(Reverential Tributes
on his 61st Mahaparinirwan
Divas falling on 6th December,2017)
By :- Er. H. R. Phonsa

Dr .Ambedkar was the first in his community to
pass Matriculation Examination in 1907 .He was first Dalit to get education in
foreign lands in one of most prestigious world Universities like Columbia
University USA, London School Of Economics U.K, Bonn University in
Germany, Bar at the Gray’s Inn. He was
rare of rarest Indian who obtained M.A; PhD ; DSc.; Barrister –at- Law; LL.D;
D. Litt and many more Honorary Degrees from many foreign Universities. It is also a hard fact
that despite being a world class supper human, he was not given any befitting
honour by his Alma Mater the University Of Bombay during his life times. He was a reputed scholar in Economics,
Political Sciences, Law, Constitutional Law, Anthropology, and Religion
Philosophy. He was a great teacher also,
backed by his deep studies of the subjects he taught. Perhaps he was first among Dalits to be appointed professor ( June 1928 to
March 1929) and to occupy the chair of the Principal of the Government Law College
Bombay( Now Mumbai) affiliated to Bombay
University June 1,1935 to May 1938 where he was hated during his studies.
Dr. Ambedkar observed that the journalism
which was earlier a profession had turned into business exploitation in the
hands of capitalists. Dr Ambedkar sensed the need of a news paper of his own
and said a leader without a news paper was like a bird without wings. He was
perhaps the first Dalit to enter the
world of journalism when launched
on the Mook Nayak ( Leader of dumb) on January 31st,1920 ,on 3rd
April,1927 the Bahiskrit Bharat( Excluded
India), the Samta( Equality) the
Janta ( People) on 24th
November,1930,The Prubh Bharat ( Awakened
Bharat ). His writings in these news
papers spread his message very quickly among the depressed class masses. He stated his news papers much earlier than
Mahatama Gandhi’s the Harijan, started in February 1933.
Sahib Dr. Ambedkar was first Dalit to be awarded Bharat Ratana in 1990
posthumously after a lapse of 34 years after his death. This shows apathy of
the ruling parties towards their National celebrities.
Hardly anybody could imagine that a Mahar
Subedar Major’s 14th child Bhiva
( Bhimrao’s first name) could
one day divert the world attention towards the deplorable condition of Indian Untouchable millions,
seeking constitutional rights for them
in Round Table conferences called
by the mighty British Crown’s Government
in their heartland . Dr. Ambedkar was one of the two Untouchables who
were first to be nominated to represent the slaves to the British Indian
Slaves. Dr. Ambedkar’s courage ,
convections backed by world’s highest degrees forced the
British Crown’s Government along with Indian monarchs, politicians to listen the woes of half feed, half naked, illiterates
socially lowest of the low through their own representative who had studied
world history in foreign lands. He also warned the British to leave India soon
as they have failed to make any improvement in the, social, religious,
political, educations and economic conditions of poor particularly untouchable
millions during their rule. In the
three Round Table conference in London Dr. Ambedkar’s narrations were so
logical and force full that all eye
brows were raised to listen the plight of those who had never been represented
before, in history in any such official forum.
About his narrations news items were carried by news papers world over
with editorials written in praise of the
new found leaders of Indian untouchables. Not only Dr. Ambedkar’s views were highly
acclaimed in all world spheres but they brought dividends for Untouchable in
the future governments Of India. The
problems of untouchable were brought on world forum for finding their solutions
speedily. This way the British were made to realise their folly of siding with
the the exploiters of Dalits by giving them treatment even worst than animals.
The British were made to find
space for Indian untouchable in the future governance of India. To give
political representation to untouchables Simon Commission was established. Dr.
Ambedkar’s plea before Simon Commission with other organisations and
leaders of Depressed classes was so
forceful that the British India government announced Communal Award outlining the method of reserving seats in representative bodies
with a right of duel
votes to untouchables to use in the future election. This established
the existence of untouchables as a definite and separate identity and equal
stake holders in the future constitution. An other feather in Dr. Ambedkar’s
cap was added.
On this Mahatama
Gandhi backed by Hindu reactionary forces , under took fast unto death in
Yarwada Jail Poona ( Now Pune). Mahatma Gandhi was against granting any
political rights to untouchables, saying theirs was an internal social problems
to be solved within the frame work of Hindu
Verna system. Dr. Ambedkar
disputed Gandhi’s contentions by saying that if it was so, why hate against
untouchables had remained intact for centuries. Tremendous pressure was mounted against Ambedkar to
save Mahatma’s life. Therefore the Poona
pact was signed by Dr. Ambedkar under duress to save Gandhi’s life but standing
on equal pedestal with those who had denied
evening touch shadow of untouchable but to talk of granting any human right to them for centuries. Reservation
in the provincial and central legislatures, appointments in public services and
local bodies with removal of disabilities of the depressed classes were the
direct result of the Poona Pact. Denial
of double election and duel voting as
per Communal Award or separate electorates, gave a chance to upper caste political body heads
to select dummy candidates from scheduled castes and scheduled Tribes to contest the reserved seats and be a party
to denial of Constitutional Rights to the Dalit communities.
Dr. Ambedkar himself a great lover of books and a writer with millions of readership was the first to burn the Hindu
Code book “ Manusmiriti” as Manu, its writer claimed “It
contain laws with Divine sanction”.
Dr. Ambedkar disputed Manu’s claims by saying .it was devised to give sanctions
of inhuman suppression of untouchables and women. He was also first in the
history of caste struggle to sip water of Choudar Tank ( Water Tank) by organising Satyagraha.
Taking water from Choudar Tank was banned from centuries for the untouchable
Hindus. He was hurt gravely in the melee but did not lose heart to fight law
suit instituted against him and his
followers. It took him ten years to win the law suit. To register untouchable’s
just right to worship in Hindu temples, he organised Kalaram Temple entry
struggle on 2nd March,1930 with his follow men and women. This Dalit
organised struggle was carried for five long years but caste Hindus did not
yield any ground for untouchable’s right to worship in the Kalaram temple. Even
now after nine decades of the temple entry struggle for five years superstitious Hindus do not allow the
Untouchable to enter many of their temples.
Ambedkar claimed Mahatama jyotirao Phule(1827-1890) as his political guru. When
Phule was convinced that illiteracy was main reason of untouchable slavery he along
with his wife Mata Savitribai Phuley opened 18 schools in and around Poona (
now Pune) starting from January 1st
in 1848’.Some of these schools were excursively for girl students of
all castes. After a centaury of opening schools by Phuley Couple Dr. Ambedkar founded People’s Education
Society on 8th July, 1945 base of hd on
five principles namely the ideal of
knowledge, the ideals of compassion, the
ideal of democracy, the ideal of equality and the ideal of justiceis parents. The primary aim of this society is to promote
higher education among the poorer people in general and Buddhists Scheduled
Castes a,Scheduled Tribes and other backward Classes in particular. The Peoples
Education Society founded “The Milind College, Aurangabad Maharashtra” a most
backward area of Maharashtra state. Its foundation was laid by Dr. Ambedkar on
9th July,1953. The People’s Education Society is now manning a large
chain of quality educational Institutions giving employment to thousands of
few more fields where Dr Ambedkar was also first in his achievements
Dr. Ambedkar was
youngest and the 14th Child of his parents.
Birth control:-In 1927
there were only three Indians who were
talking about birth control and warning that India will face consequences of
neglecting these reforms. These three people were J R D Tata, Dr B.R. Babasaheb and R D Karve. Dr Ambedkar locked horns with
those, who in the name of tradition and religion, opposed sex education,"
said historian Hari Narke. R D Karve published a magazine called Samaj Swasthya
(society's health) from July 15, 1927
to 1953. The magazine was dedicated to sex and health education to curve
growing Indian population It preached birth control methods .Some orthodox Puneites
dragged R D Karve to court, accusing him of spreading and encouraging
"obscenity" by talking about sex education..Dr. Ambedkar as
R.D. Karve’s advocate, won him the case. ( TOI Pune City edition Apr 14, 2016,)
Personal collection of books: 50000 (excluding the
collection of books, which were lost
when the ship on which they were dispatched from London was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine)
Perhaps there was nobody else in the world with this much collection of personal books in the human history?
Perhaps there was nobody else in the world with this much collection of personal books in the human history?
To challenge discriminatory rules and systems
like a Khoti System, Mahar Vatan, bonded
labour, unequal wages to women workers, long hours of labour in factories or
houses on nominal wages, non existence of maternity leave for women workers,
non entry of depressed classes students into
government funded education institutions, non employment of depressed class persons in
higher posts in government services, non
payment for over time in factories.
To advocate of nationalisation of agriculture,
land to be vested in government, paid maternity leave, political rights to
depressed classes people, paid over time
in offices and factories at the double rate of normal wages, no religious
interference in government affairs and
such other government progressive
To launch a political party ( I L P) of Dalits for the Dalits and by
Dalits. He won 17 seats in 1937 Provincial Elections including 3 from general
constituencies. This was history of its sorts for Dalits to occupy the same
political pedestal as their opponents from upper
To be appointed as Member of Viceroy’s Executive council as Labour,
Employment, CPWD Minister from among
Dalits. Dr. Ambedkar wrote the whole text single-handedly,
as a duty to parliament, in-spite of his bad health and busy personal social
To earn honour to be the Chairman of the Constitution Drafting
Committee to draft Constitution for free India.
The First union
Minister in the world history who
resigned when his drafted Bill, Viz.The Hindu Code Bill for rights of women was not
passed by parliament due to caste and sex prejudices of orthodox Upper Caste
Hindus in and outsides of Parliament .
He was first in history of Bombay on whose
death Bombay witnessed largest funeral procession ,where over five lacs Dalits embraced Buddhism in one go.
He was perhaps first Minister of Indian Union,
who was not allowed to address the
Parliament to announce his resignation as Law Minister Of India. The
Constitution he fathered was quoted to hinder to his last address as Union Law Minister.
As Labour Executive Member of the Viceroy Lord Wavel ‘s council(
1942 and 1946) . He was sworn as the Labor Member of the Viceroy’s
Executive Council in July 7, 1942. Dr. Ambedkar did a pioneering
work . Dr. Baba saheb Ambedkar believe
that caste is not merely the division of Labour but division of labourers based
upon the graded inequality. He laboured hard to framed Labour benefit laws as
an Executive Council Member. Detail of
the Laws framed during Dr. Ambedka’s tenure as member of the Executive Council Council.
Reduction in Factory Working Hours (8 hours duty) :
Today the working hours in India per day is about 8 hours. We do not know that
how many Indians know, that Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was the Savior of Labors in
India. He brought 8 hours duty in India and change the working time from 14
hours to 8 hours and became a light for workers in India. He brought these laws
in the 7th session of Indian Labor
Conference in New Delhi, November 27, 1942.
Health Insurance Scheme.
Labor Welfare Funds
Provident Fund Act.
Factory Amendment Act.
Labour Disputes Act.
Minimum wage
Dearness Allowance (DA) to Workers.
Leave Benefit to Piece Workers.
Revision of Scale of Pay for Employees.
Coal and Mica Mines Provident Fund:
Creator of Damodar valley project, Hirakund
project, The Sone River valley project
The Indian Trade Unions (Amendment) Bill:
Indian Statistical Law.
Post War Economic Planning.
India’s Water Policy and Electric Power Planning
The original source of reference for all the 13
Finance Commission reports, in a way, are based on Dr. Ambedkar’s P.hd thesis,
"The Evolution of Provincial Finance in British India", written in
Laying basis of establishing the RBI. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) came into picture
according to the guidelines laid down by Dr Ambedkar? Reserve Bank of India was
conceptualised as per the guidelines, working style and outlook presented by Dr
Ambedkar in front of the Hilton Young Commission. When this commission came to
India under the name of “Royal Commission on Indian Currency & Finance”,
each and every member of this commission were holding Dr Ambedkar’s book named “The Problem of the Rupee – Its origin and its solution.” (VELIVADA). Despite this the Indian currency
Notes Carry Mahatama Gandhi’s Portrait on them and Rabindernath Tagore as Brand
Ambassador of SBI ,However GOI has issued set of 10 coins in honour of
Dr.Ambedkar on his 125th birth anniversary
Employees State Insurance (ESI.
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar framed many laws for Women
Labors in RBI India :
Mines Maternity Benefit Act.
Women Labor welfare fund.
Women and Child, Labor Protection Act.
Maternity Benefit for women Labour.
of Ban on Employment of Women on Underground Work in Coal Mines,
Indian Factory Act.
National Employment Agency (Employment Exchange
Equal wages
for equal work irrespective of Sex and caste of the labourer was brought in
inspired the Modern Buddhist Movement in India.
Baba Sahib Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Ambedkar
was a rare jewel and earned uncountable
first in his life and after. Many surveys have been carried world over after
Baba Sahib’s death which selected him as first among many world personalities.
was opposed to Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, which gives a
special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
In Dr.Ambedkar “ A great man is
different from an eminent one in that he is ready to be the servant of the
society”. He himself qualified this definition.
Words :- 3678 Er.
H. R. Phonsa
The writer can be contacted on
E-mail :- hrphonsa@gmail.com
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