistical Law. Commenting on the Indian Constitution and Baba Saheb Ambedkar: Justice M.C. Chagla, Cabinet Minister, CJ of HC Bombay and long-time colleague of Dr. Ambedkar, said “Every Bhartiya citizen would remember gratefully the name of Dr. Ambedkar, when they enjoyed his, her rights”. These all facts undoubtedly show that Baba Saheb Ambedkar worked for all Indian and they all owe indebted to him. Words :1756 Dated 30-12-2024
Evaluation of Indian’s working to upheld Constitutional Spirit for 75 years. By: Er. H. R. Phonsa Need of a Constitution: In Autocracy the whole government revolved around single “PILLAR” the, King. The ruler is personification Rule. Though mostly tyrannical,still his word was sole Judiciary and the Executive decisions, approachable by only a few i.e. his relatives, advisors, and sycophants. Therefore, common people daily needs remained unattended. Governance of rulers suited but to only a few so generated clashes of interest, which resulting into many revolutions, wars, fights and blood sheds. The suffering masses struggled to change rulers. Our ancestors sacrificed lives faced atrocities to get India freed, from the foreign ruling yoke of 200 years. India got hard earned freedom on 15August, 1947 from the Britisher’s. Indian public had suffered under Monarchic democracy of the British democracy governance and had witnessed USA democracy working under elected President with their shortcomings, so wanted still better system of governing. Therefore, an Indian visionary team of 389 (reduced to 299 after partition ) with elected and nominated composition was formed to frame Indian Constitution, when India was still under the British rule 1946. The constitution was drafted under the World Symbol of Knowledge Dr. B. R. Ambedkar by 299 delegates from different castes, regions, religions, gender etc. World constitutional law experts declare the Indian constitution as best among all countries Constitutions, which declared in its Preamble, India a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic promising to secure to all its citizens Justice (social, economic and political), Liberty (of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship), Equality (of status and of opportunity) and to promote among them all Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation. Our Constitution was adoption on the 26th January,1949. Since the adoption of our Constitution India has excellently well in many fields, creating several world records. But at the same time many of our constitutional promises for welfare of millions of deprived Indians remain unfulfilled. Some unbiased media reporters point out problems and worries of deprived Indians. Disparities on living conditions and privileges enjoyed of Indian, point out slipping India into two Bharat’s, Privileged and Underprivileged. The Indian living in these two Bharat’s have hardly anything as equality of status or opportunity in social, economic, employment and delivery of justice. Hardening of caste line’s hate against one another is hitting hard to our fraternity pledge. Elite Indians have created a world of their own within India with fencing so high and strong that hardly any person from the poverty ridden deprived Bhartiya’s can think to penetrate in their domain. If anybody from deprived Indians, tries to question ways and means of Elites of raising their wealth and rights disproportionately. Such alarm raiser is frightened and humiliated. Time has shown that Elite’s concern for poor’s is to get their votes during elections by fair or foul means to harvest for them rich dividends of democracy. It looks as, if, India is being run as a business house of Elite Bhartiya and not a welfare state as per the canons of our Constitution for all Indians. Time has shown that all pleasures are for the Elite Bhartiya’s at the cost of all distresses to the deprived Bhartiya’s. Even after 77 years of independence 163 million Indian lac access to clean drinking water another 210 million lack access to improved sanitation so 21% of them suffer from communicable diseases. Against this elite’s enjoy filtered water from bottles and live in houses having latest sanitary systems. Powerful constitutional remedy of such disparities lies with four pillars (Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and the Media). The political control rests with politicians. Their seriousness of working effects control over quality of governance. Over the years the seriousness working of our elected representatives raises many fingers. On an average, Lok Sabha worked 81% of its scheduled time in the past 20 years. Travesty of facts id that Parliament was in session for 64 to 67 days a year on average in last 10 years, against 128 to 132 days allotted between 1952-1972 · During Budget Session of 17th Lok Sabha (January – April 2023) it worked (34.36%) and R.S (24.85%). The 1st Lok Sabhas averaged sitting was 133 (135) of its allotted time, recorded 55 sittings (Averaged) in 17th Parliament. (Ref: The Hindu Feb12,2024). Still their monthly salaries have alarmingly increased from Rs 500/ with daily allowance of Rs51/-(1951)- to Rs1,00,000/-salary with additional daily allowance Rs 2000/- excluding other host of additional facilities incl. Rs 5,00,00,000 as annual constituency Development fund (2023). Also running of the Parliament costed per minute Rs 100/- (1951) & Rs 2.5 Lacs minute (2023). A Parliament functioning below its optimal capacity and not fulfilling its full remit has other trickle-down effects, notably a decline in debates and questions taken by government members of Parliament (MPs). The present trend of ruling party that, when it soes not want to answer a question from opposition, the Parliament is adjourned, a most unfortunate. Falling in moral values is another worry as in Sixties two union Ministers resigned TT. Krishnamacharya Finance, and L. B. Shastri for railway resigned for alleged involvement in a Scan and occurrence of an accident. But in 2011 political party president when asked to comment on corruption charges on his party CM of Karnataka, he said whatever the CM has done was Immoral but not illegal. (The Punjab Kesri 13 Dec.2024). Dynastic politics in India is worrisome. Character, the basic need of our elected representatives has been narrated in available reports e.g. the Punjab Kesari (March 4, 2024) writes on ever increasing rates of them, involved in crimes like rape, murder, attempt to murder, kidnapping, and various crimes against women as mush as24% (2004); 30% (2009) and 34% of MP’s in (2016) How much careful they are about problems of 129 million Indians living in extreme poverty in 2024. Another agency reported that in 18th,17th parliament 46% and ~43% the MP’s are/were involved, some even convicted in such case. ( Politics has become big and safe earning profession for elite and worry for disadvantaged. Some instances of how avoidable lapses in our working, effect the life of common Indian. A) Slums:In 2022, over 41% of India's urban population lived in slums. In Mumbai’s Dharavi has population density of 418,410/km2, where as in same Mumbai an Indian Billionaire lives in a house having 27 stories, 173 metres tall with constructed area of over 65,340 sq. ft, in land plot of 48,780 ft2 (09 Kanals). How can 2 million (20 lakhs) people living in Delhi slums (TOI 21/5/19 report) feel proud of their past political leaders whose Samadhi Grounds (Cremation grounds) has occupied 245 hectors prime land in Delhi, has no answer? B) Reservation in services as per their population is a Constitutional Right of disadvantaged Low Caste people. But government records show Ministries fail to honour it. In 2021, nine Ministries of central government had 82,022 reserved vacancies, but only 42% were filled. Lacs of post have gone unfilled or deserved on flimsy grounds over the years. c) Vested interest generated bills like reservation for EWS & Reorganisation of J&K State were passed with 5 days each, leaving unattended 35 Pending Bills(2001-2022) (NDTV January 30, 2023). D) National Crime Records Bureau, records of 86 rapes daily and (31,677) cases in 2021and (28,046) during 2020 It also records that the committing of crime against Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs)as (50,900 & 8,802cases in 2021; 57,582 & 10,064 in2022; respectively is nothing but unfortunate commentary to provide safety to weak. E) Equality of justice: As stated by former Union Minister of State, HRD, Upendra Kushwaha only 250-300 Gharanas (families) are sending Indian judiciary judges, so justice to poor by courts remains under shadow (Indian Express, January 19, 2019). Corruption is the first-hand enemy of underprivileged and a study by a Berlin-based NGO pegs India as ‘Most Corrupt Country in Asia-Pacific Region, where 54% people reported having paid bribe in 2009. ( Undisposed cases in Courts, in November 2024, were 410,71,411 in India . In 77 years of freedom only total 4-5 Judges from Scheduled castes comprising of a cluster of 1,109 castes with combined population 16.6% (2011) have reached SC of India when in the present (2024) bench of 33 Judges 36.4 % belong to single High caste castes having its population in India is only 4%. Who can be proud for such Judicial System under Indian Constitution is a big question. F) National wealth: Its distribution is highly questionable as 77% of National wealth is held by only 10% of rich population, whereas 50% of the bottom-line population holds just 6.4% of the country's wealth. At least 112,000 people working in the agricultural sector have committed suicide in the past 10 years including according to data by the NCRB. India ranked third globally in billionaire count of 185 in 2024, with their income tripled (263%) over the last 10 years as these185 hold 42.1% of National wealth. Records show in the last 10 years Rs 7,40,968 crore Bank loans were written off, meaning unlikely to recover, when India ranked 111th out of 125 countries in the 2023 GHI and about 81.35 crore people in India receive free food grains (PMGKAY) in operation since April,2020 with promised to continue another five years. Still more lapses can be counted. Common man’s such observations clearly points out, if necessary checks are not applied towards welfare of disadvantaged Indian masses then that it may reversed the definition of Indian Constitution as recorded by Granville Austinan , "Indian Constitution expresses the will of the many rather than the needs of the few." Indian National Interest lies in upholding Constitutional Spirit High.

Saturday, November 5, 2022


VENKAT RAO BATHULA SAYANNA ALIAS HYDERABADIAMBEDKAR (1896-1953) (Remembering with reverence, Dalit icon, Baba Saheb’s confident on his 70th Death Anniversary falling on 4th Nov,2022) By: Er H.R. Phonsa, jammu( J&K,UT), Contact( 9419134060--, Khusru-E- Deccan, Mr. Bathula Venkat Rao a Dalit hero of Hyderabad was one of the most trustworthy comrades of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. He belonged to Mala caste included in Scheduled Castes. In Andhra Pradesh 59 Dalit castes and one Neo Buddhists are included in scheduled caste. Mala and Medigas form 80% of Scheduled castes which have 16.5% population of the total state population (2001 censes). Shri Bathula Sayanna Venkat Rao was born in October, 1896. His father Bathula Sayanna worked as a domestic servant. He had formal education only up to ninth class but had gained proficiency in English, Marathi, Persian, Urdu and Telgu. He observed that the Dalits in Hyderabad were facing dual discriminations, because Muslims rulers took them as Hindus and Hindus treated them as Shudras or untouchables. 1941 census had estimated the population of Hyderabad to be 16.34 million, over 85% of whom were Hindus ( Shudras included), Muslims accounting for about 12%. It was also a multi-lingual state consisting of peoples speaking Telugu (48.2%), Marathi (26.4%), Kannada (12.3%) and Urdu (10.3%). In spite of the overwhelming Hindu majority, Hindus were severely under-represented in government, police and the military services. Of 1765 officers in the State Army, 1268 were Muslims, 421 were Hindus, and 121 others were Christians, Parses and Sikhs but none from Dalits. The Nizam and his nobles, who were mostly Muslims, owned 40% of the total land in the state. When this was the state of affairs in the state services, the conditions of untouchables can be well imagined, who faced dual discrimination. Mr. Bathula Venkat Rao worked as a sculptor in Poona (Now Pune) from 1914 to 1918. There after he got employment in the Public Works Department of Nizam's Government as an overseer and after some time he got appointed as an Assistant Recruiting Officer at Nizamsagar Project. He continued to assist Dalits all the times. Mr. B.S Venkatrao married Shanta Devi and later on Nalini Devi. He had one daughter from his first wife and one son from his second marriage. He keenly observed public effects of untouchability on the Depressed Classes and decided to fight it with all his might to get this social evil eliminated. He formed the Adi-Dravida Sangham in 1922 with the assistance of M. Govindrajulu and M. Venkata Swamy. Main objective of the Sangham was to remove the Devadasi system and unite the Dalits. Devidasies were the women, who were offered to gods in the temples in their childhood to save their families from deity’s curse. These women in their youth sang and danced in the temples to entertain the priests in the name of deitie’s. The priest also exploited them sexually and made their life like hell. The illegitimate children born out of sexual exploitation of these poor and helpless women were named as "Harijans" meaning - 'children of God'. When Gandhi Ji named Untouchables as Harijans it was opposed by one and all comrades of Dr. Ambedkar. Subsequently on the advice and co-operation of his associates Shri Venktrao formed the Adi-Hindu Mahasabha in April 1927. The working committee besides himself consisted of Ramaswamy, M. Venkata-Swamy, Arigay Rama Ramaswamy, C.S Ethirajan, and others. In Nizam's state they tried to bring a new awakening among the untouchable masses. Shri Venktrao led a delegation to the Maharashtra A-sprishya (Untouchables) Youth's Conference, Poona in January 1936. The conference was presided over by N. Shivraj. Dr Ambedkar addressed it. Later on, at the initiative of P.R. Venkataswamy the Youth League of Ambedkarite was formed with. B.S.Venkat Rao as its President and P.R. Venkata-Swamy its Secretary. In recognition of B.S.Venkatrao's contribution to the Dalit uplift in Hyderabad area, Dr. Ambedkar invited him to preside over the Bombay Presidency Mahar conference held on 30 May 1936, at Bombay. The conference was attended by 10,000 people. The conference unanimously resolved to support the conversion move initiated by Baba Saheb. B.S. Venkatrao continued with the welfare efforts for the Dalits. He constructed a library in the Ghasmandi (Grass Market) area. He also got constructed some houses in the Ghasmandi area and named it Audia Nagar after the name of first engineer from Dalit Castes of Hyderabad, Shri M. L . Audio did a pioneering job for Dalit masses.. When Shri Venkatrao observed that Hindus shall not allow the untouchable to enter their temples for worship, he also got constructed 18 temples in Hyderabad for the use of the untouchables. Mr. Venkatrao was nominated by the Nizam government to the Hyderabad Municipal Corporation in October 1937. The general body meeting of Youth League of Ambedkarite was convened on 29 May 193 8 in Jamshed Hall, under the Presidentship of Rao Saheb Venkatrao. In the meeting the League of Ambedkarite was renamed as the Hyderabad State Depressed Classes Association. In its meeting on 31st October 1938 Mr..Venkatrao was elected as its President and K.Jagannathan as Secretary. When Independent Labour Party of Dr. Ambedkar was made broad based and renamed as All India Depressed Classes Federation, Mr. Venkat Rao participated in its meeting held at Nagpur on 18, 19 and 20 July 1942. With this and other social activists B.S. Venkatrao got into prominence. The Nizam of Hyderabad also realized his Venkatrao’s importance and nominated him to the Defense Council of Nizam in 1943. He was nominated by the Nizam to the Secunderabad Municipal Committee in 1945. He was elected unopposed from the local body constituency to the Nizam's Legislative Assembly, in December 1946. Palayam Pillai moved a resolution in the assembly for grant of Rs 20,00,000, for the uplift of the depressed classes of the State. The recommendations were asked to be sent it to the President in-council .This bill was debated in the State Assembly On 1st April 1947. But Mr. Ventkatrao moved an amendment to the resolution raising the grant to one crore rupees. The House agreed to recommend to Mirza Muhammad Ismail the then Prime Minister for the grant of one crore to the fund. Accordingly, the Nizam Hyderabad Zinab Mir Osman Ali Khan constituted the Depressed Classes welfare fund and sanctioned one crore rupees for the same. Some waste land was also allotted by the Nizam Of Hyderabad to Dalits on the initiative of Dalit leaders. The Nizam Of Hyderabad also gave some other concessions to Dalits. In recognition of his meritorious services to the public at large in Hyderabad State, his Exalted Highness, the Nizam honored Mr. B.S. Venkatrao by awarding the title of Khusru-E-Decan. He was popularly known by the Depressed Classes people as Rao Saheb and also as Hyderabadi Ambedkar. Mr. B. S. Venkatrao was offered a seat in the Interim Ministry with the portfolio of Education, under the Prime Minister Mir Laiq Ali on 17th December 1947. Hyderabad was integrated with Indian Union in 1951. In order to protect untouchables from the inhuman treatment and exploitation by the caste Hindus as well as from the undue pressure by the Muslims Mr. Venkatrao founded the Depressed Classes Volunteer Corps in April 1948. Mr. B.S.Venkatrao also formed an alliance with the Majlis Ittehadul Musalimeen. Even the Lingayats, the upper caste Hindus also formed an alliance with the Majlis Ittehadul and joined the coalition government. Mir Laiq Ali (died 1971) .He was the last Prime Minister of Hyderabad State under the rule of the Nizams whose official title was "President of the Executive Council of the Nizam of Hyderabad". The Government of India, in its bid to integrate India, successfully launched Police Action on the Nizam's State in September 1948. The Military government formed after the police action put Mr. B.S.Venkatrao in preventive detention in September 1948. However later Mr. B.S. Venkatrao was released honorably. In Free India Mr. Bathula Venkat Rao unsuccessfully contested in 1952 as an independent candidate for the Hyderabad State Legislative Assembly from Secunderabad constituency. But, later he was elected to the Rajya Sabha by the State Legislative Assembly. It was due to the dedicated work of Dalit leaders including Mr. B.S. Venkatrao that Andhra Pradesh had the unique distinction of having first Scheduled Caste Chief Minister Shri Damodaram Sanjivayya (1921-1972) from 11 January 1960 to 12 March 1962. But despite all Reservation rules favouring Dalits in 1995 there were 26,536 unfilled reserved Govt. departments posts as backlog where -as 4.1 lakhs educated scheduled caste persons were unemployed (The Enaadu Tamil Daily dt. Dec 6 th, 1995). Mr. Bathula Venkat Rao having strong conviction, wills, courage, generosity and selflessness for the Oppressed Dalits. Rao Saheb Shri Bathula Venkat Rao expired on 4th November 1953, at the age of 57. Mr. Bathula Venkat Rao shall be long remembered with reverence by his grateful community.

Friday, August 19, 2022

EALY VADAPALLY an associate Of Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar, who opened an ashram for the Dalit students. He fed the hostel wards by resorting to begging

EALY VADAPALLY (1911-1972) (We slate his memory on his 112nd Birthday Jayanti which was on 11th Aug, 2022) By: Er. H. R. Phonsa EALY VADAPALLY an associate Of Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar, who opened an ashram for the Dalit students. He fed the hostel wards by resorting to begging An Adi-Andhra Mr. Ealy Vadapally was born on 11 August 1911 at Nandapeta in East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh. Nandapeta is 34.5 km distance from its District Main City Kakinada, and 369 km distance from its State Main City Hyderabad. His father Ealy Naganna was a farmer. Mr. Vadapally studied up to Matriculation passing it in 1928. He had seen during these years the poverty laden condition of untouchables due to manmade barriers. So, he chose the field of social work for the uplift of his untouchables of Andhara Pradesh. In his youth he believed in teachings of the Brabmo Samaj, started on 28 August 1828 by Raja Ram Mohan Rai. The samaj was for an assembly of all sorts and descriptions of people without distinction, of caste meeting publicly for the sober, orderly, religious and devout adoration of "the (nameless) unreachable Eternal, Immutable Being who is the Author and Preserver of the Universe. But, when Ealy Vadapally heard Dalit emancipation crusader Baba Saheb Ambedkar, he embraced Buddhism. Like all other Dalit leaders Ealy Vadapally too believed that educating Dalits was the first step for upliftment of the poor Dalit masses. He also toed the line of thinking that the Hindus have done great injustice to Dalits by denying them their rights of education Therefore to spread education among the untouchables; he tried to instill in the Dalit masses an awareness about the importance of education. In 1940 he started one Ashram for the students of the community. To tide over financial difficulties, he begged to feed the students in the hostel. To make the wards self-supporting, he established Laxshmi Industrial Training School at Ramchandrapuram. To bring political awareness and unity among his people, he organized many meetings and conferences of the Scheduled Castes at various places in East Godavari district. In and around 1944 with the cooperation of Nandanara Harishchand, a great Dalit leader of the area; he successfully organized a mammoth rally in Ramachandrapuram. This mammoth conference was addressed by Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar, who was then Indian Labour, CPWD, and Housing Minister in the Viceroy's Executive Council. Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar visited Kakinanda on september29,1944 (TOI Feb 27, 2021). When Dr. Ambedkar converted the Indian Labour Party into the Scheduled Castes Federation, a political party in 1942, Mr. Ealy Vadapally joined it and organized the party at district level with great efforts and zeal in his area. When The Republican Party of India was formed after the sad demise of Baba Saheb Ambedkar, he joined it too. Mr. Ealy Vadapally got married with Madam Shankhamma in 1939. The couple had two sons and five daughters. Mr. Vadapally was Councilor of Ramchandrapuram Municipality for near about two decades. When the first general elections held in 1952, Mr. Vadapally unsuccessfully contested as SCF nominee for the erstwhile Madras State Legislative Assembly from Kakinada (G and SC). Again, he contested for the Lok Sabha seat in 1957 as SCF candidate from Kakinada (G and SC), but got defeated. He again contested for the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly seat from Tallarevu (SC) in 1967 as a Congress candidate and became successful in the election. But he continued his work for the just cause of the Dalit masses. For some time, he published the Jaibheem magazine from Ramchandrapuram. He also wrote Nimna Jathula Charitra, the story of Scheduled Castes and Gandhi and untouchability. He composed poems, wherein he depicted the social life of the Scheduled Castes. Mr. Vadapally was honored by his admirers and followers with the title of Sevadhurandhar. He passed away on Nov 11, 1972 when he had just attained the age of 61. Ref:- Dr. Ambedkar and His Associates by Er. H. R. Phonsa एली वडापल्ली (1911-1972) (हम उनकी 112वीं जयंती, जो 11 अगस्त, 2022 को थी, पर उनकी स्मृति को सलाम करते हैं) द्वारा: एर. एच. आर. फोन्सा एली वडापल्ली ,डॉ. बाबा साहेब अम्बेडकर के एक सहयोगी, जिन्होंने दलित छात्रों के लिए एक आश्रम खोला। उसने भीख का सहारा लेकर हॉस्टल के वार्डों को खाना खिलाया एक आदि-आंध्र मिस्टर एली वडापल्ली का जन्म 11 अगस्त 1911 को आंध्र प्रदेश के पूर्वी गोदावरी जिले के नंदपेटा में हुआ था। नंदपेटा अपने जिला मुख्य शहर काकीनाडा से 34.5 किमी और अपने राज्य मुख्य शहर हैदराबाद से 369 किमी की दूरी पर है। उनके पिता एली नागन्ना एक किसान थे। श्री वडापल्ली ने 1928 में मैट्रिक तक की पढ़ाई की। उन्होंने इन वर्षों के दौरान मानव निर्मित बाधाओं के कारण अछूतों की गरीबी की स्थिति देखी थी। इसलिए, उन्होंने आंध्र प्रदेश के अपने अछूतों के उत्थान के लिए सामाजिक कार्य के क्षेत्र को चुना। अपनी युवावस्था में वे 28 अगस्त 1828 को राजा राम मोहन राय द्वारा शुरू किए गए ब्रबमो समाज की शिक्षाओं में विश्वास करते थे। समाज बिना किसी भेदभाव के लोगों के सभी प्रकार और विवरणों की एक सभा के लिए था, जाति की बैठक सार्वजनिक रूप से शांत, व्यवस्थित, धार्मिक और भक्तिपूर्ण पूजा के लिए "(नामहीन) अप्राप्य शाश्वत, अपरिवर्तनीय होने के लिए जो ब्रह्मांड के लेखक और संरक्षक हैं लेकिन, जब एली वडापल्ली ने दलित मुक्ति के योद्धा बाबा साहेब अम्बेडकर को सुना, तो उन्होंने बौद्ध धर्म ग्रहण कर लिया। अन्य सभी दलित नेताओं की तरह एली वडापल्ली का भी मानना था कि दलितों को शिक्षित करना गरीब दलित जनता के उत्थान के लिए पहला कदम है। उन्होंने यह भी सोचा कि हिंदुओं ने दलितों को उनके शिक्षा के अधिकार से वंचित करके उनके साथ बहुत अन्याय किया है इसलिए अछूतों के बीच शिक्षा का प्रसार करना; उन्होंने दलित जनता में शिक्षा के महत्व के बारे में जागरूकता पैदा करने की कोशिश की। 1940 में उन्होंने समुदाय के छात्रों के लिए एक आश्रम शुरू किया। आर्थिक तंगी से उबरने के लिए उसने हॉस्टल में छात्रों को खाना खिलाने की भीख मांगी। वार्डों को स्वावलंबी बनाने के लिए उन्होंने रामचंद्रपुरम में लक्ष्मी इंडस्ट्रियल ट्रेनिंग स्कूल की स्थापना की। अपने लोगों में राजनीतिक जागरूकता और एकता लाने के लिए उन्होंने पूर्वी गोदावरी जिले के विभिन्न स्थानों पर अनुसूचित जातियों की कई सभाओं और सम्मेलनों का आयोजन किया। 1944 में और उसके आसपास क्षेत्र के एक महान दलित नेता नंदनारा हरिश्चंद के सहयोग से; उन्होंने रामचंद्रपुरम में एक विशाल रैली का सफलतापूर्वक आयोजन किया। इस विशाल सम्मेलन को डॉ. बाबा साहेब अम्बेडकर ने संबोधित किया, जो उस समय भारतीय श्रम, सीपीडब्ल्यूडी और वाइसराय की कार्यकारी परिषद में आवास मंत्री थे। डॉ बाबा साहेब अम्बेडकर ने 29 सितंबर, 1944 (टीओआई 27 फरवरी, 2021) को काकीनांडा का दौरा किया। 1942 में जब डॉ. अम्बेडकर ने भारतीय लेबर पार्टी को एक राजनीतिक दल, अनुसूचित जाति संघ में परिवर्तित किया, तो श्री एली वडापल्ली इसमें शामिल हो गए और अपने क्षेत्र में बड़े प्रयासों और उत्साह के साथ जिला स्तर पर पार्टी का आयोजन किया। बाबा साहेब अम्बेडकर के दुखद निधन के बाद जब रिपब्लिकन पार्टी ऑफ इंडिया का गठन हुआ, तो वे भी उसमें शामिल हो गए। श्री एली वडापल्ली ने 1939 में मैडम शंखम्मा के साथ विवाह किया। दंपति के दो बेटे और पांच बेटियां थीं। श्री वडापल्ली लगभग दो दशकों तक रामचंद्रपुरम नगर पालिका के पार्षद रहे। जब 1952 में पहला आम चुनाव हुआ, तो श्री वडापल्ली ने काकीनाडा (जी और एससी) से तत्कालीन मद्रास राज्य विधान सभा के लिए एससीएफ उम्मीदवार के रूप में असफल रूप से चुनाव लड़ा। फिर से, उन्होंने 1957 में काकीनाडा (जी और एससी) से एससीएफ उम्मीदवार के रूप में लोकसभा सीट के लिए चुनाव लड़ा, लेकिन हार गए। उन्होंने 1967 में कांग्रेस उम्मीदवार के रूप में फिर से आंध्र प्रदेश विधान सभा सीट के लिए तल्लारेवु (एससी) से चुनाव लड़ा और चुनाव में सफल हुए। लेकिन उन्होंने दलित जनता के न्याय के लिए अपना काम जारी रखा। कुछ समय के लिए उन्होंने रामचंद्रपुरम से जयभीम पत्रिका प्रकाशित की। उन्होंने निम्ना जठुला चरित्र, अनुसूचित जाति और गांधी और अस्पृश्यता की कहानी भी लिखी। उन्होंने कविताओं की रचना की, जिसमें उन्होंने अनुसूचित जातियों के सामाजिक जीवन का चित्रण किया। श्री वडापल्ली को उनके प्रशंसकों और अनुयायियों ने सेवाधुरंधर की उपाधि से सम्मानित किया। 11 नवंबर, 1972 को उनका निधन हो गया, जब वे 61 वर्ष के थे। संदर्भ: - डॉ. अम्बेडकर और उनके सहयोगी द्वारा। एच. आर. फोन्सा

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Know Er. Hem Raj Phonsa in brief on his Birthday 14th June,2022.

Know Er. Hem Raj Phonsa in brief on his Birthday 14th June,2022. A) Born in village Pakhri, presently Tehsil Ramgarh, Distt Samba, nearly 4 kms from INB with Pakistan. My parents revered late Sh. Gillu Ram and Gullan Devi, owned their piece of land, so engaged in agriculture profession. We were 3 brothers and two sisters, three of whom have passed away. However my family had shop in Mori Darwaja Lahore( Pakistan), where my father and elder uncle Late Shri Tillu Ram carried shoe repairing work. They also supported other 30-35 people to earn their livelihood by giving them shelter and job tool kits. B) My village was burnt down in 1947 turmoil by Pak. raiders killing over 1-1/2 dozen people. We mover for shelter in many Kadi - villages of Jammu District and faced unexplainable hardships. Finally, our family decided to migrate to Punjab, so with family I as a child had to foot distance from Samba to Pathankot. We settled in village Kotli Shahpur nearly 5-6 Kms from Gurdaspur. C) Father continued shoe making and I got engaged on animal raring, including some animals of locals. From here my schooling started, which was opposed by village Jatt community farmers, and I was even given beating on way to school by Jatt boys. But my father did not budge his stand to peruse my education. I passed my 3rd primary from Govt. Pry. School Versola . Interestingly I joined my brother Sh. Jabro Ram’s marriage Barat from my enroute school carrying my books along. Here when all other Jatt and a Brahmin student threw out their lunch saying I had polluted their lunch, I too threw out my lunch telling they too have polluted my lunch, so I cannot take your touched meals. D) In around 1953 people started resettling in my village, we too returned. My a times we lost animals as Pakistani robbed them Many nights passed by firring from both sides, my village had been given 4 rifles by government for defence against night robbers. I joined school at Gadwal near Vijaypur Samba, when Vijaypur had not come up and there one house of Mahamdoo ( at point where BDO office stands), on the basis of which present day Vijaypur was called Mamdoo De Kothey. Passed my primary from here and moved to Gho Brahmanana, then having Central Basic ( upto 7th class) school. Them Ramgarh, now tehsil HQ had primary school. Gho Brahmana was 8-10 kms from my village. E) Joined Govt High School with only classes up to 9th.I passed 8th (1957),9th (1959) standing first in both my school. Babu Parmanand, later Governor Haryana and Khazan Chand,later Addl.DC( Rev) and DC( Excise) were also teachers there. Visited Kashmir in 1957 Youth Camp held at Gulmarg. F) Joined G.G.M. Sc College, passed out Intermediate in 1961.Lived in Sc. college Hostel (SC wing),where we were 32 SC students. We had separate kitchen from caste Hindu students. When Khazan Chand was expelled from hostel, we resisted and vacated Hostel at about 10 pm in the night and spent out whole night in Jammu Bazaar, shouting slogans, protesting reached Bhagat Chajju Ram, then Minister met him 3 in the morning, explained him whole matter, and then reached Sri Guri Ravidas Mandir Upper Gumat . In the morning Hostel Surintendent( HOD of Chemistry) Dr. Iqbal was called by Bhagat ji in him place and sorted out matter. Expulsion orders of Khazan Chand were withdrawn. G) Joined the Regional Engineering College Srinagar in 1961 and passed out as first SC engineering Graduate in 1966. For joining REC needed Rs 600/-were borrowed by my father from Dhanu Ram of Koulpur, my cousin and One good hearted Brahmin of Taroor, having land in my village . H) Tried to help everybody who joined REC from our SC communities and Medical college with Dr. ( later Brigadar) S.D.Kaloopia, now dead, alias Sanju Mal. Our major financial hurdle got resolved when on our initiative our leader Bhagat Chajju Ram,Babu Milkhi Ram, Babu Parmanand, Ch. Guran Ditta,Jagat Ram Arayan and Bhagat Mangat Ram IAS( Director SW Fare) approached government of G.M Bakashi PM who granted Scholarship and Education Loan facilities, earlier SC students could get only one faciliity. Out of my personal saving I paid full hostel and mess outstanding fee of one student to enable him to take examination and I never asked for refund. I) I joined as Tech. Assisstant in July 1968 and retired in 1998 Executive Engineer. Mind you there were no reservation facilities to SCs in services and I served without any reservation facility. Served in whole of state (now UT) except Leh and Kargil. In served in Power Dept, Local Bodies, JDA, PWD( R&B) Police. After my transfer from PWD ( R&B ) Billawar to Rajoiuri, a deputation of Billawar tehsil met PWD, Minister and asked him to return them their Engineer. When the Minister asked who was their engineer, they gave my name. During my posting in Billawar, I got opened 35 Kms of Roads to traffic, Speeded up long held up works like, Naj Bridge, Sukrala Mechhedi Road, Krishan Pur Katli Road, Completed Suspenssion Bridge at Katli, Started construction of suspension bridge at Kaloran . J) In my posting in JDA, nearly 14 years, Trikuta Nagar colony ( New),speeding works in Roop nagaar, EWS, Nanak Nagar. Got constructed first Flat Sabed ( 130’x70’) hall for transport deptt, near Kranti Hotel. K) Had the privilege to be first Civil Engineer to look after design and construction works of the Radha Soami Satsang Beas Buildings in J&K, This also included RSSB Satsang building Shahidi Chowk ( 4o’x80’RCC Hall) with allied structures, Keran centers, besides other centre buildings from Doda to Kathua, Ramgarh to Nanadpur, Arniya, Rajouri etc. L) Remained associated with construction of Guru Ravi Dass Temple Krishana Nagar,Jammu from day one of its conceiving and construction. Structural designing of Satsang Hall was mine. M) I am associated with construction and working of the Bhartiya Dalit Sahitya Akademy, J&K Jammu, which was conceived by Babu Parmanand , who served its founding president. I am all India spokesman of BDSA, an all-India literary body with branched in all Indian States, UT’s and in some foreign countries. N) I have written two books . First book( English) is Dr.Ambedkar and His Associates and second Hindi book Sadguru Sain Ji Maharaj, jivan aur Shikshya( co- author) N) I have been awarded i)Dr. Ambedkar National Award 2012 (ii)Dr.B.R.Ambedkar StateAward ( J&K State) 1994 (ii) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Distinguished Service Award 2003 iii( Babu Jagjivan Ram centenary state( J&K) Award iv) Dr B.R. Ambedkar Plaque of Honour 2009 ,2011 v) Ashoka Mitra Award 2012 vi) Dr. Ambedkar Award 2014 S/C,S/T& OBC employees Association of JU. vii) Mahatma Gandhi Centaury Award 2022 by GGF O) I have to my credit Over 150 published articles in dailies and monthly magazines on varied subjects. P) Writer of Blog spots, “Dalit Vision”, “Deprived Classes” and “Dalit Society” having over 120 Essays and over 2,00,000 views. I have in my kitty large number of Un- published,but typed essays on Dalit icons, Dalit Problems and suggested solutions. My personal library has over 600 books. Q) I was married to Shrimati Savita Kumari D/O Lala Munshi Ram of Jalander in 1971. Our marriage was with out dowery and it was only one day celebration. We are blessed with three sons, who are engineers ,are married and settled in their lives, with one in California, USA and other in Calgary, Canada. I and my wife have visited USA twice. R) I have remained a regular writer of essays on Engineering problems and presented them in Institution of Engineer’s meeting auditorium . S) I am MIE and Chartered Engineer, Life member IRC, besides Life Member of the Institution of Valuers. T) I am founding President of the Institution Of Valuer (IOV) J&K Chapter and remained its Chairman for over six years. I am also empaneled valuer of WT(I-Tax) and some Banks and established M/S Zenith Design Consultants, a Structural Design consultancy. I wrote a paper of over 550 pages on Construction and Maintenance of Rural Roads for World Bank. Paper got World Bank approval and most of works executed as planned in it in J&K U) I have appeared in many Radio and DD Jammu programs to present talks on different subjects. V) I am presently engaged in writing addition material to get issed Second Edition of my Book “ Dr.Ambedkar And His Associates”. A group of my friends arranged a function in Gyan-Palace Gangial Jammu to celebrate my Birthday,I remain endebted to them all incl.Adv.Ashok Basotra,Adv.Anil Boudh,Sat Pal ( Ret .Addl. Secretary), Sham Lal (Retd) PNB with Romesh Sarangal owner of Banquet Hall and many more. This is too much an honor which I normally do not claim to possess. I am up loading this on my Blogspot Dalit Vision for those who care to read it. I am available at Mobile:9419134060 Land Line ----------+911912432712 Thanks all friends who joined today’s function and also those who conveyed their good wished through different means. Indebted: Er. H. R. Phonsa 63/5 Nanak Nagar Jammu

Sunday, May 29, 2022

We fall easy prey to undefined Whirlpools(भँवर),why?

We fall easy prey to undefined Whirlpools(भँवर),why? Our world if full of variety. Along with other things it has variety in human beings. The human physiatrists have carried researches on human mental makeups and the human phycology the subjects, so have arrived at certain conclusions. They divide human into three categories in respect of growth of their mind and conscious. They have classified person (women included) having Certain, Un-certain and Clear Conscious mind set ups. First (Certain निश्चित) category person takes all things coming in his life for granted, so is ignorant अज्ञानी, he uses no intellect of his own, so has no knowledge of difference in life of a servant, a slave and a free person or a master. He has animal like slave’s intellect. Such persons have no thinking or strive for change. He lives life just for the sake of living. He suits for labour jobs, mostly unclean professions. He can work over time without any protest. He leads a life of dependency on others. The second category with “Un-certain अनिश्चित संदिग्ध” has half knowledge of things so lives directionless, mis-leaded, doubtful and mis- guided and fearful lifestyle set up. He thinks all things are based on one’s fate, controlled by a heavenly power. He lives life on the guidance from others. His life style qualifies “Little knowledge is a dangerous thing”. He takes someone as his guide, Guru and spends his life under his guidance. He loses his own thinking brain power to live life on other’s direction. Psychiatrists say he lives life of dependency, intoxicated with faith or trust on spiritual master thinking his master as a divine entity, away from realities of world. He keeps firm belief on divinity of his Guru leaving nothing on his independent thinking. His life is full of fear, timidity, apprehension and trepidation. His life becomes devoid of revolt against acts done contrary to his interests. He leaves everything to will of divine powers thinking they will punish his enemies for their unjustified acts against weak. The persons with certain and uncertain mind set, fall easy prey to the selfish motto crafty, cunning, deceitful, crooker persons, without any revolt. Although According to Matthew White's “The Great Big Book of Horrible Things” gives religion as the primary cause of 11 of the world's 100 deadliest atrocities still many fall easy prey of religious priests who lay traps of Karmas, heaven enjoyments rewards Haven (Sawarg -स्वर्ग), hell miseries (Narak- नरक) and salvation ( Moaksh-मोक्ष) ) like undefined destinations, crafted by numerous self-designated religious peers. Such men waste most of their disciple’s time and resources but putting them to tread on paths towards un-clear, goals. Their winning ways have one to give distorted meaning- explanations even for universal truths, coined by visionary personalities like a) “Know thy self” of Socrates; b) “Doubt everything. Find your own light.” Of Buddha ; c) "For, behold, the kingdom of God (or Heaven, as is sometimes translated) is within you" of Jesus. d) “God is the creator of human actions and man is the acquisitor” Sunni Theology (Kalam) A person grouped in the third category is either naturally gifted and or self-earned knowledge with clear conscious state of mind (स्पष्ट सचेत). He carries awakened state of mind, a state in which his self-tattva(तत्त्व) performs and consumes all the worldly activities. A “Tattva तत्त्व” is a tinny marrow kernel element which cannot be broken down by physical and chemical methods. Such persons have clear understanding about results of their acts, commissions and omissions so he is fearless. They possess calm, clear, happy and organising mind setups. Their knowledge is scientific reasoning based. Such persons are revolutionary in their acts, ready to bear for their acts from opponents with certain mind setups. Although their number is less but with their ideas, work, commitments, suffering to follow their ways, they have moved the world. They give new ideas, directions and theories to science, social and religious subjects so brought revolutionary changes. Such luminaries are liberal, independent, altruistic, and humanistic. Therefore they are not biased even against their opponents. They are change setters for world order. ( Satyashodhan Samaj Parbodhan by Arvind Mali page10-24). Change setters having Clear Conscious were persons like who moved the world, Buddha, Christ,Hazrat Mohammad Sahib, St. John the Apostle, Galileo, Newton, Dr Alexander Fleming, Pythagoras , Archimedes, Homi Bhabha, Mao Zedong Saint Namdev, Kabir, Ravidas, Nanak, Ghasidas, Iyodhee Thass, Mother Treasa, Mahatama Jyotirao Phuley, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Birsa Munda, M.K. Gandhi ,Karl Max, Abdul Kalam, Stephen Hawking, Ashoke Sen, with many more. (The list is only illustrative not conclusive) Compiled by::- Er. H. R. Phonsa, Jammu