On the eve of
International Women’s Day 2020
At an age of 9 years in 1840, she was
married to Jyotirao Phule, who was then 13 years old. The union of two small
lights later emerged as a big Light House for millions of their fellow
countrymen and pulled them out of their illiteracy inflicted ignorance on them
resulting in their poverty and their low
caste added to their miseries. The couple fought for the human rights for down
trodden people including women of India to make them to live with dignity.
Mahatma Jyotirao Phule proclaimed that illiteracy the ill of all ills causes
lack of intellect which in turn causes lack of moral which results in
stagnation, promoting further loss of
riches and fortune. This brings dooms days to society. As harsh Hindu
religious laws barred shudras and woman from education reducing them to a level
even worse than animals. So to regain their lost dignity and social
status Phule duo gave preference to impart education to them.
Contribution of Dalit Women in different
(Published in
Daily Excelsior and The States Times Jammu on 3-01-2020
Mata Savitribai Phuley the first women known in the Indian history
which lived and died for the social upliftment of down trodden including women.
She was born on 3rd of January 1831 in Naya Ganj , Tehsil
Khandala ,District Satara of Maharashtra. Her father’s was Khado Ji Nevse Patil
. At the time of her birth, no body could realize that the small ray of light
which had descended on the earth in the form of Savitribai shall become a torch
bearer for many suppressed, illiterate including women and a sky lightening for
suppressors and oppressors inflicting tyranny in the name of caste and sex, on
millions belonging to their own country and religion.

The Education to Savitribhai was imparted at home and
also she was sent for training in teaching at Mitchell’s school in Pune
where she performed very well and remained successful as per her husband plans.
Mahatama Phule had passed his Secondary
Education Examination in 1847 from Scottish Mission High School Poona and had decided not to accept any job under the
government. He read Paine’s famous book
“The Rights of Man” which revolutionized the young mind of Jyotirao Phule and
he in turn influenced the tender mind of Savitribhai.Both took oath to stand by
each other for Social Revolution even at the cost of her life and comforts.
They faced hard life ordeals to help those to whom even God did not care.
They opened first
Girl’s School on 1st January,1848
against the vicious campaign launched by orthodox upper caste Hindus for
their this act as education to girls was
coded as unlawful in the law codes of
orthodox Hindus . Nine girl students
with two from untouchable castes got admission in this school. No upper
caste Hindu teacher came forward to teach. Therefore, Mahatama Phule appointed Savitribai as
Headmistress of this school. This school was run from the house of a Brahmin in
Budhwara Peth, with majority of Brahmin
girl students. The orthodox Brahmins raised a great hue & cry against
carrying on women education including those of Shudra girls, which stood banned
by the Hindu scripture. As soon as Savitribai came out from her house to go to
school, people would throw on her cow dung and mud spoiling here dress, which
she washed at the school and at her residence. But ill treatment meted out to
her by upper caste Hindus did not deter her from her strong convictions and she
carried on with the noble cause for the social change. She, instead, opened
another school on 15th May 1848 in untouchable’s colony and it was run by
her widowed sister –in-law (husband ‘s
sister) Smt. Suganabai. On this again the reactionaries, raised objections and
threatened Govinda Rao (Jyotirao ’s father) with dire consequences, if, he
failed to dissociate himself from the activities of his son &
daughter-in-law.So the couple left their home to continue their missionary endeavor. Both shifted to a Muslim Mian Usman
Sheikh’s house. Smt. Fatima Sister of Mian Sheikh known as first Muslim women
teacher of 18th century started educating Dalit children in this
school opened by a Hindu Dalit couple. This was an extremely difficult task
during those days of Brahmin domination. Mahatma Jyotirao Phule blamed the
British Government for spending profusely a large portion of the state revenue
on the education of the higher castes, which resulted in monopoly of all higher
offices under the Government by the Brahmins. The dedicated couple wanted to
break this monopoly so as to prepare the down trodden masses for struggle of
having equal rights as human beings in their motherland. Jyotirao Phule for the
first time , made strong demand in memorandum submitted to Hunter Commission in
1882 for free & compulsory education
to all. This plea was accepted on the instance of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and
incorporated in the Constitution of Free India in 1950. 880 words
Phuley Couple also opened first and unique by
a Hindu, a care centre for pregnant rape victims and aided deliver their baby.
The care centre was called “Balhatya Pratibandhak Griha”. Here the first Brahmin widow Kashi Bai gave birth to a male
child in 1873 ,child was named Yaswant,
Phuley couple educated him as doctor and
adopted him as their heir. They opposed age old Sati system , Child
marriage and supported widow
re-marriage. They convinced the Maharashtra Barbars to stop shaving heads of
widows and they got full support. They granted scholarships to needy students
to arrest school drop outs. In 1876-77 famine they cared about 200 children
free of cost. She used to carry patients personally to the clinic of her son
Yashuwant who treated them free.
Savitribai was not only an educationist but a great
philanthropist, social revolutionary, writer and poet. She published Kavya
Phule in 1854 and Bavan Kashi Subodh Ratnakar in 1892, and also
a poem entitled "Go, Get Education" Her poetry book first published
in 1854 was titled as “KABYE PHULE” .In one of her poems she makes out that the
British succeeded in establishing their rule in India due to denial of
Educational opportunities by the Aryans to the original inhabitants of India.After
the death of her husband in November 1890, she successfully managed for seven
years the affairs of “SATYA SHODAK-SAMAJ” established by her husband to look
after the needs of unfortunate children. While carrying personally a cholera
ridden Mahar boy to the clinic of her son and to get him admitted there, she
got infected and died of cholera on the 10th of March 1897.To honour her
works in
2015, the University of Pune was renamed as Savitribai Phule, a
postal stamp was released by India Post
on 10 March 1998 and even Google search engine carried Savitribai Google doodle on 3 January 2019.
We salute the iron lady who struck hard to break the shackles of religious progeny,
caste and dynasty to establish social order of Universal Brotherhood. She was
first Indian women leader, who worked for the upliftment & dignity of women
& children and was a staunch opponent of orthodox laws including
Untouchability. She was mother to helpless orphans, a teacher to illiterates
and solace to ill and suffering masses. She deserved to be honored with Bharat Ratna for being “Mother of Women
Education in India”
brave Dalit women.
Not only Dalits gents have a track record of bravery in the Indian
History but the Dalit women also prove to be great warriors. Among the few
Dalit women warriors were many who created rare Example in our history. While upper caste histories, generally partial writer, highlight
the contributions of upper caste heroines like Rani Jhansi,but completely
ignored velour of dalit heroes and heroines who also fort in the first war of
independence british colony rule
Jalkaribai Kori:-
Jalkaribai Kori who faught along with her husband Puran Kori bravely to resist entry of British forces in Jhansi
in 1857 Sepoy Mutiny or “ First War for
Independence of India”. When Rani Jhansi had to quit Jhansi along with her foster son,Jalkaribai Kori Commander of “Estri Vehni” Or Women command so resisted
enemy of over 20,000 british soliders. She was captures and then killed. On the
bravery of Jalkaribai Kori the British General Hugh Rose said
on 4th June, 1858 that if even one per cent of Indian women were
like Jhalkari; the British would soon have to leave India.
Mata Lajo:-
Mata Lajo another brave Dalit woman was wife of brave Mata Din Bhangi .
She worked as a laborer in arms factory
Barrik Pur Chawni 16 miles from Kolkata
(then Calcutta) informed his husband that the riffle rounds being manufactured
in the factory carry a coating of cow
and pig fat mixture, which had to be cut by teeth before using them to fire.
When Mangal Panday a Brahman Sepoy objected of taking water from earthen pot by
Mata Din Bhangi on caste based untouchabilty ,Mata Din replied tauntingly to
Mangal Panday “ Shame on your High caste which gets polluted by touch of an untouchable
Indian but are not polluted by cutting your riffle
rounds with you teeth which have coating
of cow and pig fate mixture” This shoke
Mangal Pandey to the core and he revolted against this action of British, so
started army revolt. Salute to the brave
Bhangi and Bhangan (Now safai Karmacharies) who ignited first fire flash for
1857 Sepoy Mutiny or “ First War for
Independence of India”.
Mahaveeri Devi Bhangi :-
Mahaveeri Devi Bhangi another greate
Dalit woman warrior Dalit woman of 1857
war for Independence . She had made a group of 23 women of his area and when
the British Army attacked Mujjaffar
Nagar to occupy it,these brave Dalit women
resisted the attack and killed a large number of British sioliders using
local agriculture tools like GANDASSA and KANTEYS.Then British army opened fire
and killed these brave freedom fighter
Dalit women warrioers.
Verangany Jagrani Passi(Chamar) :-
She was hero of “ Beligard Kranti
“ who killed a large number of British
soliders at sakander Bagh near SIMMER
tree in August 1857. The Company made Lucknow as its important centre. The
British officers were residing at Beligard Residency . Residents of Beligard used to trouble the
Passi tribe,who were expect in exploding
land mines. On 10August 1857 Beligard was attacked under command of General
Barkat Ahmed with Passi soliders in large number. The battle continued for
three days and the British entrapped in Residercy got frightened. But mean while British forces reached chinhat
from Kanpur side under command of Mr.
Havlock. Near Banthara Begam Hazrat Mehal faced them, but she got wounded.She
was removed from battle field by her Army Commonder Man Singh and Prince Jia Lal.
Near Sikander Bagh a firce battle was going on and Dalit women soliders were
being killed while facing British forces.
The lady soliders were attaching enemy like wild cats and any body could hardly
imagine it they were men or women siliders. Here.
Jagrani Passi (Chamar):-
killed a large number of enemy soliders.She was fired upon and was
killed in battle field while facing enemy. Unfortunately the Beligard revolution
failed .More than 220 soliders were killed another 150 got wounded .
Nanibai a Dalit:-
prostitute was also daughter of a
prostitute named Bhagtan. Kanshi( now Banaras, Varanasi) and Mathure have remained centers
of prostitutes and sadhus. It was said to have Sadhus and widows and their
children were called Bhagatan out of her
prostitution profession earning. She built
Lady Harding Medical College
and Government High School Jodhpur from
her earning from prostitution profession.
Panna Dai :
Mata Panna
Dai was barber (Nai) maid of Rani Karnavati, wife of Maharana
Sangram Singh. Panna Dai helped Karnavti on political matters, as well as
upbringing her sons, Vikramaditya Singh and infant Udai Singh.
In the early 16th century, Vikramaditya succeeded the throne from his brother
Rana ratan singh II.She saved the life of Udhay Singh (1522-1572) and he rulled
over Mewar from (1540-1572) and founded
Udipur city now in Rajesthan. When udhay
singh was child his father Maharana Sangram Singh (Rana Sanga)
had engages Panna Daia maid to care and rare Udhay Singh. Maharana Sangram
Singh had one Vanbir a unscrupulous courtier ,who had ambitious to become king of Mewar. He corrupted many
other confidents of Maharana Sanga. To
achieve his ambitions he planned to kill infant Udai Singh. This plan
was secretly revealed to Panna Dai by one confident of
Vanvir . Panna Dai had her son of the age of Udhay Singh. When Vanbir came to
kill Udhay Singh she placed her own son in place of prince Udhay Singh. Vanbir
killed her son so Uday Singh was saved. She even reached the place where Udhay
Singh was to cremated to hid her plan to save Udhay Singh. Panna Dai saw her
son’s killing and in a pool of blood without a tear in her eyes to save her
master’s son When Udhay Singh became
king he declared Panna Dai as Raj Mata
Such bravery examples are rare in history.
Dalit Veer Bala Udo Devi or Uda Devi Passi
was a warrior in the Indian First
war of Independence of 1857, who
fought against the British forces then called East India Company Forces. like
Many other Dalit women worriers
Udo Devi participants and today remembered as one among many the warrior
or “Dalit Veeranganas” of the 1857 Indian Rebellion.There was all-round rising anger of the Indian people against the
British administration. There was war between British forces and Awad forces in
1857 at Chinhat ( nearly 16 Kilometers from Lucknow). Among the many Indian soliders killed included Uda
Devi’s husband Shri Macca Passi. On this
Udo devi reached out to Begum Hazrat
Mahal to enlist her for war. In order to
prepare for the battle Begum helped her form a women’s battalion under her
command. When
the British attacked Awadh Uda Devi unleashed her final campaign with full
force. Battle of Sikandar
BaghUda Devi took part in the Battle in Sikandar Bagh in
November 1857. The brave women warriors
of battalion were attacking enemy like wild cats. After issuing instructions to her battalion, Udo
Devi climbed up a peepal tree which had drinking water pitchers( Water-Pio)
under it . When British soldiers came to take water she attacked them and
killed 36 British soliders. Captain Dassan of British force saw his solider’s
dead bodies in pool of blood. On seeing up side he saw a figure of a solider and fired . Down came a
soldier in wearing a red jacket. The jacket opened during falling and British
Capitan found a lady’s body. The British Captain regretted to have killed a
lady solider. Uda Devi was armed with a pair of heavy old-pattern cavalry
pistols, one of which was in her belt still loaded, and her pouch was still
about half full of ammunition, while from her perch in the tree, which had been
carefully prepared before the attack. On reaching British General Capwell Udo Devi was buried
there under the Peepal tree. On November 16 every year greatful nation
commemorates the anniversary of Uda Devi's martyrdom. Statue of Udo Devi stands erected in road crossing near Sikander Bagh. The Union
Communication Minister Sh.Ram Bilas Paswan on 16 November 2000 issued Veer Bala
Udo Devi’s commemorative postal stamp .
Veer Bala Rani Avantibai or Avanti
Bai lodhi (16th
August 1831 to20th March
Veer Bala Rani Avantibai was a freedom fighter during the Indian
Rebellion of 1857. She was daughter of Rao Jujjar
Singh of Mankandi( Mankehni) in District Simri now in MP. Rao Jujjar Singh was a big land lord and
belonged to Dalit Lodhi Rajput caste (now OBC) .
Avantibai got education in
Mankheni and in her childhoof she had gained
expertise in marshal arts including horse ridding. She was married to Raja Vikramajeet of Ramgarh . Raja Vikramajeet was son of Raj
Singh and grand son of Raja Gajj Singh. On death of his father in 1850 Vikramajeet
ascended thrown. He was deeply
religious person and kept him mostly busy with religious matters. So Rani Avantibai had to mostly run the state
administration matters. Vikramajeet and
Avantibai had two sons namely Sher Singh and Aman Singh.
Unfortunately Vikramajeet died an early death Vikramajeet and so his minor son Aman Singh was made to occupy thrown as king. Now Avatibai had to shoulders
full responsibilities of administrating the kingdom. This was not approved
by Company Raj under “Court of Wards” and
appointed a tehsildar as administer of Dindori in Madhya Pradesh,
which was then called Ramgarh.
Avantibai felt humiliated and opposed it deciding to defend her state against
Company take over. She also dismissed administrator appointed by Company This was not
taken kindly Company administration . This was clear re- bolt against Company.
Since she was treating her public as her family so she was assured full support
from them. At that time whole India was revolting against the East India and
Avantibai joined it too. Rani Avanti had a strong committed force of 4000 soliders. Her
first battle with the British took place in the village of Kheri near Mandla,
where she and her army were able to defeat the British forces under captain
Wishigton. Brish army being no match to Rani’s forces the British army lost
battle toRani. With a single sword she cut Wishigton horse was cut into two
parts. Captian along with British forces ran hither dither. However, stung by
the defeat the British came back with vengeance and launched an attack on
Ramgarh. Avantibai moved to the hills of Devharigarh for safety. The
British army set fire to Ramgarh, and turned to Devhargarh to attack the queen.
Avantibai resorted to guerilla warfare to fend of the British army. She
committed suicide with her sword on 20 March 1858 when facing almost certain
defeat in battle.After independence, Avantibai has been remembered through
performances and folklore.Her story merited a brief inclusion in the National
Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) history
textbooks from 2012 as a participant in the 1857 rebellion, after parliamentary
protests from the Bharatiya Janata Party and Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP). The BSP,
in particular, had broght in glory has brought her sacrifice glory to four The Narmada Valley Development Authority named
a part of the Bargi Dam project in Jabalpur in
the honour Of 'Rani Avantibai' India Post has
issued two stamps in honour of Avantibai, on 20 March 1988 and on 19 September
2001. She will be long remembered by the great full
Devi (10 August 1963 – 26 July 2001)
Phoolan Devi popularly known as "Bandit Queen", was an
Indian brave Dalit woman ,who
revolted against her poverty and low
caste hate treatments including, sexual
and other exploitation by upper caste Thakurs( Zamindars,Landlords) including police. She tried to escape from the Bandit ravines but was every time picked up by one or the
other Thakur Badit. She did not join bandit gang to earn money but to resist
the upper castes people excesses against
Dalits. She was made to walk naked in the village, merciless beaten blue and
black a number of times. Latter she became bandit queen
of Bundelkhand and Chambal ravines.
She was born into a poor family Mallah (Ferry-man) Caste in rural Uttar
Pradesh. Phoolan was born in the small
village of Ghura Ka Purwa on banks of Yamuna river in Jalaun District, Uttar Pradesh. She was the fourth and
youngest child of Shimati Moola Devi and her husband Devi Din Mallah. Only
she and her one older sister survived to
adulthood. Phoolan endured poverty, child
marriage and had an abusive child marriage
before taking to a life of crime. The upper caste Thakurs took as their birth
right to enjoy the youth of Dalit Mallah
women. In Phoolan’s own words “ Tum
Jessi Londian Paidda hi hamarey liye
hoti hain. Tumhari Jawani Ki pehli Soogat Hamarey Liye Hai --- Jayo Aur
Pusho Appni Jatt Ki Londiaon Se. Gavon
Ka Har Gabroo Jawan To Kaya Bapp Ki
Ummar Ka Thakur Tak Hamey Apni Jaggir Samjatta Hai. Polis Ka Alla Afsar Se Ley
Kar Sopay Tak Hamain Apni Rakhel Banna
Kar Rakhatta Hai. Mallahon Ke Ghar Larki Kaya Paidda Huyi,Maa –Bapp Ki Shamat
Hi AA Gayi Aur Samanton Ke Mann Harshatey Hain” Meaning Young girls like you are born for us, you are for our first offering go and ask young girls
of your caste. Not only every young Tathur even man of the age of our father
takes us as their property. Not to speak of a senior police officer even a
sepoy takes us as their Rakhail (Kept woman, free Love bird). A girl born in Mallah brings misfortune and
tragedy to her parents. But a enjoying figer for Samant9 Zagirdars). But
Phoolan tried to resist and revolt all
this with her might. Having developed major differences with her parents and her husband
alike, the teenage Phoolan sought escape by running away and joining a gang of
bandits. She was the only woman in that gang, and her relationship with one
gang member, coupled with caste difference, caused a gunfight
between gang members. Phoolan's lover was killed in that gunfight. The
victorious rival faction, who were Rajputs, took
Phoolan who to their village of Behmai, confined her in a room, and took turns
to rape her repeatedly over weeks. After escaping, Phoolan rejoined the
remnants of her dead lover's faction who were gangs of Mallaah, took
another lover from among those men, and continued with banditry. A few months
later, her new gang descended upon the village of Behmai to take revenge for what she had suffered. As
many as twenty-two Rajput men belonging to that village were shot dead by
Phoolan. Her act of revenge was portrayed by some press as an act of righteous
rebellion. The press respectfully addressed as Devi'. Phoolan evaded capture
for two years after the massacre. As she had not taken robbery by choice but
was forced into this trade by undue and unnatural atrocities by Thakurs and men
in police uniform, she always wanted to come out of the Jungle life and live a
decent life, which was snatched from her in her childhood. An unarmed police chief met her at a rendezvous in
the Chambal ravines. They traveled to Bhind in Madhya
Pradesh, where she laid down her rifle before the portraits of
Gandhi and Goddess Durga. she surrendered and
her few surviving gang-members surrendered to the Madhaya Pradesh police in 1983 before Arjun Singh the Chief
Minister on the insistence of Indra Gandhi Indian Prime Minister. The onlookers included a crowd of around 10,000 people
and 300 policemen. She
surrendered on the following agreed conditionswith a promise that the death penalty would
not be imposed on any member of her gang who surrenders
1. The term
for the other members of the gang should not exceed eight years.
2. A plot
of land to be given to her
3. Her
entire family should be escorted by the police to witness her surrender
She was
charged with 48 crimes, including multiple murders, plunder, arson and
kidnapping for ransom. Phoolan spent the next eleven years in jail, as the
various charges against her were tried in court. In 1994, the state government
headed by Mulayam Singh Yadav of the Samajwadi
Party summarily withdrew all charges against her, and Phoolan was
released. She then stood for election to parliament as a candidate of
the Samajwadi Party and was twice elected to
the Lok
Sabha as the member for Mirzapur. In 2001, she was shot
dead at the gates of her official bungalow (allotted to her as MP) in New Delhi by
former rival bandits whose kinsmen had been slaughtered at Behmai by her gang.
The 1994 film Bandit Queen (made around the time of her
release from jail) is loosely based on her life until that point. She will be
long remembered as an iron Dalit woman who had courage to take a spade as a
spade. Instead of helplessly weeping on her fate she revenged the wrong doers.
Dr.Ambedkar as
Indian women emancipator
If there was any
person who secured the rights of Laborers in India, the person was none other
than “Father of Modern India” & Revolutionary Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar.
Without Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, today the future of India Labors would have
been in pitch darkness. He is the only leader in India who was
multi-dimensional and a great visionary. Besides many revolutionary steps taken
by him he worked for the Indian women in many ways. Since majority women
workers were engaged as labourers in factories as unorganised so were exploited
by employers. Dr Ambedkar as Labour Member in Viceroy’s Council ( 1942-46). He got Organised the 7th session of Indian Labor
Conference in New Delhi, November 27, 1942. This helped the labour in the
following ways incl. women labour.
Ø Reduction
of Labour hours from 14 hours to 8 hours
Ø Minimum wage Act and revision of pay scales
Ø Health Insurance Scheme.
Ø Many
laws for Women Labors in Mines.
Ø Provident Fund Act including workers working in
Coals and Mines.
Ø Factory Amendment Act.
Ø Labor Disputes Act.
Ø Made provisions for legalisation of Strikes by
labours for dispute resolutions
Ø Mines
Maternity Benefit Act
Ø Women Labor
welfare fund
Ø Women and Child, Labor Protection Act
Ø Maternity Benefit for women Labor
Ø Restoration of Ban on Employment of Women on
Underground Work in Coal Mines,
Ø Indian
Factory Act.
Ø National Employment Agency (Employment Exchange)
Ø Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar set up an Advisory Committee to advise
on matters labour welfare schemes.
Ø arising out of the Labor Welfare under B P Agarkar. Later he
promulgated it on January, 1944.
Ø Dearness Allowance (DA) to Workers.
Ø Leave Benefit to Piece Workers.
Ø Revision of Scale of Pay for Employees.
Ø Coal and Mica Mines Provident Fund
Besides all these efforts to liberate Indian women labor Dr.
Ambedkar burnt on 25th December 1927Hindu Law
Book Manusmiriti which had robbed Indian
women of all their human rights and had reduced them to the level of foot shoe
of men. When Dr.Ambedka’s efforts to get
passed “The Hindu Code Bill” in
Parliament due to stiff opposition by Caste Hindus in and out of Parliament.Dr.Ambedxkar
resigned from his Cabinet berth in the
Nehru’s Ministry.
The Dalit women took part in Baba Sahib’s liberation movements. Dalit women joined in large
number the historic Chavdar Tale Satyagraha for exerting
their right to takewater( March, 1927) ,
Kalaram temple entry satyagraha( March1930) to have equal right to worship in Hindu temples. At both these
places caste Hindus attacked untouchables and Dalit women saved Dr. Ambedkar’s
life from Lathies blows. Dr.Ambedkar was injured in fight with caste
Hindus. Life sketches of a few daring
Dalit ladies who stood by Baba Sahib in his life struggle and also of Mrs.
Savita Ambedkar ,a Saraswati Brahman to whom Baba Sahid had remarried after
his poise wife mata Ramabai.
Dr .Ambedkar Karvan’s Women Members.
It is said rightly, "Behind every
successful man there is a woman". It
was so in the case of Goswami Tulsidass, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Tilak,
Gandhi, Veer Savarkar, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule,
and Dr. B R Ambedkar and may other personalities who made history of sorts. The success of Dr. Ambedkar
hadincalculable contribution of his
noble wife Smt.Rama Bhai Ambedkar.
She was intelligent, kind, poise, obedient, chaste, religious, and possessed with high character
besides having simplicity of style
and taste. These saintly women although lived in extreme poverty but without a
whisper of complaint on her face always turning her eyes towards God for the safety and prosperity of her husband. She was gentle by temperament, sober in
manners, weak in constitution but modest in speech. Revered Ramabai a
sober and good girl came from a good but
poor family. She was the second
daughter of Shri Bhiku Walandkar, a resident of Walang village near Dapoli, Konkan in central India.
Shri Bhiku Walandkar worked as a
porter at Dopli. He used to carry fish loads on his head from seaside to the bazaar. His earning was
so meager that he could hardly make both ends meet. Dapoli is a place
where child Bhim was admitted in his first
school when he was 5 years old, as his father Subedar Ramji Sakpal had migrated
there after his retirement. Ramabai was born in 1898. Her childhood name was
Ramibhai and she had two sisters Gorabhai, Meerabhai, and one brother named Shanker Dhutrey. Shanker Dhutrey also
called Shanker Walangkar worked in a
press. These unfortunate children lost first their mother and after some time their father too in childhood and were brought up by their maternal and parental
uncle in Bombay (now Mumbai). Bhima
later called Bhimrao Ramj i Dass Ambedkar and Ramibai (later
Ramabai) were married when they were 16 years
and 9 years old respectively: The marriage ceremony was performed shortly after Bhim passed his
matriculation examination. The
marriage pandal was an open shed of the Byculla Fish market in Bombay, after the day market was closed. At night,
the bridegroom and his relatives were
lodged in one spacious corner of the
open shed, with Ramabai's relatives in another corner. The small stone platforms in the market served as
benches where a small gutter of dirty water flowed underneath their feet. The marriage place was vacated in the early morning
before sunrise toenable the
merchants to carry their daily business. Ramibai was renamed Ramabai after marriage and later earned
the distinction of being called Mata
Ramabai Ambedkar.Ramabai Ambedkar was
illiterate at the time of her marriage but
her husband later taught her simple reading and writing. Educationally there was world of difference
between the two but they loved and
respected each other from the core of their heats. Love, faith, sincerity, sacrifice and
understanding between the two persons formed unbreakable chain to live
happily despite both being educationally poles a parts. Bhim used to call his
wife affectionately as "Ramu" and she called him "Sahib".
She was deeply proud of her husband and
Bhim respected her immensely. Dr.
Ambedkar was always busy in reading and could devote very little time
for household affairs. At times she used to press her Sahib's feet in the evening, when he was reading and she slept on the floor under his feet. Ramabai ensured that
nobody disturbed him during his study or working. She abundantly cared
for the health and welfare of her husband.When Ambedkar was in America, she lived a life of
destitute but without any regret. It is rare historical example of
courage and conviction of a wife who used
to make cow dung cakes and carry
them on her head, to use them as cheap household fuel. This she did despite
taunts from neighboring women. Her husband was also in acute financial crisis who was struggling to obtain world's highest
academic degrees (including Doctorate of Science) in foreign lands. Despite financial crisis for studies and at home Ambedkar
became Barrister reinforced by a London Doctorate of Science, an American Doctorate in Philosophy and Studied in Bonn University, which reflected immense
sacrifices of his wife. When Ambedkar
was preparing to go America for higher studies, the neighboring women advised Ramabai to stop her husband from going abroad, as he may marry a Mem (English
woman) and would desert her. But
Ramabai had unflinching faith in her sahib andreplied to those ladies that she knew her husband well and he cannot
do so". Despite Ramabai's little
education she was an expert housewife
and knew well how to run her house hold affairs. On getting money for monthly household expenses from
Ambedkar, she used to divide the money into 30 parts keeping each part separately. Daily she opened one part and used it,
so as not to run penniless on last
dates of the month. Her economical habits and faith on her husband enabled the couple to construct their palatial house namely, Rajgriha in Bombay. However,
even after moving into Rajgrih, it
did not affect her simple habits.The
wedlock of this ideal couple was blessed with four sons and one daughter, Out of their four sons namely,
Ramesh, Gangadhar, Yashwant and
Rajratna and one daughter Indu, only one son Yashwant Ambedkar (Father of Sh
Parkash Ambedkar, MP) survived
others died mostly in fancy. This gave the couple great pains and sorrows. On the death of his youngest
son Rajratana on Ist July
1926, Dr Ambedkar wrote on 16th August to one of his friends, "There is no use pretending that I
and my wife have recovered from the
shock of our son's death and I don't think that we ever shallwith the loss of our kids the salt of our life is gone".
After a long period
of mourning and on the insistence of his well-wishers, Dr Ambedkar settled down on the work for emancipation of downtrodden but Ramabai Continued in
grief. This acted upon her health badly and
she fell gravely ill. She being highly
religious even during illness continued observing fasts. On Saturdays she took only water and black grams,
worshipped God for showering blessing
on her husband. Her thoughts, mind and
eyes were devoted to the service of her Sahib. At this she would say, 'Sahib what is there in having so many
Degrees, can't we live happily with
lesser education?' Perhaps she did not know that the emancipation of
millions of untouchables was possible only
with knowledge of Dr Ambedkar which he acquired before plunging into the war to break the age-old chains
of slavery of his brethren. His
opponents claimed to be the only qualified and intelligent persons being
off springs of those who had debared untouchables
from acquiring any academic qualifications for ages. But in Ambedkar they found a person who counted
one among the six world's top qualified persons of his times.
On Ramabai's
insistence and Dr Ambedkar took Ramabai to Pandharpur for pilgrimage of Vithal
Ji Maharaj, in whom she had great faith.
However, being untouchables they were not allowed to go near the temple, so
they had to stand at a distance from the temple idol to offer prayers. This irritated the self-respecting Dr Ambedkar and he said, "What of that Pandharpur, which
prevents its devotees from
seeing the image of God, by our own virtuous life, selfless service and spotless sacrifice in the cause
of downtrodden
humanity, we shall create another Pandharpur. By saying another Pandharpur he meant leaving Hinduism which
was immune to reforms.
He kept his promise by leaving Hindu religion and embracing Buddhism and re-establishing Buddha in His
land of birth after
centuries, but this happened long time after the passing away his loving wife. Illness at last over powered the
weak body physique of
Ramabai Ambedkar. She was even taken to Dharwal by Dr. Ambedkar for change, but this too did not help in
improving her health. No
medicine could give her relief and at last on 27 May 1935 unfortunate happened. She passed away at her
residence.Thus came the end of nobility of mind
and purity of heart. Fortunately Dr Ambedkar
was by the side of her deathbed. About 10,000 people rich and poor,
educated and illiterate, important and
common attended her funeral procession. Her son Yashwantrao Ambedkar preformed all last rites at the bidding of a Maha priest Sambhoo More, who was Baba Sahib's
colleague since their school days.
After the death of Ramabai, Dr. Ambedkar was a completely broken person. Over a week, he kept weeping like a child and it was difficult to console him.
He put on a dress
of a hermit and got his head tonsured.
The saintly saffron robe indicated a hermit
with world negating attitude. On repeated requests and advice of his trusted friend and well-wishers he again took in his hand the oar to sail across his
suffering fellowmen and to cut their
age old chains of slavery. Revered Mata Ramabai Ambedkar shall be remembered for ages to come for her services to
the emancipator of millions suppressed, oppressed Dalits.
Shrimati Jaibai
Choudhari a great educationalist after revolutionary
Madam Savitribai Phule (1831 — 1897) worked to educate the dalits. Both opened schools for the Dalits and girls. Both
were great social workers among the Mahars (Dalits) in Maharashtra. Mata Savitribai Phule and Shrimati Jaibai Choudhary had their Karambumi at Pune and Nagpur
respectively. Child Jaibai with a
human heart was born on 2nd May, 1892 at Umrer, near Nagpur. She was married in 1901 to respected
Choudhary Bapuji of Nagpur. She was only nine years old at her marriage. The
couple was blessed with two sons and one daughter.
Shrimati Jaibai
Choudhari faced many difficulties in early life. Her family got dislocated in the famine of 1896 and so
the family had to move to
Nagpur in search of manual labour. She could only complete her primary education. To earn livelihood
she had to work as a coolie carrying luggage on her head from Nagpur to Kamptee,
a distance often miles. As luck would have it she came in contact with a Christian missionary, Miss Gregory.
Miss Gregory got Jaibai
engaged as school teacher in Mission School, Timki, Nagpur, at a salary of Rs 4 a month. But caste ridden,
upper caste Hindu students boycotted the school as
their parents could not tolerate an
untouchable lady teacher teaching their children. So, she had to resign from the service. This incident
made her firm to fight against
untouchability and the caste system ills in the Hindu society. She thought that education could be used
as a means to achieve desired
results.Shrimati Jaibai Choudhari
firmly decided to spread education among
the untouchable girls and awaken the women folk. With this solemn
determination she opened Saint Chokhomela Girls School at New Colony (Mangalwari Bazar) Nagpur in the year 1922 for the untouchable girls after the name of
sacred Maharashtra Mahar (Dalit)
Saint Chokhomela (Fourteen Century AD). With her determination and
dedication to the cause, this school got upgraded
to Primary school (1922-1954) then a secondary school (1954 to 1980) and further achieved the heights to
become a college. It is doing a
commendable work for the girl students.Along
with her activities in the field of education she worked among her
people, for their overall progress and development. She firmly believed that Dalits cannot progress till they get share in the political power for which women education
was most needed. So she worked to educate Dalits particularly the dalit Women folk. She was moving from place to place for
educating the untouchable women with
motivation for them to adopt new lifestyles,
cleanliness and rationalism.When the first session of the All India
Depressed Classes Congress was held at
Kamthi, Nagpur on 8-9 August, 1930 and the
First All India Depressed Classes Women conference was also held, Shrimati Jaibai Choudhari was selected as
secretary of the reception committee.
The conference was Presided over and addressed by Dr. Ambedkar, who awakened the Dalits
about the political reforms being
made in the country as proposed under the Simon commission. Dr. Ambedkar demanded representation of Untouchables
in all the Legislative Assemblies of the country besides Reservation in
services for Untouchables in all Public Sector
undertakings and government departments. Dr. Ambedkar was unanimously
elected one of the two representatives of the Untouchables
in the Round Table Conferences held in England in 1930-32.
Jaibai choudhari
was a member of the reception committee of the All India Depressed Classes Women's conference held at Nagpur in 1942 where the Scheduled Caste Fedration was
formed. Shri Rao Bahadur
N. Shivraj (1892-1964)was elected as President and Shri P.N. Rajbhoj (1905-1984) General Secretary of
the All India Scheduled
Castes Federation. The conference was addressed by Dr. Ambedkar.The Samta Sainik Dal was formed by Dr.Ambedkar in 1828 under subedar V.D. Savadkar (1889-1939).Meeting
of Samta Dal was also held on the same vanue. Samta Sainik Dal had a Dalit
voleenter force of over 20,000 . Madam Jaibai
Choudhari a member of Scheduled Castes Federation
participated in Satyagraha (1946) for political rights to Dalits at Nagpur. Being a staunch believer in
Buddhism she got converted to Buddhism in 1956. She shall be remembered for
long as a dedicated worker of Dalits, who struggled throughout her life span of about 72 years for their cause. This
iron lady with ever vibrating heart
for Dalits and their emancipator breathed her last on the 11th October, 1964.
DANI SHANTABAI (1918-2001)
Madam Dani
Shantabai a Mahar Republician leader was born in a hut on out skirts of Nasik
in Maharashtra, on 1 ^ January 1918 to revered Shri Dhanaji Dani. Her father
was a devotional religious singer. To earn
his livelihood he was engaged as the milk seller and owned twelve buffalos. Her
mother had three children from her earlier marriage also.Shantbai had
two brothers (Anna and Shankar) and a
sister Sonubai. But her brother Shankar died an early death. This made his
father mentally wreck and he took to drinking. Her mother was very hard working
and advised child Santabai to get educated as education was ray of hope for
poor. When her mother died she was
out in Gujrat for schooling. Miss Dani
Shantabai as a child was brought in a poise religious atmosphere. After
passing her matriculation from Pune she got the
job of a teacher in Vinchur school of Nasik district in Maharashtra. Since she was teacher by profession
and passed her teacher's training examination from Nasik. As she was engrossed in social work for the up liftment of her Dalit
Samaj, so she resigned from her job
and became a whole timer social activist. For devoting her full time for
the Dalit uplift she did not marry. In Pune she came in contact with Dada sahib Gaikwad a committed activist ofthe
Scheduled Caste Federation (SCF). B.K. Gaikwad took her to Dr. Ambedkar. She was so influenced by the work of both these Dalit emancipators along with their team that she
joined SFC on the day of its formation by Dr. Ambedkar at Nagpur on
17-20 July, 1942. Due to her dedication and commitment for the up liftment of the Dalits, in 1943 she was elected
as President of SCF Nasik district
unit. She also participated in the second conference of SCF at Kanpur in 1945 and got the unique honor
of presiding over the SCF Women's
conference held there on the same vanue.
When Dr. Ambedkar
decided to contest Bombay Provincial Assembly Elections held on 20th June, 1946 on SCF Tickets, Madam Shantabai Dani was called upon to contest from
Niphad constituency. She
along with many other SCF candidates lost the elections. Dr. Ambedkar analyzed the election results and
found that SCF lost as no caste Hindu
supported SCF candidates. The upper Caste
voters being large in numbers voted for Candidates supported by Hindu
Organization. She continued her strive for the
betterment of Dalits. She accompanied P.N. Rajbhoj to Raipur to bring Satnami
Dalits to main stream of Dalit empowerment movement. But being misunderstood both were arrested as agents of Nizam of Hyderabad. Both were lodged in
Jabalpur jail for three months. She
was also jailed in Yarwadajail Pune in 1946 for leading a black flag demonstration against Poona Pact. She was among the members of RPI (The Republican
Party of India) when this party
was launched on 3rd November, 1957after the death of Dr. Ambedkar. Shri
N.Shivraj was made President of RPI.Her mentor
Dada Sahib B.K. Gaikwad was made president of the new political party after the demise of Shri N.Shivraj
in 1964.
She unsuccessfully
contested as SCF candidate from Sinnar-Niphad constituency in 1952, as RPI candidate for Malegaon (G) Lok Saba constituency in 1962 and Lok Saba elections in
1980 from Nasik. Her
political life graph bestowed upon her nomination as member of Maharashtra Legislative Council
from1968-1974. She carried black flags demonstration in the Legislative Council
against injustice meted out to Dalits.She
took part in the Satyagraha launched by the landless people in 1959 and 1964. She also turned her attention towards the vital issue of education of Dalits. So she
became instrumental in establishing a
number of educational institutions to achieve her dreams in the education field. In her strive she
got established under the guidance of Dada Sahib Gaikwad the Takshashila Vidyalaya and Goutam Chhateralaya at Nasik in 1959, Ramabai Girls school at Nasik in 1965. In her long association with Dalit leaders, Dr. Ambedkar, P.N. Rajbhoj, Madam N.
Shivraj, Dada Sahib B.K Gaikwad, Mrs.
Gitabai B. Gaikwad, Dada Sahib Roham, Sh.
Lalingkar, Miss Londhe, she did a remarkable work for the empowerment of the Dalits. She got converted to
Buddhism along with others in 1956
and propagated it in Maharashtra. She passed away in 2001 at an age of 83
years.Her life was a saga of journey of
struggle. She shall be long remembered for struggle to achieve goals of Dalit empowerment.
J. ESWARI BAI, SMT (1920-1991)
Smt J. Eswari Bai
a Mala Caste lady was born on 1st December, 1920 in
Hyderabad then ruled by Nizam of Hyderabad. The Mala caste (Boatman, fishermen) is now a
scheduled caste.She was a champion of
cause of SCs/STs, the weak, the poor and women. Her father Shri Balleppu Balaram was member of Adi-Hindu
(Aboriginal) Jyotonaati Sabha which was committed to active social work. Madam Eswari Bai was hard
working with a sharp mind and she passed her B.A. She was greatly disturbed
with the miserable poor conditions of her
Depressed Classes peoples. Hyderabad
was a Muslim ruled Hindu majority state and caste based discrimination was rampant. The Depressed Classes people were the worst sufferers. They firstly
suffered discriminations for being
classified as Hindu and secondly from Caste
Hindus hands as they being Untouchable. Their fate carried only
discrimination at the hands of both Hindus and Muslims. Thereafter Madam Eswari Bai decided to devote herself to social service
for Dalits.
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
converted the Indian Labour Party (ILP) into a full flagged political party “All India Scheduled Castes Federation" on1 8-20 July, 1942atNagpur. She joined
the All India Scheduled Castes
Federation from the very beginning. She worked with
zeal in the SCF party. Her keen association with SFC and working for achieving its ideals reflects from the
fact that she contested thrice as the SC candidate. Madam J. Eswari Bai contested in 1952, 1957 and 1962 respectively
from Huzurabad (R), Jangaon (R) and
from Yellareddy (R) constituencies for the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly. She won from Yellareddy (R) constituency for assembly seat in 1967 and
got elected. Again, she got elected
in 1972 from the same constituency as RPI party candidate.After the
formation of the Republican Party of India, shejoined it. Later she was
associated with the breakaway wing of RPI headed by Shri D.A. Katti. After the death of Shri D.A. Katti, then President of RPI in 1986, Smt. J. Eswari Bai was
unanimously elected President of this break away group of RPI.
Andhra Pradesh
Scheduled Castes Welfare Association said in a release dated May 15, 2008 that Eswari Bai was elected as a councilor of the Secunderabad Municipal Corporation in
1950. Eswari Bai
started a fair price medical dispensary in Chilkalguda to help poor patients.
She also got established a vocational 'Work Centre
for Women' in 1950 and trained number of women in tailoring, spinning, knitting and other crafts and later the trainees on their own started self-employment units. She
also constructed a school at Chinta
Bai, Chilkalguda, with her own funds and later donated it to the government. She served as secretary of Indian Conference of Social Welfare (ICSW) and a member
of the Indian Red Cross Society. She served as a chairperson of the
Women and Child Welfare department. As
legislator she was instrumental in
bringing legislation for free education of girl students up to higher education. Madam Eswari Bai was force
behind in getting land distributed
to the landless poor formers as MLA. She worked hard to protect the constitutional rights of Dalits. She used to fight against all social evils, atrocities and
injustices against Dalits and women
in the state. Her daughter Mrs. Dr. J Geeta Reddy (1947 born) is doctor by profession and is married
to Dr. Ramachandra Reddy who is from
Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh. Mrs. Dr. J Geeta Reddy is in the
Andhra Cabinet as Cabinet Minister since 1989.
Smt J. Eswari Bai
tried her luck again when she contested in 1978 (from Jukkal), in 1983 (from Andole) and in 1985 (from Andole) but failed to make it to the Assembly. She again unsuccessfully contested from Amalapuram constituency for
the Lok Saba in 1977.
But during all these ups and downs, she continued to dedicate herself for the Depressed Classes cause and stuck
to Ambedkarite movement particularly for Dalit women empowerment. She was non-compromising Dalit leader on her committed principles. She had a strong team of
dedicated comrades including Shri
P.V. Manohar from Hyderabad and Shri B.V.Ramanaiah
from Amalapuram. She lived and died with the flag of Ambedkarite movement. She passed away on 24th,
February 1991 at the age of 71. J
Eswari Bai's statute stands errected at St John's circle in Secunderabad to keep her memories fresh in the minds
of Andhra people for whom she lived, worked and died.
Miss Meenambal was
daughter of Mr. Pillai Vasudeo Govindraju, a
native of Vallore in Madras, an Adi-Dravida Dalit. Mr. Vasudeo was engaged in
business in Burma and was also for some time a member
of the Madras Corporation. Then he was nominated as member of the Legislative Council of Madras from 1923 to 1926. Miss Meenambal was born to Mr. Pillai
Vasudeo Govindraju on 26th
December 1902 at Rangoon in Burma. She passed her matriculation from Madurai Pillai High School, Rangoon founded by her father in 1900. When she came back
to Madras she got married to Rao Bahadur
N. Shivraj in 1918, a renowned Dalit leader
of south and a staunch supporter of Baba Sahib Ambedkar. Mrs. Meenambal Shivaraj was among the first Scheduled Caste women to receive the honour of
being a member of Madras Corporation. She was also elected by the
university Senate to represent Madras
University in the Corporation.
She was a very
active and faithful member of the Scheduled Castes Federation formed in 1942. The Shivraj couple was
perhaps the most trusted followers of Dr. Baba
Sahib B.R. Ambedkar. Mrs. Meenambal
Shivaraj advised the women folk of depressed classes to educate their children, infuse confidence and good character in them. She advised them to liberate
themselves from casteism, unclean jobs and domination Being women activist Mrs. Shivaraj presided over
the women's conference of Scheduled
Castes Federation, held at Madras on
23rd September 1944 and the All India SCF Women's Conference held at Bombay on 6th may
1945. These two conferences were
addressed by Dr. Baba sahib Ambedkar and Rao BahadurN. Shivaraj.
She unsuccessfully
contested the first general elections held in
1952 for the Madras Legislative Assembly, then for Madras Legislative Council in 1952 as SCF candidate and
finally she contested for Madras
Legislative Assembly as a congress candidate in 1967. She had two sons and two daughters to whom she gave good education. Her son Mr. Dayashakar, IPS
(Retd.) looked after her in her old
age as her husband N. Shivraj had passed away on 29th September 1964. She died on 30th November
1992 at a ripe age of 92 years. She
shall be long remembered as a dedicated Dalit Women leader.
Dr. Ambedkar's
first wife Ramabai Ambedkar passed away after a
prolonged illness on 27th May 1935.This left indelible memories on the mind of one of the greatest educationist, lawyer, constitutional giant, economist and a true human
ever born. Even after over five decades of his death Dr Ambedkar has been voted
in a worldwide contest to be the top
intellectual in the world. In another
Indian survey Dr. Ambedkar was overwhelmingly voted to be next only to Mahatma Gandhi leaving behind
many other Indian giants. On the
demise of Rama an ever caring wife, her sahib was left alone, when he needed her the most by his side.
Although in their
married life of 27 years, Rama had faced extreme poverty, unfortunate death of their four children, her own medical
problems, but she bore it only with the hope that good day shall be bestowed by Lord Vitthal. After her death Dr Ambedkar
lost interest in life and put on hermit's dress and he even did not shave his face for days.Even after days of mourning when he did not show interest in his work, his comrades reminded him of his
commitments towards his suffering
untouchable masses, who after centuries found a ray of good hope in him. Therefore after three to four
weeks of desperate shock and
grieving, Dr Ambedkar got absorbed in his job to cut the slavery chains of his down trodden folks. Dr Ambedkar lived single for another thirteen years
after passing away of revered Mata
Ramabai Ambedkar. Dr Ambedkar's son Yashwantrao
Ambedkar and his nephew Mukund were living with him and looking after him all these years.
Since Dr Ambedkar
was in his mid-fifties only, many of his well-wishers suggested him to re-marry to have somebody by his side to look after his falling health and other domestic
problems. But he could not
think anybody taking the place of his beloved saintly
Rama. He was also worried about the well-being of his only son and nephew being not sure how his new wife shall behave with her step son, in case he married.
Therefore for
thirteen years passed by after the death of Rama. Dr. Ambedkar kept himself engaged in hard work day and
night. He remained busy
in writing books, meeting world delegations and
going abroad for redeeming his responsibility towards up liftment of over millions illiterate,
untouchables, half naked, poverty ridden
& starving Indians. His hard work affected his health adversely but he never bothered about it. Dr
Ambedkar's achievements during these years were too many. Above all, he had joined as Law Minister of India and was
elected as Chairman of Indian
constitution drafting committee. Dr Ambedkar finished writing of constitution
for which 26th January, 1948 was fixed as last date. This was a gigantic work, which he
finished with merits.
Since Dr Ambedkar frequently visited
Delhi and Bombay, every time he went to Bombay he used to
go and call on Prof. Rau, both of whom were fast friends. Prof Rau's daughters
and Dr. Sharda Kabir a Saraswati
Maharashtrian Brahmin girl were friends . Prof. Rau introduced Dr. Ambedkar
then Law Minister of India to Dr.
Savita Kabir,.
Dr. Ambedkar told his new friend Dr
.Kabir of his health problems, who in turn
suggested getting him checked from Dr. Madav
G. Malvankar, a physio-therapist. She told that Dr. Malvankar is having a clinic and she is working
there as a doctor cum nurse. Dr. Ambedkar met Dr. Malvankar who started
his treatment. For his treatment Dr.
Ambedkar visited too often Dr. Malvankar's Clinic where he met Dr. Kabir every
time. Since Dr. Ambedkar had landed
into many medical problems including eye sight, diabetes, blood pressure and above all general body weakness. He needed regular medical care including
timely medicines with frequent medical checkup. This only a medical practitioner or an experienced nurse could do.
With long association both Dr.
Malvaankar and his patient had become thick friends. Troubled by continued medical problems Dr. Ambedkar wanted to remarry with a doctor but such a lady in
his own spheres was not available.
When he discussed this with Dr Sharda Kabir, she proposed to accompany him to
his place and was prepared to stay
there for some months to give him required medical attention. Dr. Ambedkar out rightly rejected it telling her
your presence in his house shall
give rise to a lot of whispering and shall blemish his name, which he cannot tolerate. His critics
shall find a point to tarnish his
image. He said despite his lifelong difficulties coupled with death of his poise wife thirteen years ago,
he has maintained his name and peace
of mind, which was his most prized possessions. Dr. Malvaankar also suggested him to get married in view of his health problems. He even suggested Dr. Ambedkar
to ask Dr. Kabir if, he approved of
it, since she was also concerned with his medical problems and allied treatments.
This way, both Dr. Ambedkar and Dr.
Kabir came near to one another and also started exchanging letter
correspondence. In the process, one day Dr.
Ambedkar sent her an ornamental gift expressing
his desire to marry her, if she willingly accepted the offer. She
discussed it with her family and Dr. Malvankar too, who all approved the offer from Law Minister of India, knowing swell he was an untouchable by caste. Dr. Kabir
wrote him back showing her family's
approval and also her personal approval.
Now started their continued correspondence, where
Dr. Kabir addressed her
would be husband as "Raja" who in turn addressed his fiancé as "Sharu". Dr. Ambedkar
wrote her in details about his habits, financial
health, and his committed liabilities about his only surviving son, nephew and his poor people. He also wrote
about his very busy
life, his future plans, his pending life plans, his poor health and his dried up sexual desires. She also wrote
about her family, liabilities and to their future
help. Dr. Ambedkar even discussed his re-marriage plans with his close
confidants, who almost all rejected his idea
of marrying with chosen girl with whom
he had wide differences of caste, age, qualification, profession ,status and committed liabilities.
Despite this Dr. Ambedkar, a
untouchable Mahar married a Chitpavan, Saraswati Brahmin girl of 37 years, 18years younger to her
husband who attained 57 years age a
day earlier.
They got married on Thursday 15th April, 1948, as
Thursday was considered
auspicious day in the life of bride groom. The civil
marriage was performed at the official bungalow of Law Minister. It was a quiet
affair where only a few selected people were invited, who congratulated the
couple. Immediately after the ceremony the
couple went to the bungalow of Sardar Vallabbai Patel Central Home Minister, who had arranged for reception for newly wedded couple. Despite being not well
Sardar Vallabbai Patel, rose from his
bed to congratulate and bless the couple saying "Had Bapu been alive, he would have been very happy to day to bless
this historic inter-caste marriage, for which he had worked hard". Next day almost all domestic and
foreign newspapers carried the news
in their own way. The New, York Times wrote "Hindu Brahmin weds untouchable leader forfeiting her
caste right to enter Heaven". The bride was renamed as Dr Savita
Ambedkar later she was addressed by their
admirers as "MaiSahiba Dr Ambedkar ". Dr Ambedkar took her bride to Shimla for
honeymooning which as per the accounts of husband was full of joy. Madam
Savita found a jolly husband having
internationally acclaimed name and fame.
Dr Ambedkar found a young, lovely, attractive trained doctor and nurse
to care for him, which both utmost needed. As Dr Ambedkar was found of good dresses himself, he saw to it that his wife dressed well too. His followers wanted
to celebrate their marriage, which Dr
Ambedkar did not approve. One of the reasons put forth by Dr. Ambedkar was that a Maharashtrian Nathu Ram Godse
(1910-1949) had assassinated Mahatma Gandhi only two
and half months ago which had spread anti Maharashtrian feeling all over India. Therefore he feared that celebrating this inter caste marriage between two Maharashtrians may invite trouble and he wanted to avoid. Hereafter whether Dr. Ambedkar was in India or abroad his wife accompanied him as his medical attendant as well as his companion, friend and well-wisher. She was by the side of Dr Ambedkar at Nagpur on 14th October, 1956 when both of them embraced Buddism and recited together the divine mantra "Bhudhham Sharnam Gashami, Dharmam Sharnam Gashami,Sangham Sharnam Gashami—".
and half months ago which had spread anti Maharashtrian feeling all over India. Therefore he feared that celebrating this inter caste marriage between two Maharashtrians may invite trouble and he wanted to avoid. Hereafter whether Dr. Ambedkar was in India or abroad his wife accompanied him as his medical attendant as well as his companion, friend and well-wisher. She was by the side of Dr Ambedkar at Nagpur on 14th October, 1956 when both of them embraced Buddism and recited together the divine mantra "Bhudhham Sharnam Gashami, Dharmam Sharnam Gashami,Sangham Sharnam Gashami—".
Dr. Savita wrote in her memories that
after their marriage both used to attend
all official functions together, during parliament debates when her husband was deliberating in the
parliament, his wife was seen
sitting in the visitors' gallery. Dr Ambedkar even sought her personal opinion while framing Hindu
code bill particularly in matters of right of women on parental
property. She was trained to give him Oxygen
bouts, when needed, besides maintaining
strict medicine schedule, meal timing with required menu on dining table. Hindu Code Bill failed
despite earlier promises of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first Prime Minister.
The Hindu Code Bill failed due to the
adamant behavior of Hindu caste
religious leaders inside the House as well as protests on streets outside. Even President Dr Rajinder
Prasad was reported to side with Hindu caste religious leaders and threatened
not to give his consent even if the bill was passed by Parliament. Dr Rajindra Prasad also threatened to resign as the
President Of India, if the Hindu
Code Bill was finally adopted by the Parliament. Failure of Hindu code bill a long cherished dream of Dr Ambedkar made him sad. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on 26th
September, 1951 moved a resolution in
the house proposing to drop the bill. Dr Ambedkar's views that Hindu
religious leaders are immune to reforms got
further reinforced, so he resigned as Law Minister of India the very next day
the 27th September 1951.
Dr Ambedkar failed
to win Parliament elections in 1952 (Bombay
North) and in 1954 (Chandra). So all his lieutenants including his doctor wife Savita became worried as they thought that his
life without parliament would be miserable. But soon he was elected to Rajya Sabha from Bombay
legislature, a position he retained
till his end of life.
Dr Savita Ambedkar
faced the worse of her life in the death of Dr B.R. Ambedkar in the morning of
6th December at around 6.30 am. She got up
as usual, looked at the bed and saw Dr. Ambedkar's leg resting on the cushion as usual. She later realized that
he had departed. She sent her car for Nanak Chand Rattu (assistant of Dr. Ambedkar), on his arrival Mrs. Ambedkar collapsed in the sofa crying that Baba Sahib had
departed the world. Rattu could not
bear the thought and with a trembling voice he exclaimed, "What!
Baba sahib has departed this world. Rattu attempted
to stimulate heart action in the mortal remains by massaging Baba's limbs, moving his arms and leg,
pressing upward the chest diaphragm
and putting in his mouth a spoonful of brandy; but all this failed to stimulate respiration as he had passed away in his sleep. Mrs. Ambedkar now loudly mourned her
husband's death and Rattu wept
bitterly over the dead body of his master, crying "Oh! Baba Sahib, I have come, give me work." Dr. Ambedkar had professed it four years ago to his
chief lieutenant Bahurao Gaikwad
that he would not live long and so Gaikward should prepare his mind for the event.Rattu then broke the shocking news
to circles closest to Dr. Ambedkar and then Ministers of the Central
Government. The news spread like wild fire.
Many of his admirers, lieutenants and followers ran to 26 Alipore Road, and
soon a throng of mourners collected outside his residence to have a last
glimpse of the great emancipator of
millions. The Bombay associates of the leader were intimated through Siddhartha
College, and they were also informed that
the body was being flown to Bombay that night.
After the death
of her life partner she faced many unpleasant things,
including facing litigation for repayment of loan taken during the life time of her late husband. Many said that Dr Ambedkar was murdered .The statement made by G.B.
Pant union Home Minister in Lok Saba
on 26tth November, 1957 telling that
Dr Ambedkar had died as a natural death as per the report of DIG Delhi Police. But this did not arrest the
doubts and criticism by his
followers who alleged that it was a cover up story.When Dr Ambedkar was awarded Indian Highest
Civilian Award BHARAT RATN A
(posthumously), Dr Savita Ambedkar received it from the President R.
Venkataraman in Rashtrpati Bhawanon 14th
April, 1990.
Dr. Savita
Ambedkar passed away at her residence in29 May, 2003
at Delhi, at 94 years of age. Her death was widely covered by media. Indian president A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Prime Minister Atal
Behari Vajpayee, Congress president
Sonia Gandhi, Deputy Chairperson of the Rajya Sabha Najma Heptullah,
Nationalist Congress Party president, Sharad Pawar, then Maharashtra Chief
Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde (Later Home
Minister of India), Maharashtra State Governor
H.E Mohammed Fazal, Samajwadi Party president Mulayam Singh Yadav, Punjab Governor, Justice O.P. Verma, Haryana Governor, Babu Parmanand, and Haryana
Chief Minister Om Prakash Chautala besides many other prominent personalities condoled her death and lauded her role in the life
of Father Of Indian Constitution Dr.
B.R. Ambedkar as his spouse. The Union Minister
for Social Justice and Empowerment, Satyanarayan Jatiya, who represented the Centre at the funeral, said:
"Dr. Savita Ambedkar has served
Dr. Ambedkar with great dedication. Her sacrifice would be remembered for long and will serve as an inspiration for future generations."
Dr Savita Ambedkar shifted to a farmhouse in Mehrauli where
she spent a considerable amount of her time. With the birth of the Dalit
Panthers, young leaders like Ramdas Athwale and Gangadhar Gade
requested her to be part of the dalit movement once again. That brought her
back into public life. Her memoir, Babasahebanchya Sahavasat provides
important personal information on Babasaheb Ambedkar. She also helped out
the film maker Jabbar Patel when he made a feature film on the life of Dr.
Er. H.R. Phonsa
Dated 7-3-2020
Souveenir BDSA Delhi Dec.2007
Mehlayan (Hindi) by Dr.Manju Suman,Samyak Prakashan N.Delhi.
and His Associates By Er.H.R.Phonsa
4. Wikipedia.
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