Sunday, November 28, 2021
Sir,Chhotu Ram 's 140th Birth Anniversary falling on24th Nov,2021
Sir,Chhotu Ram 's 140th Birth Anniversary falling on24th Nov,2021
The Bhartiya Dalit Sahitya Akademy incl. J&K Branch remembers with gratitude Jat Leader Sir Chhotu Ram (24 November 1881 – 9 January 1945) on his 140th Birth Anniversary falling to day the 24th Nov,2021.
Sir,Chhotu Ram was a prominent politician in British India an ideologue of the pre-Independent India and championed the interest of oppressed communities of the Indian subcontinent. He was intelligent and always stood first in class incl. Law degree. On the political front, he was a co-founder of the National Unionist Party which ruled the United Punjab Province in pre-independent India. He was the President of Rohtak Congress Party 2016 but resigned in Calcutta party conference 1920 as he opposed Congress on Non Cooperative Movement. He founded Unionist Party,( Zamindara League) in 1923 with Sir Fazl-i-Hussain ,prominent Muslim leader., which was a cross-communal alliance of Hindu, Sikh, and Muslim agriculturists. Both leaders kept at bay the Congress and Muslim League policies of religion divide of masses. The Unionist Party won elections in 1935 to form the provincial government in the capital at Lahore. As revenue minister, he brought in changes in the law to stop the practice of usury (charging interest on interest say SOOD Dar SOOD). If a person had repaid double of more amount of the sum he borrowed, his debit will get automatically waved off, a great relief to poor peasantry. The money lenders, distraints, were debarred to get land transferred, auction standing crops, trees, farm implements, oxen in lieu of money due from a debtor. He championed the struggle for common man including farmers and so law was framed for restoration of mortgaged lands in1938. He mooted the proposal of Bhakhra Dam. Sir Chhotu Ram was a great champion of Muslim-Hindu, Dalit Unity and opposer of partition of India on religious lines. Both Baba Haheb Dr.B.R.Ambedkar and Choudhary Chhotu Ram opposed Congress leaders slogging “Simon Go Back” as Simon was to study the condition of Indian masses, religious domination and to suggest the remedial measures. Gandhi and Hindu leaders were opposed to British know inter religions difference of Indians, who were Slaves to British Slaves. The present Kissan agitation has roots in thoughts of Ch. Chhotu Ram.
May his soul rest in peace.
Er.H. R. Phonsa,9419134060
All India Spokesman the Bhartiya Dalit Sahitya Akademy
हिंदी अनुवाद
भारतीय दलित साहित्य अकांगी समिति जम्मू-कश्मीर शाखा ने आभार जताते हुए जाट नेता सर छोटूराम (24 नवंबर 1881-9 जनवरी 1945) की 140 वीं जयंती पर 24 नवंबर, 2021 को याद किया। वह ब्रिटिश भारत में एक प्रमुख राजनेता थे जो स्वतंत्र भारत के एक विचारक थे और उन्होंने भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप के दबे-कुचले समुदायों के हित को चैंपियन किया । वह रोहतक कांग्रेस पार्टी २०१६ के अध्यक्ष थे, लेकिन कलकत्ता पार्टी सम्मेलन १९२० में इस्तीफा दे दिया क्योंकि उन्होंने गैर सहकारी आंदोलन पर कांग्रेस का विरोध किया था । उन्होंने 1923 में सर फजल हुसैन (प्रमुख मुस्लिम नेता) के साथ यूनियनिस्ट पार्टी (जमींदारा लीग) की स्थापना की, जो हिंदू, सिख और मुस्लिम कृषकों का एक क्रॉस-सांप्रदायिक गठबंधन था । दोनों नेताओं ने जनता के धर्म विभाजन की कांग्रेस और मुस्लिम लीग की नीतियों को खाड़ी में रखा । यूनियनिस्ट पार्टी ने लाहौर में राजधानी में प्रांतीय सरकार बनाने के लिए १९३५ में चुनाव जीता था । राजस्व मंत्री के तौर पर सूद दार सूद कहते हैं कि सूद की प्रथा (ब्याज पर ब्याज वसूलने) को रोकने के लिए वह कानून में बदलाव लाते थे। यदि किसी व्यक्ति ने उधार ली गई राशि की दोगुनी राशि चुकाई थी, तो उसका डेबिट स्वचालित रूप से भुगतान के अंत रूप में लिया जाएगा ,जो गरीब किसानों के लिए एक बड़ी राहत है । साहूकारों, असंतुष्टों को एक देनदार से देय धन के बदले भूमि हस्तांतरित करने, खड़ी फसलों, पेड़ों, कृषि उपकरणों, बैलों को प्राप्त करने के लिए वर्जित किया गया था । उन्होंने किसानों सहित आम आदमी के लिए संघर्ष को चैंपियन बनाया और इसलिए 1938 में गिरवी रखी गई जमीनों की बहाली के लिए कानून बनाया गया। उन्होंने भाखड़ा बांध का प्रस्ताव रखा ।सर छोटूराम धार्मिक आधार पर मुस्लिम-हिंदू, दलित एकता सहायक था और भारत विभाजन के विरोधी ।महान हिमायती थे। बाबा साहिब डॉ. बी आर. अंबेडकर और चौधरी छोटूराम दोनों ने कांग्रेस नेताओं का विरोध करते हुए कहा कि साइमन को भारतीय जनता की स्थिति, धार्मिक वर्चस्व का अध्ययन करना और उपचारात्मक उपायों का सुझाव देना था । गांधी और कांग्रेस के नेता कभी नहीं चाहते थे कि अंग्रेजों को धार्मिक अल्पसंख्यकों के हिदु जाति गत वर्चस्व की जानकारी हो। इसलिए उन्होंने इसका विरोध किया । वर्तमान किस्सान आंदोलन की जड़ें चौधरी छोटूराम के विचारों में हैं। उसकी आत्मा शांति में आराम करे ।
हिंदी अनुवाद में कुछ गलतियां हो सकती हैं जैसा कि कंप्यूटर अनुवाद का कार्य है
Er.H. R. Phonsa,9419134060
All India Spokesman the Bhartiya Dalit Sahitya Akademy
71stConstitution Day 2021
71stConstitution Day 2021
(Brief Narrative about Framing of Indian Constitution with Dr. Ambedkar’s contribution)
By: Er. H. R. Phonsa
On 19 September 1945, under GOI Act 1935, the Indian Viceroy Lord Wavell announced that the elections to the central and provincial legislatures would be held in December 1945 to January 1946 andwere held in January 1946 on the basis of Separate electorates. In the election Congress won 923 (58.23%) and AIML 425 (26.81%) of total 1583 seats. This laid the foundation for creation of Pakistan as results showed that the congress won 90% of General and non-Muslin area seats and the Indian Muslim League won 87% seats in Muslim majority areas. Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar’s party the Scheduled Castes Federation (SCF) won only 2 seats. Shri S.N. Mandal from (W-B) and R. P. Yadav from C.P and Berar. Baba Saheb lost elections from Bombay.
(Ref R.K. Kashersagar, Dalit Mvement in India & its leaders Page77)
It had already been decided that an executive council would be formed and also constitution-making body would be convened after these elections. The members to frame Constitution of free India were elected /nominated in August, 1946 under Cabinet Plan 1946. This team of 389, among whom 292 stood already elected in January, 93 were nominated from native states besides 4 nominated from Chief Commissioner’s provinces. This team had 73 AIML members.
Although Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar was elected from Bengal Legislature in bye elected on July 20, 1946. but due to Congress leadership mischief was not included in the Interim Government formed on 2nd September, 1946. Babu Jagjivan Ram from (Cong.) and J.N. Mandal (SCF) from AIML quotas, both belonging to Scheduled Castes, were included. Mr. Ram was made labour Minister and Mandal Law Minister, Parliamentary Affairs, public works portfolio. Mandal a Namosudra became Law Minister of united India and later Baba Saheb became First Law Minister of free India.
Due unkind blessing of both Hindu and Muslim leaders with hardliner with non-liberal mind set , the country was thrown into worst human tragedy of twentieth century with partition of India. About 14.5 million people crossed the borders. Estimates of the number of deaths vary, with low estimates at 200,000 and high estimates at 2,000,000.
To rule successfully independent India ,7th biggest country of world with 330 million population (1947), holding 3.287 million Sq kms area, following 9 main religions and speaking 19500 languages and dialects. So, Bharat needed to frame policies to hold together this big country. There was need to amicably decide the fate and relation with Native Princely (nearly 584) states who may decide to join Indian domain. The Native Princely States ruled 48% of united Indian area. To judicially attend to all such problems demanding immediate and long-term solutions, India needed urgently a National Rule book or “Constitution”. The British were also not prepared to leave India till it gets its Constitution. Jawahar Lal Nehru had promised British Primer C.R. Attlee to famed constitution in two months, but failed so decision to free India was taken to postponed freedom till 13th June, 1948. Finding in a fix Pt. J. L. Nehru Attlee suggested the name of Sir Ivor Jennings (1903-1965) a British lawyer, to frame Indian Constitution. He was reluctant to accomplish this gigantic task, saying it will be difficult to face Dr. Ambedkar and reply his quarries in the house. When Baba Saheb Ambedkar lost elections in January 1946, the Congress leaders were jubilant and Sardar Patel is reported to have even remarked that they have closed all doors, windows and even ventilators for Dr. Ambedkar to enter Parliament. We will see how Dr. B. R. Ambedkar to enters Parliament House . They were forgetting that he only was solution to their immediate problem of Constitution drafting and arrest any further delay in getting freedom to India.
Here came in Shri J.N. Mandal (1904-1968) a Scheduled Caste, Namosudra by caste stood who stood elected get on general seat from Bengal. He suggested Baba Saheb to contest from Bengal, for which a member resigned to vacate a seat for him. This way Baba Saheb was re-elected on July 20, 1946 with active support from all SCs and IML leaders. Baba Saheb’s followers from Punjab under Seth Krishan Lal, leader Marchant command worked hard for this .
The Congress tangle on this account was solved on intervention of Gandhi Ji, who argued, if they selected a foreign for this job, image how it will blacken our image in world eyes saying if Indians cannot make their constitution, how will they hold country united. So, in this fix Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar was selected to frame Indian Constitution. (
With Indian Independence on 15 August,1947, first Union Cabinet was sworn in with Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru as Prime Minister. Dr Baba Saheb B.R. Ambedkar, a non-congress member, became the First Law Minister of India. After Indian divide, the team for Indian Constitution Drafting was reduced from 389 to 299 (193 Hindu incl. 33 SC) and others.The team included thirteen women having 01 from Scheduled Castes, named Shrimati Dakshayani Velayudhan,a hard nut follower of Gandhi. Baba Saheb Ambedkar was elected Chairman of Constitution Drafting Committee on 29 August, 1947. Dr. Ambedkar, a Mahar was the most academically qualified person with 32 degrees in the team who had studied 64 subjects and knew 10 Indian and foreign languages.
Dr. Sachchidananda Sinha was made the first temporary chairman of the Constituent Assembly. In the process Dr. Rajinder Prasad, was appointed as president of Constitution Assembly on 11 Dec.1946.
On partition of country, congress leaders again played mischief and both constituencies of Baba Saheb and J.N. Mandal, wilfully agreed to transfer to proposed Pakistan territory. These constituencies had about 52% Hindu population. But despite the condition that areas with 50% or more Hindu or Muslim population shall remain in India or Pakistan respectively, these areas were made part of Pakistan. Under rule both Baba Saheb and Mandal had to resign or migrate to Pakistan to save their parliamentary seats. Mandal decided to migrate to Pakistan to watch interests of Scheduled Caste people who were left in large number in Pakistan. He was made First Law Minister of Pakistan and Chairman of Pakistan Constitution Drafting Committee. But Baba Saheb decided to remain in India. So had to resign his seat. On this the Indian Constitution writing was to suffer. The Britishers categorially had told Indians leaders to either get Baba Saheb re-elected or the matter of Independence to India will be delayed till justification of transfer of Baba Saheb’s constituency in Bengal was not decided.
Now the Congress had no other way out than to support and get Baba Saheb re-elected afresh from Bombay. He was re-elected on July 3, 1947. In this way the Constitutions Drafting tasks for free India and Pakistan, was intrusted to both Hindu Shudras.
The task of framing Constitution for free India was divided into 22 Sub Committees, with Dr. Baba Saheb Chairman of Constitution Drafting Committee. The constitution framing gigantic work took 2 years, 11 months and 18 days and was finally adopted on 26 November, 1949. This way world’s voluminous Constitution with 117369 words, and 234 pages came into force from 26 January 1950. During Constitution making 7635 amendments were proposed out of which2473 were replied by its worthy Chairman. Indian Nation spent Rs 6.4 million in framing the Constitution which initially contained 395 Articles in 22 parts and 8 Schedules. By August 2021 our Constitution stands amended 105 times. The spirit ,with living soul of the Constitution, is its preamble which reads as under:
“We, the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic, republic and to secure to all its citizens: Justice, social, economic and political; liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; equality of status and or opportunity, and to promote among them all; fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation”.
We the “People of India” revealed lawfully the source of the authority of the Indian Constitution, are all Indians, women included who are supreme to all other authorities under this Constitution. To bring process of equality into practical form, provisions were enacted to give support, in joining main stream of public for the neglected else while untouchable (SCs, STs, OBCs) and women. Reservation of seats for SCs, STS was provided in Art.335 and for OBCs Art.340. In Art.340 provision were kept to appointment a Commission to investigate the socially and educationally conditions of the backward classes,who were as many as 52% of population, and to suggest remedial measures, as the commission thinks proper. Unfortunately, it took 40 years (1950-1990) to give practical but truncated effect to Art.340, as against their 52% population only 27% reservation in state services but with strong bars of creamy layer.
Our Constitution also made non operative all those existing laws which were not in conformity Constitution spirit through Art 13 and the State of Indian was barred to make any such laws in future too. The universal adult franchise (Art.326), Fundamental (Permanent) Rights ( Art.14 to 32), State Directive Principles( Art.36-51) are other path braking gems in crown of Indian Constitution.
Life of Baba Saheb was full of struggle. He struggled for those for whom even God was not concerned. He lost his 4 offspring and young wife due to his not having time, money to attend to his family duties, as he was always engaged in welfare of his people and country. When his body was suffering from many life threatening ailments, he shouldered responsibility of Drafting Constitution. At home to keep awake night long he tied his ailing leg from ceiling fan and kept writing the Constitution for free India. In the parliament house he had to fight with most of the 296 members in the Constitution making body to convince them about his intentions to keep particular provisions in the statue book. Even most from reserved category members (33 in number) with congress alliance were not supportive of him but to their parties policies. Providing Art.13 provisions, Baba Saheb gave practical justification to his idea of burning Manusmiriti in full public view on 25th December, 1925.He now uprooted from base of caste discrimination tree in India, in law. So Dr. Baba Saheb B.R. Ambedkar, was declared as the modern Manu by many right-thinking members.
What members said in praises of Baba Saheb on accomplishing this enormous task can be best judged from the speech of K.K. Krishanaachariya , member of Constitution drafting committee, “ The house is perhaps aware that the seven members nominated by you, one had resigned from the house and replaced. One had died and not replaced. One was away in America and his place was not filled up, and another person was, engaged in state affairs and there was void to that extent. One or two people were away from Delhi and perhaps reasons of health did not permit them to attend, So, it happened ultimately that the burden of drafting this Constitution fell upon Dr. Ambedkar and I have no doubts that we are grateful to him for having achieved this task in a manner which is undoubtedly commendable”. So members called him Father of Indian Constitution but still others called him mother of Indian Constitution.
Lessons From Ambedkar's Last Speech In The Constituent Assembly- A Guide To Protect Our Independence And Democracy “there can be no gain saying that political power in this country has too long been the monopoly of a few and the many are only beasts of burden, ---”
“-----however good a constitution may be, it is sure to turn out bad because those who are called to work it, happen to be a bad lot. However bad a constitution may be, it may turn out to be good if those who are called to work it, happen to be a good lot.
…The Constitution can provide only the organs of State such as the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary. The factors on which the working of those organs of the State depends are the people and the political parties they will set up as their instruments to carry out their wishes and their politics.”
By Er. H. R Phonsa, Jammu
Dated 26-11-2021
Words 2044
References:- Google
Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar By Dananjay Keer.
Dr.Ambeddkar and His Associates By Er.H.R.PhosaA
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Shri K. R. Narayanan ( 27 October 1920 – 9 November 2005)
(10th Presidentof India)
His Excellency Kocheril Raman Narayanan the first Malayali Dalit to rise from a thatched hut in small unknown Kerala village
to become first Citizen of India. India become proud of secular democratic system of governance when R.K. Narayanan became
10th President, the proud occupant of Rashterpati Bhawn in Delhi, the highest seat of power in Indian
governance. India the largest world democracy was proud to have K. R. Narayanan as a "working President"
who while working "within the four corners of the Constitution” set new goals in parliamentary system of
governance. This way he worked as between an "executive President" who has direct power and a "rubber-
stamp President" who endorses government decisions without question or deliberation. Many eye brows
were raised when the President Hon’ble K. R. Narayanan questioned the procedure followed in “Appointment
and Transfer” of Supreme Court and State High Court Judges. He not only suggested to relook into and to modify the existing
procedure of“Appointment and Transfer “ of Judges. The file for appointment of 4 Judges(Justice M.B. Shah, Justice D.P.
Mahapatra, Justice Umesh Banerjee and Justice R.C. Lahoti ) to the Supreme court bench from law Ministry after the Prime
Minister’s signature moved in to the Presidential secretariat in mid November 1998. While giving his assent to the names on the
file on November 28, 1998, Narayanan wrote: "I would like to record my views that while recommending the appointment of
Supreme Court judges, it would be consonant with constitutional principles and the nation's social objectives if persons belonging
to weaker sections of society like SCs and STs, who comprise 25 per cent of the population, and women are given due
consideration." The President also asserted that "Eligible persons from SC/ST categories are available and their
underrepresentation or non-representation would not be justifiable." In 1998 there were 93 vacancies out of sanctioned strength of
585 High courts Judges. Taking clue from it the President wrote back "Eligible persons from these categories are available and
their underrepresentation or non-representation would not be justifiable. Keeping vacancies unfilled is also not desirable given the
need for representation of different sections of society and the volume of work which the Supreme and High Courts are required
to handle. On K. R. Narayanan raising objections on CJI Hon’ble Adarsh Sein Anand's proposals ,Judiciary entered in to the legal
procedural tangle whether the President was right or wrong in doing so the Legal circles acknowledge that compared to the
population very few justices belonging to the SC/ST category are appointed. In the past, the 25-member Supreme Court used to
have at least one justice belonging to the underprivileged section. None of the 24 serving justices belonged to this category.
Finally when the controversy got settled Justice K. G. Balakrishnan’s road block to get elevated as the Chief Justice Of India was
cleared. So subsequently Justice K. G. Balakrishnan a Dalit was elevated as 37th Chief Justice of India from 14th January to 12
May 2010.
During his presidency, Narayanan emphasized on improving the conditions of Dalits and Adivasis, minorities, and poor and
downtrodden through his endless speeches and directions. He focused on the removal of social castes deprivations, such as
atrocities against women and children, caste discrimination, abuse of environment and public utilities, corruption and lack of
accountability in the delivery of public services, religious fundamentalism, advertisement-driven consumerism, and flouting of
human rights.
He proved his excellent mental capabilities as a journalist, economist, educationist, administrator, parliamentarian, Union Minister
and as a head of many Indian foreign diplomatic consulates. Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru the first Prime Minister Of India, who also
held the portfolio of the Minister External Affairs during his 16 years as PM, held that K. R. Narayanan was "the best diplomat of
the country." Shri K. R. Narayanan IFS worked as a diplomat in the embassies at Rangoon, Tokyo, London, Canberra, and Hanoi.
He was the Indian ambassador to Thailand (1967–69), Turkey (1973–75), and the People's Republic of China (1976–78).
Narayanan's tenures as Indian ambassador to China, the first such high level Indian diplomatic posting in that country after the
1962 Sino-Indian War was highly acclaimed. A firm footing of change for the good in the diplomatic thinking between India and
People's Republic of China was established due to apt intelligent handling by Sh. K.R. Narayanan .His diplomatic handling of
constrained Indo-China relations made possible Indian Minister of External Affairs, Mr. A.B Vajpayee to pay a visit to China in
1979, and also visit of Chinese Vice Premier cum Foreign Minister, Mr. Huang Hua, to India in 1981. After retirement as an IFS
Officer he was called back to serve as Indian Ambassador to the United States from 1980–84, under the Indira Gandhi
administration. His profound experience in diplomatic efforts helped arrange Ms. Gandhi's landmark visit in 1982( July 27-31) to
Washington during Ronald Reagan presidency. Narayanan’s able handling of strained relations with both world giants helped
mend India's strained relations with both these countries as equal partners.
Kocheril Raman Narayanan was born in Perumthanam, Uzhavoor village, in the princely state of Travancore (present day
Kottayam district, Kerala) This village is about 32 km away from Kottayam Distric headquarters. He was the fourth child out of
seven children of Shri Kocheril Raman Vaidyar, a physician practising the traditional Indian medical systems of Siddha and
Ayurveda.His mother’s name was Shrimati Punnaththuraveettil Paappiyamma. His family belonging to the Paravan ( Dalit) caste,
whose members are assigned the task of plucking coconuts as per the caste system.His family was poor, but his father was
respected for his medical acumen. Narayanan was born on 4 February 1921. He was admitted in Government Lower Primary
School at Kurichithanam on May 5,1927. His uncle accompanied him to school to get him admitted. But his uncle, did not know his
actual date of birth, and arbitrarily chose 27 October 1920 for the school records; Narayanan later chose to retain it in official
records. Later Narayanan went to Our Lady of Lourdes Upper Primary School at Uzhavoor from 1931-35. Due to his family's weak
financial status, Narayanan walked 10-15 km daily to reach school through paddy fields. At times he attended his lectures by
standing outside the class due to his inability to pay the school fees on time. His brother, K.R. Neelakantan was confined to home
due to asthma. Neelakantan helped Narayanan in his studies by borrowing books and copying down notes for him. Narayanan
went to St. John's High School, Koothattukulam ( 1935-36) and later Matriculated from St. Mary's High School, Kuravilangad in
1937. He completed his intermediate studies from CMS College, Kottayam in 1940 through the support of a merit scholarship from
the Travencore Royal family . In 1943, he passed his BA (Hons) and subsequently passed MA degrees in Literature ( 1940-43)
from University of Travancore (now University of Kerala), with first position in the university. So he earned the distinction of being
the first Dalit to complete his degree with First class. Due to the ill treatment given to him in the university, being a Dalit, he denied
to accept the degree and service offered to him by the university authorities.
Equipped with high merits this Dalit post graduate set out to pursue his higher studies, but poverty came his way, so he returned
back to his native place. He took to journalism and worked with the leading news papers The Hindu and The Times Of India(1944-
45). He interviewed Mahatma Gandhi at Bombay ( Now Mumbai) on 10 April,1945. But Narayanan’s urge for Higher Studies
abroad pressed him to find ways and means to full-fill his dreams. The fee required for his dream project was beyond his financial
reach. There was no scope for government scholarship either. He wrote a letter to JRD Tata requesting him to help him in his
studies abroad. His request was accepted by the industrialist giant J. R. D. Tata ( 1904-1993)who promised him all help for his
studies abroad. There after Narayanan travelled to London to study political science at the prestigious London School of
Economics (LSE) in 1945. He studied under the expert guidance of renowned scholar Harold Laski. He also attended lectures by
Karl Popper, Lionel Robbins, and Friedrich Hayek. He obtained the honours degree of B. Sc. (Economics) with a specialisation in
political science. During his stay in London, he along with fellow student K. N. Raj (1924-2010) was active in the India League
under V. K. Krishna Menon (1896-1976). He was also the London correspondent of the Social Welfare Weekly published by K. M.
Munshi (1887-1971). He shared lodgings with another K. Malayali student N. Raj(1924-2010) and Veerasamy Ringadoo (1920-
2000 ),who later became the first Governor-General and also first President of Mauritius Narayanan’s another close friend was
Pierre Trudeau ( 1919-2000),who later became Prime minister of Canada. Narayanan returned to India in 1948 after completion of
his studies in London. His teacher Laski on his own gave him a letter of introduction to Prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru.
How Narayana entered Indian Foreign Service, there is a storey to tell. On reaching Delhi Narayanan sought an appointment
with the PM. It was customary for an Indian student returning home from London. His request was accepted and he was given a
time-slot. He met the Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru in Parliament House. For some time they discussed about London and
other things .When Narayanan felt that it was time for him to leave. Narayanan while saying goodbye handed over the letter from
Laski, and stepped out into the great circular corridor outside. Soon he heard the sound of someone clapping from his back. When
Narayanan turned back to see PM , he was asked to return back. The PM had opened the letter and read it. Upon Narayanan’s
return Nehru asked: "Why didn't you give this to me earlier and to this Narayanan replied "Well, sir, I am sorry. I thought it would
be enough if I handed it over while leaving." Some more quarries were made by PM and he also asked Narayanan to see him
again. Soon thereafter NarayanaI entered the Indian Foreign Service.
Besides his diplomatic assignments abroad he also taught at the Delhi School of Economics (1954), and was Jawaharlal Nehru
fellow (1970–72) and secretary to the ministry of external affairs (1976). He retired in 1978 as ambassadors to China . After his
retirement, he served as the Vice-Chancellor of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in New Delhi from 3 January 1979 – 14
October 1980. This assignment laid sound foundation for his public life.
On Indira Gandhi's request K.R.Narayanan entered politics . He won three successive general elections to the Lok Sabha in
1984, 1989, and 1991, as a representative of the Ottapalam constituency in Palakkad, Kerala, on a Congress ticket. He defeated
communist leaders Sh.A. K. Balan once and Lenin Rajendran twice. When Rajiv Gandhi ( 1944-1989) became 6th Prime Minister
Of India after assassination of his mother he included K.R.Narayanan as a Minister of State in the Union cabinet K.R.Narayanan
was assigned the portfolios of Planning (1985), External Affairs (1985–86), and Science and Technology (1986–89). As a Member
of Parliament, he resisted international pressure to tighten patent controls in India. On Indian Nation Congress getting voted out
of power K.R. Narayanan sat in the opposition benches ( 1989–91). Narayanan was not included in the cabinet when the
Congress again returned to power in 1991. While working in Rangoon
in Burma ( Now Myanmar), K. R. Narayanan met Miss Ma Tint Tint an activist in the YWCA , the “Young Women's Christian
Association”. The YWCA is the largest women’s organization in the world. It is a movement of women working for social and
economic change around the world. It advocates for young women’s leadership, peace, justice, human rights and sustainable
development, both on a grassroots and global scale. When Ma Tint Tint came to know that Narayanan was student of world
famous teacher Harold Laski, a world economist giant , she approached Narayanan to speak on political freedom .Their
acquaintances turned into meetings and meetings to lifelong association as legally wedded life partners. Since Narayanan was
an IFS officer and Ma Tint Tint a foreigner, their marriage need a special consideration from Indian Prime Minister as per Indian
law. The permission was granted. Later both of them married in Delhi on 8th June 1951. Ma Tint Tint became an Indian citizen
and adopted the Indian name Usha Narayanan(1923–2008). She continued her pursuits for higher learning and writings. She
completed her Masters in Social Work from Delhi School of Social Work. Besides shouldering her household responsibilities Usha
Narayanan continued working on several social welfare programs for women and children in India. She successfully translated and
published several Burmese short stories; a collection of translated stories by Thein Pe Myint ( 1914-1978), titled Sweet and Sour,
published in 1998 when she was First Lady Of India from foreign origin. Their legal wedlock sprang with two lotuses. They have
two daughters, Ms. Chitra Narayanan and Amrita. Amrita Narayanan writes and has a private practice in Psychoanalytic
Psychotherapy. She is the author of a book of short fiction and some other books are also to her credit. Ms. Chitra Narayanan an
IFS ( 1978) served besides other high profile assignments as Indian ambassador to Ghana, Algiers ,The Holy See Turkey and
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